
Divine Dragon Devouring system

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bloodstar · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
42 Chs


" Hey big guy, you gave me your name but how are you gonna save me from falling. " drake asked cause he was nearly to death.

After he left the void.

the dragon replied "oh! that.. . . I don't no. but remember my name is divine dragon king (astral). "

"The hell old guy I will die . " He was now going to smash on groung, he was Shouting.

This is when drake heard a sound and when he heard. . . .

[ host will be transfered to another location.]

he suddenly disappeared from the spot and he was suddenly above the sea.

"Hey wait I don't know how to . . . swim. . . ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! " He said while. falling into water.

He felt like he was drowning but when he actually calmed and accepted his fate, he realised that he could breath under water.

So he tried to move up but that's when he saw clearly that a figure was coming his way.

it was not a boy it was a girls same age as him I a plain dress , who came straight at him. He was just staring at the maiden in front of him . . .

when he felt a slit push on his lips.

His eyes we're wide open when he was having a CPR.

He was pleased to see a body of a girl of his age and silver hair, with bright blue eyes.

he loved the Sensention on his lips.

He was taken to the shore and he lied there like he was a dead fish . (actually he was still thinking about what happened to him.)

And he felt asleep the way he was.

when he was awake he was in his own room.

" Ha, how am I here. wasn't I at the beach.

how did I reach here. "

'Now that I think about it what was with the noise. '

[ congratulations on gaining divine dragon devouring system ( D3 system) ]

[ Do you accept the System]


'seems like he gave me something . might as well try it. ' drake thought.

He chose yes and all the the info about the system and the powers were sent to his mind.

[system has been installed. host will be given the skills and stats according to data. ]

[host status is recorded. ]

[ skills will be given

" transformation"

:helps host to turn into a total dragon and use it's power. as well allows to have a half transformation. ]

[ Sprint

:increases speed by 30% for 50 seconds.

(required MP : 30]

[ Daze

:allows to stunt you enemy with the killing intent in your eyes for 12 seconds.

(required MP : 25]

[ based on hosts angry nature and State,

system has given host 2 new skills. ]

[ slavery

: allowing host to make something or someone his slave. ]

[ dark domain

:allows host to use darkness as in also have control over a area around host. ]

[additional points and level up has granted. ]

He was surprised to see last note. it said him that he had leveled up.