
Divine Evolution(Chaotic Wish)

After several year's, The god's of myth once thought to be non existent and a bunch of fairy tails suddenly reemerged on Earth. Moreover with the long passage of time their presence on earth had diminished, the god's had grown bored with their thirst for entertainment reaching an insatiable level. To quench their thirst for amusement, the god's decided to bestow several humans with systems but their gifts came with a catch for all those bestowed systems became monster's Known as EVO'S and like all monster's they were seen as a threat by all of humanity. As expected the two sides started waging war against the other while the supposedly benovelent god's sat back and watched. Ten years later the cruel god's grew bored of the supposed battle and in turn created a new breed of creatures later known to be Black card EVO'S to destroy all of creation in other for them to rebuild the world again. But unfortunately 4 Black card's thought otherwise, With them having lived a frustrated life where they were opressed before their rebirth. They decided to go against all three races, The god's, The Evo Beast's and humanity. Now being faced by all three due to their unwillingness to submit, a chaotic adventure awaits the 4 Black card EVO'S.

Lord_GrimX101 · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Chapter 38, You Dare Lie to Me!!!

" Am sorry I didn't mean to wake you both up" He said with an apologetic smile although his scorpion body didn't smile when Kosi was looking at him.

" Hmph!, Maybe next time try taking a little break every once in a while, I could literally feel your gloom all the way over here" he wasn't lying, even he was left stunned when he was jolted awake, Though he didn't hear a sound it felt like something within him wasn't right which caused him to wake up only for him to see his gloomy older brother atop the shore.

" Remember, Your not superman!, Tearing yourself up for whatever reason it may be isn't worth it, If it's a problem you need help with just ask us for help and stop keeping it to yourself "

" Ok I will" he replied while trying to control the growing smile on his face, His conflicted emotions were soon replaced by a growing warmth in his heart.

" Good!" Kosi snorted.

" Yes, now you can go back to sleep already" Chinonso smirked while staring into the void before him as if he was looking at his shark of a brother.

" So long as you don't wake me up again.." Kosi grumbled before diving back into the lake.

After Kosi was gone, Chinonso let out a chuckle while shaking his head lightly, he found his younger brothers antic's a bit comforting.

As for why kosi didn't ask where Ebube was, it had to do with the fact that Ebube really wasn't what you would call a kindred spirit, Most of the times he preferred sleeping on his own in the past, as for where he was "sleeping " right now, Kosi couldn't be bothered.


" Please do forgive my younger brothers abrupt intrusion Lord impaler" Chinonso clasped his hands before the blood realm.

[**The Prince of Darkness:** *There's no need for apologies..., All am interested in knowing is your decision...*] He said calmly yet one couldn't help but notice the impatience in his tone at the end.

" I've made up my mind....." Chinonso focused his attention back on the blood red scroll that looked like it was soaked in an ocean of blood for countless age's.

[**The Prince of Darkness:** *Speak, what will it be?*] He ushered with his tone becoming even more urgent as if he couldn't waste any more time.

" Am truly sorry but I just can't accept your teachings...." Chinonso let out a sigh before saying with a regretful look on his face.

[ **The Prince of Darkness:** *....Then when you told me you were willing to do anything to save your siblings, Are you implying that that was a lie?*] The temperature within the blood realm suddenly surged uncontrollably causing Chinonso to suck in a breath of cold air, The rising temperature soon turned scolding hot and was still rising yet his firm eyes only faltered for a brief moment.

" ...For that I must apologize, At the time I must admit that I would be willing, but if it means going down the demonic path then please do forgive me but I shall not" he clenched his teeth while trying his best to resist the scolding pain all over his body.

He couldn't help recalling the terror stricken expressions on the animals he encountered within the forest, Never once had he seen such dread and terror aimed at him.

The visible despair in their eyes whether prey or just passerbys as they fled from him the moment they saw, it was a completely different feeling from when he was fighting the pack of wolves and wild dogs from earlier.

At least the latter's where out to kill him but the others were instead fleeing in terror, Their fear stricken eyes soon overlapped with those of several humans within his mind.

The more he wondered, The more that feeling grew within him, His mind was in chaos even though he tried his best to mask his expression. It was at that moment that he realized saying one thing and doing it where two completely different things.

" I won't take back the part about doing anything to save my siblings, but what good would that do if I end up becoming someone they'd fear and detest?" He glanced downwards with a broken smile on his face as he spoke in a trembling tone as if such a thought was something he dreaded the most.

**' That would be my last resort... '** he said to himself.


[**The Prince of Darkness** *I see....., Never before have I encountered such a virtuous young man such as yourself*]

[**The Prince of Darkness:** _Your value's and idealisms are truly commendable, Unfortunately your simply too naive!!!_] Dracula's voice boomed like thunder causing the entire realm to tremble.

[**The Prince of Darkness:** _You might refuse to take down the dark path but what about those around you?, Do you really expect all those around you to do the same!_] He added.

[ **The Prince of Darkness:** *People aren't all companionate and as virtuous as you!, Not to mention beast's...*]

[**The Prince of Darkness:**. *The world is a cruel and dark place!, Boy don't take my kindness for granted, This is a once in a lifetime opportunity!*]


Hey there, hope your enjoying my book guys cause I really hope so.

Am just an upstart Author and AE who could really use the support ok, Any little help could go a long way, whether sending reviews or sharing to others, I would really appreciate any.

The more you support, the more energetic I'll feel to continue writing, I may be the one writing but you guys are the ones pushing me to get better so please let's help each other.

For those who want to contact me.

My Face Book accounts are:

(1) Antonio Silverstone

(2) Dexter Nus

I mostly use Dexter Nus a lot more so feel free to text me on that far more ok.

My Instagram account are:

(1) Runt Wolf

(2) Antonio Silverstone.

For those who get lost because they see multiple names popping up, I usually use anime characters as my profile pictures or cool black and white teen fashion clothing or cars.

My Novels include:

(1) Artificial Divinity: I became an all powerful immortal

(2) Second Chance: My New Life As A Phantom

(3) My Ever Persistent Luna

(4) Divine Evolution: What kind of wish is this

(5) Unorthodox Path to Divinity

(6) Fallen Prince: I shall become the one true king

And so much more.

My penname is always LordGrimX101 so feel free to use that when looking for me on any writing platforms ok.

A special thank you and a respectful bow to those who are willing to read through this.