Warning! Shouldn't be read at night! *************************************** Hello, I am the author. I intend to make this story a long journey, mine and yours, if you decide to follow me. My goal and dream is to create a world where people can put their minds and feel a little bit lighter of their everyday problems. A place to escape. I am putting a lot of time and dedication into this dream. I invite everyone who shares the same thought to join me here. Cheers! :3
The death horn sounded behind Theo.
Frightened, he turned as fast as he could. He discovered an uncontrolled truck coming directly toward him, fast as a thunder!
The truck gave him no chance to dodge.
Theo died at the age of 28...
Theo found himself in a place that could only be described as Divine. The sky and ground were white as snow, but hard and smooth as metal. In this strange scenery, stone tombstones filled all white space as wheat fields. Making the landscape look like a strange, clean and cold graveyard.
Among the paths that surrounded the tombstones, ghostly creatures walked everywhere. Their skins are blue and transparent, their faces expressionless and their clothes white. Along with the scenery, these creatures contributed to the Divine and postmortal appearance of the place.
It was not long Theo noted that he had turned into one of those creatures. His hands and feet became blue and transparent, his clothes white.
The first thing that came to Theo's mind was whether he would find their dead ancestors, or even his dead puppy Thor. However, this idea was quickly dashed, because Theo couldn't communicate with the other ghosts.
He tried to talk and even use signs, but got no answer. Some of them ignored him as if he didn't even exist, others just stood there staring at him with dead expressions.
"These guys are good as dead." -Theo thought... "Well... technically they're dead..." "Ok... you're right. I'm wrong."
Giving up the idea of communicating with the ghosts, he decided to explore and see what else this strange white world had to offer... he walked... and walked, only to find out more and more of the same.
After a long time walking, crazy thoughts began to pop in his mind "What is this place?" "Is this some kind of punishment?" "Is this hell? Shouldn't have fire, lava or at least something hot here?!" "Show me some fire God! Damn it!"
He walked for a long, long time until he found something new. A tombstone with texts.
So far, all the tombstones were just flat stones without written or symbols. However, this peculiar tombstone was marked. He approached the tombstone and read it.
"# Option number 2: - [Reward] Reborn on planet Earth - [Price] Losing all your memories - [Sponsor] This option was offered by God Azadir #"
"What is this?" A chill went up his ghostly spine. "I can reborn?" "Buut... I'll lose all my memories?" "...""This is not the same of disappear?"
Ha Ha Ha... a funny thought crossed his mind "Wouldn't it be funny if my reborn self was to study for a book that I wrote?" "...""How much waste of time..."
Theo's attention went to the next sentence. "God Azadir... who is this?" "Is he the owner of this awful white place?"
"AZADIR! COME HERE RIGHTNOW! "- Theo screamed.
"~Please?~"- Still no answer. :'(
"Well, It is written... Option number 2."Maybe there is an Option number 1?..." "If that's the case, I need to find it. I don't want to lose all my memories."
Theo looked around himself... tombstones to infinity and beyond.
"Oooh God... Azadir?... This will take some time."
In this place days and nights were all alike, Theo wandered for a long time until he finally found a second tombstone with the following writings.
"# Option number 3: - [Reward] Ascend to the Home of the Gods - [Price] Become a servant slave for all eternity - [Sponsor] This option was offered by God Zulu #"
"Hmmm... Should I choose Option 2: Bad or Option 3: Horrible?" Ra Ra Ra...
"So... is there more than one God?"
"Hmmm. Option 2 and 3 ... I hope 1 and 4 are better options..."
Again, Theo looked at the sea of tombstones "May the gods help me" and he went in search of the next tombstone...
Theo, who had no idea how much time had passed since the second tombstone, no longer remembered the faces of his family and loved ones of his past life. Everything seemed far away from his reality. But Theo finally manage to found another tombstone with writings.
"# Option number 1: - [Reward] Reborn on Planet DG and have a chance to participate in the Game of Gods - [Price] Become a member of the Orc race - [Sponsor] This option was offered by Goddess Deti #"
"Hmmm ... This option, without doubt, is the best of all ..." -He thought.
"But what is the Game of Gods and this Planet DG? There's nothing written about them here."
"Shall I accept or look for a fourth tombstone?" -Theo pondered.
Theo looked around him... tombstones… a lot of whiteness… and many blue creatures.
"Accept! Accept! "Accept!" -His mind screamed.
"Goddess Deti, whoever you are, if you get me out of this f***ing place I willingly accept your offer!"
In a snap, a complete darkness took place of the white landscape.
In a second snap, Theo felt his body lying on soft ground, leaves swaying with the thud of wind and the sound of birds.
Theo opened his eyes "It's blue" - a tear ran down from his face as he saw the colorful sky.