
Divine Dragon Devouring system

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bloodstar · Fantasy
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42 Chs

25 - I am home

" Old Mo the snake it really is loyal to you. "

hearing drake say it old mo was confused.

" Oh ! that aside who is this girl "

drake said pointing at liya.

"Young master red, this is my granddaughter liya, she is at 2nd stage of Qi relm. "

In this world cltivation was in 1st and 2nd stage.

1st stage consists of 5 levels and 2nd stage was next 5 levels which means she was a level 7 cultivator.

once these steps were done then there were 2 relmas

1st was mid relm level.

2nd was top or expert level.

" According to young masters aura you must be an expert level. By the way what do you mean by its loyal. "

old mo saked with his curiosity.

< ok, d3 can a intelligence develop to a level where it can speak. >

[ yes host just use your dragon energy. ]

" Well let's see what I mean. "

saying this he placed his hand on top of circulating his energy in the serpants body.

[ level of intelligence reached. ]

" Well why don't you just say what you want to, just try asking it something. "

drake said to liya as he removed his hand.

" What do you mean? " liya stood shouting at drake.

( What master means is that I have reached a level of intelligence were I can speak.)

seeing the snake speak everyone's jaws dropped down.

" How.. .. you... you can speak. " liya spoke approaching the serpent.

( Yes I can now it's all thannks to master)

"Well now that's done I should leave. I have someone I need to see. "

drake said as he wanted to leave.

"Wait, here take this it's not much but might come in handy. "

Old mo handed down a check of 20 million to drake as a gratidue.

" Well the trip was worth it, have these I don't need them and don't drink them use them to, bath only half bottle once . "

drake handed him the Cultivation portions.

" Brother which sect do you plan on entering, why don't you tell us so, we come there. "

Alex stopped him .

" Well I have work in crimson sect so, I think I will be there and you keep them safe for now." He said to the serpent before he used teleportation.

He teleported himself near the apartment where he used to live.

" Ai I am home. "

He said it entering the house.

For his surprise there was no one in room. He then opened the drawer and took something out and went down to mai's mother.

Knock * knock *

" oh ! drake where have you been for so long we thought you were dead. Don't you know there is someone waiting for you. "

Mais mother spoke with tone of happiness and anger.

" Well aunty where's Ai . Is she in there? "

" Well.... you see..... about that ."

" Where is she, is she in there tell me. What's with the face tell me where is she. "

drake started to shout in panic.

" Well.... she was take by a member of crimson sect, she wanted to stay but they took her by force and even selections have taken place. "

" oh! yes they said if you came back then to give you this. "

She handed drake a letter which was unopened.

He was surprised to read the letter, he rushed after reading the letter


