

It's been a month since Theo was reborn on planet DG, and he has only one word to describe his current situation: "AMAZING! Being an Orc is fantastic!" In just one month he already has a body comparable to a human teenager. "Orcs grow very fast," -He thought.

In the first days Theo spent his time exploring the small village where he was born. He and other newborns all live together in a big house, where adults bring food and fresh water every day.

Orcs don't have the concept of mother and father, the community takes care of the newborn together. An Orc is considered newborn until 2 months of age, after that they become adults and they must choose one of the three groups to work: farmers, hunters or builders.

There are dozens of newborns crammed living with him in the big house. And there is a wide variation of appearances between them. They are children of Orcs with Orcs, Orcs with Elves, Orcs with Humans and Orcs with Men Beast. Creating a huge variety of shapes, expressions and types. Theo created the theory that the Orc gene is always the dominant, because they all have more Orcs traces than traces of other races.

A month of exploring the village was enough for him to understand how this little society worked. It isn't much different from the human societies of the middle ages of the planet Earth.

The village has about 4 thousand Orcs, by Theo's estimate.

Other than the three large groups: hunters, farmers and builders; there is still a fourth and a fifth group.

The fourth group is the patriarchs, this group has only three members. They are the leaders of the village. One of them is the Supreme Leader of the village and the other two are the councilors.

The fifth group is the slaves. There aren't many slaves in the village, but their diversity of age, sex and race is big. They are Humans, Elves, and Beast Men. They are spoils of war. Usually, slaves are responsible for household chores such as washing clothes, feeding animals and cooking.

Another important factor he noted is how the village economy works. They seem to use human coins together with a trading system. However, appears that they don't have standards for prices. One day Theo saw an Orc hunter sell a wolf skin for 2 silver coins and a copper knife. On another day, the same Orc sold an identical skin for 3 gold coins and an iron ax. Prices seem to vary with the mood of the sellers.


While the other young Orcs played and ran, Theo spent his first month of life sitting in the village center watching locals come and go. With that, he earned a nickname among the young ones: Freak. Theo, or Freak, obviously didn't care about it. He is already a 28-year-old man, reborn from another planet. It was at least expected that other children - and even adults - wouldn't see him as a "normal".

However, despite being 28 years old, he may be considered young for this planet. The Supreme Leader is over 150 years old and there seems to be a slave Elf over 200 years old in the village.


Freak, as usual, got up very early. He went to a bucket of water and washed his face. The water was very cold, but that didn't bother him.

"~ Uhhhh ~ Froooosty! Why do we have to do this every day? " - Asked a young Orc girl.

Freak frowned at her, who was also using the bucket of water to wash herself.

"WE don't have to do anything... I do this because I like it... YOU don't have to do anything..." -said Freak.

The girl made a thoughtful pout.

"Hmmmm... ~No~ If YOU do it, I shall do the same." "Hmm... but I'd really like YOU to stop doing it though~" -Said the Orc girl.

Freak didn't know whether to laugh or cry.


The young Orc girl, since the first day, has been following him persistently. She imitates everything he does. In the beginning Freak even found cute the baby Orc trying to imitate him, but the cuteness quickly turned into irritation.

She follows him everywhere, all the time! That's why one day he tried to foil her by waking up earlier and running away from her. But that created even more problems for him.

All the newborns Orcs sleep in one big house. Females and males of all ages share the same place by crowding one over other to escape cold. Their "beds" are piles of straw on the ground.

It wasn't too difficult for the young Orc girl to create a practical solution to always wake up at the same time as Freak. Every day, since that fated day, she sleeps hugged with him… you know… ~to prevent him from waking up without her.

Even so, Freak tried to avoid her in every way, even threatened to fight her! And who said that the girl become scared? The girl liked the idea so much that even after he had told her that was only a joke, she still wanted to fight. Freak, who had never entered in a fight before, was beaten almost to death. And it wasn't by punches and slaps, because that girl had a stick in her hand and a smile on her face and she didn't pity him at all. Since then, Freak treats her like a bee-eater who better not to mess with.

Normally, Orcs only get names after they become adults, and some live many years without a name. Yet, it's possible for a newborn to gain a nickname if he stands out, as was the case with Freak.

It was very inconvenient to live with someone who doesn't have a name, so he decided to give her one.

And he thought the perfect name for her: Pest!


"Pest, I'm already going." -Spoke Freak

"~ Wait for me Freak ~ Girls take longer to clean than boys! We have long hair!"- Answered Pest

"Pest..." He paused. "Your hair is short." ¬¬ '

"Oh, right. I forgot ~hihi~"Replied the girl shamelessly :3

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