

Author: Yang Shiliu Category: Romance Status: Finished. this is the last part of this novel With the sound of duang, Feng Yuheng, a master of both Chinese and Western medicine, became the abused daughter of the Dashun Dynasty in minutes. If you want to kill me, you will be paralyzed with a scalpel? Fight with me? The pharmacy is with you, fame and fortune are in your hands, even the emperor You have to get close to me! But what is the situation of the marriage contract, the disfigured cripple is dead, and I need the help of labor and management to win the world? Rogue prince, are you stupid!

Emanuelle12 · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Chapter 1195 No opponents in the quarrel

Chapter 1195 No opponents in the quarrel

In the capital of Dashun, Emperor Tianwu held a New Year's Eve banquet, and invited officials of the fourth grade and above in Beijing and their families to the palace for a banquet on the evening of the first day of the lunar new year.

Officials in Beijing are no strangers to such things as palace banquets. Emperor Tianwu, who used to like to be lively, would hold palace banquets every festival, big or small. Stopped, but people still enjoy it. After all, the palace banquet is equivalent to the meeting of the most high-end people. Officials can drink and talk happily, and children can also take this opportunity to get to know each other better.

This year's palace banquet was equally lively, the war in the Eastern Realm was directly fought to Zong Sui, and it was a hundred and eight thousand miles away from the capital of Dashun, and with the Ninth Prince and Feng Yuheng sitting in the town, people thought there was no problem at all. So no one took it too seriously. Everyone should have a banquet, should enjoy singing and dancing, should run on each other and still run on each other, everything looks the same as in previous years, except that many princes are missing.

Many years ago, among the nine princes of Dashun, only the eldest prince Xuan Tianqi, the second prince Xuan Tianling, the fifth prince Xuan Tianyan and the sixth prince Xuan Tianfeng are left sitting here. Careful people noticed this detail, and then recalled what happened over the years, and couldn't help but feel emotional. I only know that the world is impermanent. At the beginning, the nine sons of the royal dragon achieved prosperity, but now they are withering one after another. Even outsiders can't bear to see it.

Today, Feng Tianyu, the lady of the prime minister's residence, did not come into the palace. A lady who was acquainted in Beijing asked Ren Xifeng, and Ren Xifeng said: "Tianyu sprained her foot before, and it is difficult for her to walk. She also mentioned that she hasn't seen her sisters for a long time, and she will have to move around more when her injuries recover!"

As soon as everyone heard this, they quickly said that they would visit the prime minister's mansion tomorrow. Taking advantage of this topic, several girls who had contacts on weekdays got together and started chatting. Ren Xifeng felt bored after listening to it for a while, what they said was nothing more than which family's master took a concubine again, which family's concubine was bullied by the concubine again, which shop had new ingredients again, which family's dim sum It is more delicious. She has always disliked these family matters, she sat in her seat and listened dryly, and gradually lost her mind.

Looking to the opposite side, after turning around a few times, before he knew it, he landed on the sixth prince Xuan Tianfeng.

Xuan Tianfeng didn't sit in the pile of princes, as the prince of Jian Guo, he was no different from the prince, there was a special place reserved for him, that was the prince who was once missed by so many of his brothers position.

But Xuan Tianfeng sat there, but he didn't see much joy, he was still the kind of Confucianist, gentle, kind and thrifty, and the task of supervising the country didn't change his temperament at all, it was clear and indifferent, not like someone who shouldered heavy responsibilities The prince Jian Guo looks like a white-faced scholar.

He just held the wine cup by himself, didn't drink, just held it quietly, occasionally looked at Emperor Tianwu, and occasionally looked at the other princes, but he couldn't sit on either side, couldn't blend in on either side, he was alone Yes, it hurts.

Seemingly realizing that someone was looking at him, Xuan Tianfeng turned his eyes, and looked at Ren Xifeng's side very accurately, so shocked that Ren Xifeng was so shocked that he wanted to look away, but it was too late. Xuan Tianfeng waved at her, and said silently: "Come here."

Ren Xifeng hesitated a little, twisted and twisted his hands in front of him, finally stood up with a gritted teeth, and walked to Xuantianfeng's side step by step under the watchful eyes of many caring people. Salute, sit down, and then despise yourself abnormally, why are you so coy? She is the daughter of General Pingnan, and she is considered a noble with five fingers in Beijing. It's not like she hasn't talked to and dealt with the princes before, so what's the embarrassment?

So he cleared his throat, sat up straight, and looked calmer.

Xuan Tianfeng laughed, "It's just a conversation with this king, why do you have to muster up so much courage? Miss Ren, can't you?"

Ren Xifeng didn't think so, but looking at the ladies and ladies who started pointing and whispering after she left, she shook her head helplessly, and she said: "It took me some courage to leave. They came here!" As he said, he pointed to the opposite side, "As the saying goes, people's words are awesome, look, Your Highness, those people must be paying attention to me, just because I sat next to you."

Xuan Tianfeng looked at the other side for a while, and understood some words through distinguishing lips, and sighed: "It's really true. When I was not in charge of the country, I was not in the capital all the year round. Even if I was in the capital, I would probably lock myself in the library Editing books here, such occasions are seldom mixed, so I didn't expect that people's curiosity would be so strong. Now it's like this, it really hurts you."

"No problem." Ren Xifeng waved his hands again and again, "It's really no problem, I'm not a delicate young lady, I don't have those petite little tempers, they can talk as long as they want, and they can't lose a piece of meat."

Xuan Tianfeng couldn't help laughing, he only thought that the young lady of the Ren family had such a temper that she really followed General Pingnan, and her beautiful face brought a dash of heroism, why...why did she look so much like that girl Feng Yuheng?

He was a little distracted, and actually stared at Ren Xifeng for a long time at this moment, until Ren Xifeng couldn't hold back and coughed lightly, then he came back to his senses, and couldn't help apologizing: "I was rude, miss Ren Strange."

Ren Xifeng shook her head, "No, the Sixth Highness must have thought of Ah Heng? I also miss her very much."

Xuan Tianfeng did not hide anything, and said straightforwardly: "Indeed, I heard that you have a very good relationship on weekdays, and your temperament is very similar to her. It really reminds me a little bit. She followed the ninth brother to the East Realm Well, there were no reports of wars a year ago, so I really don't know what's going on on their side, so I'm really worried."

"It must be invincible!" Ren Xifeng was very confident about this, "Ah Heng is so powerful, he must beat Zong Sui to pieces!"

The somewhat embarrassing atmosphere finally eased, Ren Xifeng was more relaxed than before, she took the initiative to ask Xuan Tianfeng: "How is His Highness the Sixth Prince's health? The last illness..."

"I'm fine now." Xuan Tianfeng said with a smile, "Ah-Heng left me medicine before he left, and it will be almost fine within ten days after taking it. Thank you Miss Ren for thinking about it, and thank you Miss Ren for helping me last time." I kept my illness a secret. You know, I am in charge of the state, if someone finds out that I am ill, there will be another disturbance in the court. Today's Dashun really can't stand the trouble, I can't take that risk."

"But His Highness the Sixth Prince can no longer make fun of his own body." Ren Xifeng's face darkened, "Last time I was lucky to have A-Heng, but even though A-Heng is a genius doctor, he is not a fairy, not all diseases can be cured. If His Highness the Sixth Highness wants Dashun to be safe and sound, he must take good care of his body, Dashun can be healthy only if you are healthy."

"I know." Xuan Tianfeng nodded, "Thank you, Miss Ren."

"Your Highness the Sixth Highness is being polite. Speaking of what happened last time, I have to apologize to His Highness the Sixth Highness, because Mrs. Ligui..."

"You don't need to apologize to me." Xuan Tianfeng knew what she was going to say, so he stopped Ren Xifeng's words of apology, and then said to her: "You are right, you are right, those words were originally what I wanted to say, But I am her son, and I know some truths, but I can't say them. I also want to thank Miss Ren for speaking those words for me, and it is because of you that I changed my current An Sheng. "

"Ms. Ligui, have you stopped making trouble?" Ren Xifeng let out a long breath, "Just stop making trouble." After speaking, she felt her nose itchy, tried to hold it back but couldn't, and finally sneezed.

Xuan Tianfeng frowned, "Sick?"

Ren Xifeng nodded in annoyance, and looked around cautiously. Fortunately, she covered her mouth when she sneezed, the sound was very small, covered by the sound of drums, and no one noticed. She looked at Xuan Tianfeng beggingly, and begged, "Forgive me, Sixth Highness, I do have a little typhoid fever, and I have been coughing all the time these days. I know that it is a taboo to enter the palace with a sickness, and it will make the nobles get sick. I'm angry, but I still can't help but want to come in and join in the fun, please don't blame the Sixth Highness."

Xuan Tianfeng waved his hands, "I'm not afraid of being angry with you, and I won't blame you, so don't be afraid. But you have to be cured if you are sick. You know that you persuaded me to pay attention to my body, and I should understand that truth myself."

Ren Xifeng nodded, "Thank you, Sixth Highness, for your concern. I will treat it. I have been taking the medicine prescribed by Baicaotang, and I will be fine soon." He said the words that had been aggrieved in his heart, "I shouldn't have entered the palace, but it's not so bad. I felt that if I didn't enter the palace, I would lose contact with many people. In the past, there were always familiar sisters by my side. But now, Ah Heng went to war, Tian Ge married Gu Shu, Tian Yu twisted her foot and couldn't go out, even Fu Rong and Xiang Rong went to Ji'an County and would not return to Beijing for the New Year. Looking at the palace again, three His Highness, the Eighth Prince, is dead, the Fourth Prince has gone to Ji'an County, and the Seventh and Ninth Princes are attacking Zong Sui. With so many people missing all of a sudden, it will make people feel empty and have no idea. So I really want to come to the palace Look, I especially want to stay in a place with more people, even if it is good to listen to the parents' gossip, at least they are popular. Sixth Highness, do you know? I really hope to go back to many years ago, even if there are fights and fights , at least every life is alive. But you see now, even if you want to quarrel, you can't find someone to quarrel with."

Her words made Xuan Tianfeng sigh in his heart, indeed, many people have fallen behind in the past few years, and when they fell behind, they were never able to catch up. There are only a few people left who continue to move forward, walking farther and farther, and there are fewer and fewer people around them. Just like he is sitting here now, neither awkward nor awkward, the position that so many people envied, is more like a shackle to him. But he couldn't break free, this shackle was born with her, and she had to bear it as a member of the Xuan family, not to mention, it was put on by that girl Feng Yuheng herself.

Xuan Tianfeng smiled wryly, that girl wanted to be free and threw such a heavy burden to him, so let him carry it! Even if it's for that girl, for her to live a hundred years without any worries, he is willing to stay in this world. He only hopes that no matter where the girl goes in the future, she can remember him as the sixth brother, so... that's fine.

Ren Xifeng looked at Xuan Tianfeng and fell into deep thought again, so he stopped talking, and the two of them were thinking about things separately. At this time, they saw a woman walking in the opposite direction, walking towards that place with small steps. The direction of the seat of several princes walked over...