
Divine Dragon Devouring system

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bloodstar · Fantasy
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42 Chs

2- Awakening

" Hey boy what are you trying to do? " a coarse but mellow sound asked him.

"hmm haan! " this boy who is falling is (drake)

"Drake: whaaaa! hey you are falling man. you . . . he was cut in between. "

"Unknow: hey boy isn't it the same with you . and what's with the man* thing.

I have a name and that's. . . . "

"Drake : what's the matter? where is your name Mr. that.? "

"unknown : hey boy stop mocking me.

ahem* so, before I tell you my name...

" Congratulations "

you are chosen as my next successor. "

"Drake: hey. .. hey. . what's up with the "successor" thing.? I am dying ain't I."

"uknown: ohh! it seems so. I want you to be my successor. you will become powerful and rich again. "

Drakes eyes grew wide and he acknowledge the fact of being the successor.

Drake : I can? how tell me.

uknown : Once I tell you my name you won't be able to back down.

you might face problems, so you will have to grow stronger.

Drake" ..."

he was suddenly in an black void. He was even more surprised cause he was totally in a foreign place.

"hey now do you want to be like me. " a dragon like figure came out from the void..

Drake gulped his saliva as he saw the figure.

"wow! you sure are big for a lizard. "

Dray spoke in putting a weird smile on his face.

"hey! whom are you calling a lizard. I am a dragon you twerp. " the dragon spoke.

Dray was angry after hearing the word "twerp" so they started arguing.

at last they both setteled and he asked the dragon to explain him everything.

the dragon had told him

"I am dragon. I want a successor so that I can free myself and pass down my powers.

I want it to be you cause of your endurance. You must not tell anyone my name or tell anything I tell you now. "

"I hail from a mythical species as you may say. I on verge of death so, I want you to be the one to have my power. "

" Now that you once hear my name you will be one of us and can transform in one like us.

you must be use to me and kill the three mortal enemy I have. "

"I am a dragon who has all elements power. so use them wisely and you must kill my enemy. "

"You will know by the time and you should know that my enemy are mortal but powerful enough to kill all the human race.

So, are you going to be my " successor "."

drake, before accepting he asked the dragon to let him choose his own appearance as a dragon and he wanted a mini transformation.

when all was done he was ready, but he wanted to ask one last question.