
Divine Evolution(Chaotic Wish)

After several year's, The god's of myth once thought to be non existent and a bunch of fairy tails suddenly reemerged on Earth. Moreover with the long passage of time their presence on earth had diminished, the god's had grown bored with their thirst for entertainment reaching an insatiable level. To quench their thirst for amusement, the god's decided to bestow several humans with systems but their gifts came with a catch for all those bestowed systems became monster's Known as EVO'S and like all monster's they were seen as a threat by all of humanity. As expected the two sides started waging war against the other while the supposedly benovelent god's sat back and watched. Ten years later the cruel god's grew bored of the supposed battle and in turn created a new breed of creatures later known to be Black card EVO'S to destroy all of creation in other for them to rebuild the world again. But unfortunately 4 Black card's thought otherwise, With them having lived a frustrated life where they were opressed before their rebirth. They decided to go against all three races, The god's, The Evo Beast's and humanity. Now being faced by all three due to their unwillingness to submit, a chaotic adventure awaits the 4 Black card EVO'S.

Lord_GrimX101 · Fantasy
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44 Chs

Chapter 27, Consciousness

The one on his right hand side had a stricking resemblance to him, Though he also had a pair of angelic wings on his back and a golden halo atop his head. 


The other who sat on his left was in complete contrast with the one on the right for this one looked similar to his former human self as well yet he had a pair of demonic eye's, Black scale's and an arrow tipped tail.

Both black and white figures where his consciences respectively.

" I say we go with it, We might not trust her but it still doesn't mean we can't get something out of this if you know what I mean" The black scaled figure said with a mischievous smile.

" Hmm....that's tempting little black but let's hear what little white has to say" Ebube stroked his chin as he pondered the idea before they both turned towards the winged white figure on the throne to the right.

" Uhh...I think we should just tell her no, We don't know a thing about this Evo beast, Plus she could be dangerous!, If we took her to Chinonso, Though he seems strong she might have some nefarious intentions towards him!-" The white figure said only to quickly pause when he noticed he said something he shouldn't have.

" No I mean she'll hurt everyone including Kosi and Zara too!" The white figure hurried to change what he'd just said but it looked like it was already too late.

After hearing his first words, Ebube who sat in the middle revealed a sinister grin that reached from ear to ear.

 Little Black instead just stared at the white figure as if he was a complete fool, his eyes seemed to be looking down on his counterpart.

' Now that you think about it Little black is right, I don't trust her...but it still doesn't mean I can't try and get something out of this as well' he thought in silence, Yet on the outside his eyes had a strange glow about them.

(T/N: All this happened within The black wolfs head and in under a few seconds, For those who were still confused.)


" Yes I do happen to know about his whereabouts, is there anything wrong?, Did he offend you by any chance?" The black wolf asked with a raised brow.

He flexed his claws, slicing into the earth that had already sunken a few millimeters due to his growing physique for added measure, his actions made one think that he might be getting ready for a brawl.

" No no no it's nothing like that" The azure glowing deer looked flustered, She tried explaining the moment she thought that he had misunderstood what she meant.

" Am only looking for him because I simply need his help" she added trying to clear up the misunderstanding.


' Huh?, What kind of help could that jerk possibly give, besides making fun of someone and acting like a complete piece of shit that is ' 

' But right now that doesn't matter, What matters is if I can get a sweet slice from this ' he thought with a strange look in his eyes.


".....You sure that's all?" He asked again, For what it was worth, He really couldn't understand why this girl would go to such lengths to look for his older brother even if her intentions seemed genuine.


" Yes, really I don't have anything else in mind.." Fa Yifei said with a smile, her eyes which no doubt looked innocent and filled with good intentions stared back at him.

Ebube stared at her in silence for a moment, his lush fur fluttered silently within the cool night breeze before saying.

" Hmm..then pinky promise" he said in a stern voice.

" Excuse me?" She exclaimed in confusion.

«[Ding +10NP]»

The black wolf stiffened a bit at the sight of such a huge amount of NP, Though he had been seeing such amounts since he met her, He still couldn't get used to such a huge amount of NP!.

The moment he felt the sudden influx of NP Ebube also felt his flesh start to tingle, This was a sign he was very keen on since he already knew that this meant his body was growing as it absorbed the Negative points.

' At this rate I might as well surpass the others in one night hahahaha!!' Ebube chuckled inwardly.


' Did he just say pinky promise?' Fa Yifei felt as if she'd heard wrong, but his next word's assured her that she really didn't hear wrong.

" Pinky promise that if I take you to him, you'll only say whatever your gonna say then leave..." His scarlet eyes stared at her as he awaited an answer.

 ' .....He looks really serious, Could it be that they deem a pinky promise as some kind of pact?' She wondered, His gaze was still on her making her feel as if her current thought's where right.

" Uhh but I don't have any finger's.." She raised her left front leg Infront of her, Though she could've easily transformed into her human form she decided against it, She might be seeking their help but that didn't mean she shouldn't be cautious, Afterall they were still stranger's.

Ebube didn't seem concerned at all

" You've got hooves right?, That's good enough" he said while staring at her again as he awaited her decision.

«[Ding! +11NP]»

«[Ding! +10NP]»

" B-But..." Yifei felt a bit helpless right now, She wanted to say no but when she saw his outstretched paw and stern gaze she knew he was dead serious.

«[Ding! +12NP]»

«[Ding! +11NP]»

«[Ding! +10NP]»

' This isn't fair, Am a grown woman, how can he ask me to do something so childish ~' Fa Yifei felt like crying but no tears came out, instead her enchanting eye's seemed to be filled with a glimmer of resentment.

' Hmph!, It's all for the betterment of the village...' Fa Yifei tried reassuring herself before stretching out her right hove towards his paw.



Hey there, hope your enjoying my book guys cause I really hope so.

Am just an upstart Author and AE who could really use the support ok, Any little help could go a long way, whether sending reviews or sharing to others, I would really appreciate any.

The more you support, the more energetic I'll feel to continue writing, I may be the one writing but you guys are the ones pushing me to get better so please let's help each other.

For those who want to contact me.

My Face Book accounts are:

(1) Antonio Silverstone 

(2) Dexter Nus

I mostly use Dexter Nus a lot more so feel free to text me on that far more ok.

My Instagram account are:

(1) Runt Wolf

(2) Antonio Silverstone.

For those who get lost because they see multiple names popping up, I usually use anime characters as my profile pictures or cool black and white teen fashion clothing or cars.

My Novels include:

(1) Artificial Divinity: I became an all powerful immortal 

(2) Second Chance: My New Life As A Phantom

(3) My Ever Persistent Luna

(4) Divine Evolution: What kind of wish is this

(5) Unorthodox Path to Divinity

(6) Fallen Prince: I shall become the one true king 

And so much more.

My penname is always LordGrimX101 so feel free to use that when looking for me on any writing platforms ok.

A special thank you and a respectful bow to those who are willing to read through this.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Also am thinking of rewriting my books, Fallen Prince and Second Chance as a phantom, With an even cooler story line, You can find them on my profile.

Hope you keep enjoying my work, so please try cheering me on, even a little comment would boast my productivity ok.

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