

Author: Yang Shiliu Category: Romance Status: Finished. this is the last part of this novel With the sound of duang, Feng Yuheng, a master of both Chinese and Western medicine, became the abused daughter of the Dashun Dynasty in minutes. If you want to kill me, you will be paralyzed with a scalpel? Fight with me? The pharmacy is with you, fame and fortune are in your hands, even the emperor You have to get close to me! But what is the situation of the marriage contract, the disfigured cripple is dead, and I need the help of labor and management to win the world? Rogue prince, are you stupid!

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Chapter 1194 High-End Existence

Chapter 1194 High-End Existence

After a long absence, Xuan Tianming saw Xuan Tianhua again in such a situation. But it's okay, he said: "It's okay, at least there is hope, it is much better than the worst I expected."

Feng Yuheng sighed softly: "The worst case scenario is that we all die, right? I've thought about it before, and even when I first woke up, it was a bit unreal. But it's okay, it's okay that we are all alive, it's just Brother Seven He protected me at the last moment, and he blocked most of the impact of the mine explosion, so I was just in a coma for a few days. After waking up, I was not seriously injured, but my muscles and bones are sore, just take care of it. But Brother Seven …Xuan Tianming, tell me…would the imperial concubine blame me if she found out?" This was a worry in her heart all along, "Brother Seven is like this, how should we tell the concubine mother? And the imperial father, They must be very sad."

Xuan Tianming rubbed her head, stepped forward and looked at Xuan Tianhua again, and said: "There is nothing you can do about being sad, as members of the Xuan family, from the day of birth, it is doomed not to have a smooth life. This point , Father understands, mother concubine also understands. Moreover, Hengheng, I think what we need to consider is not how to tell father, mother and concubine about Seventh Brother's injury, but we should consider making up a place for Seventh Brother to go." He said, pointing to the space, "You said that Brother Seven can't go out, and his father, queen, mother and concubine can't come in, so they can't see each other. And we can't explain that Brother Seven was still hidden by us after he was seriously injured.

Therefore, you can't tell the truth about Seventh Brother, at least not before he wakes up. "

Feng Yuheng suddenly realized, "That's right, why did I forget this point. You can't tell the truth, but what can you say if you don't tell the truth? Seventh brother left? Where did he go?"

"Renxian Island." Xuan Tianming had already thought up his words, "After Zong Sui and to the east there is a shoreless sea, and there are islands in the sea, called Renxian. I mentioned it several times in front of my concubine. We happen to be in the east, why don't we say Brother Seven went to Renxian Island!"

"Will the concubine mother accept it? Brother Qi said that he would take the concubine mother with him."

Xuan Tianming laughed, "That's just an ideal. She is the imperial concubine of the father, how can she go away so easily. The mother is a relative, and the father is also a relative. If the seventh brother takes away the mother and concubine, what will the father do?" ? Just according to the old man's temperament, why don't he run away at night and chase after him? Then Dashun will be in chaos."

"So what you mean is that the concubine mother can't leave at all. The seventh brother did what he did before, but it's just to make the concubine mother happy. You all know that the concubine mother can't leave, right?"

Xuan Tianming nodded, "Yes."

She sadly said, "So, what's so good about being an emperor? What's so good about being a concubine? Including the queen, once she enters the palace and sits in that position, she has been bound by countless invisible etiquette and rules for a lifetime. Xuantian Ming, it's a good thing you don't want to be emperor, otherwise we'll be locked in a square world for the rest of our lives, and I'll go crazy."

"Yes!" He twisted a towel, and wiped Xuan Tianhua's cheeks with his own hands, "But if there is a queen who can leave the palace at any time and go wherever she wants, would you like to be that?"

Feng Yuheng rolled her eyes, laughed at him and said, "What are you dreaming of? Can there still be that kind of queen in this world?"

"What if there is!" Xuan Tianming provoked a smug smile, which made Feng Yuheng feel that he seemed to be hiding some secret from her. But Xuan Tianming didn't say anything, so she didn't ask, anyway, she would know one day, so it would be a pleasure to speculate and look forward to it.

Xuan Tianhua was sleeping deeply in the space, so Xuan Tianming was relieved. At least in this way, you can take it wherever you go, and in Feng Yuheng's space, you are in a state where your whole body's physiological functions are still. Not only will your condition not worsen, but your appearance will not even age. The time in the space is static, everything will not change when it is put in, unless Feng Yuheng intervenes artificially, otherwise, the things will be what they are when they are put in, and what they will be when they come out. Even if Xuan Tianhua lay there for ten or eight years, and then came out again, it would still only pass those ten years, and everything outside the space would start over again.

He suddenly felt a little unfair, and said awkwardly: "If brother Seven sleeps for ten years, then ten years later I will be in my thirties, and he will still be in his twenties. Then who will be whose brother?"

Feng Yuheng rolled his eyes at him, "Even if you are in your 80s and he is in your 20s, he is still your elder brother." After finishing speaking, she suddenly covered her mouth with a look of regret on her face. Bah bah bah! Crow's mouth, what more than 80! Doesn't Xuan Tianhua want to lie in it for more than sixty years? No, no, she changed her words: "Ten years at most, I have to wake Brother Seven up!"

Tongcheng was blown up, except for the soldiers who were rebuilding the city and the countless original Tongcheng people who voluntarily participated in the reconstruction work,

The rest moved to Jiancheng to live. After Zhizhou Tianping came to Jiancheng, he was assigned to live in Jiancheng's former Zhizhou Prefecture.

The Zhizhou Mansion where the city was built was originally the place where Zuo Da, the Zhizhou Zhizhou, lived. The Zuo Da was greedy for money and was also good at collecting money. Compared with the mansion where Tian Ping lives in Tongcheng, it is several times more magnificent, which makes Tian Ping very uncomfortable to live in.

There are not many Tian family members, Tian Ping and his wife, plus three daughters and one son, that's all. The servants didn't use much, just enough, and there were no extra people wasting food in the mansion. These people lived in Zuo Da's mansion, it seemed that the mansion was too empty, so Tian Ping decided to divide the mansion into two, and set aside more than half of it for Xuan Tianming and Feng Yuheng to live in first. As for how to divide it in the future, If he doesn't participate, it's entirely up to Xuan Tianming to decide.

Tian Ping told Xuan Tianming: "To the east of Tongcheng is Gancheng. Duanmu Anguo fled with his arms broken. He probably won't go to Gancheng, because all his soldiers and horses were lost in Jiancheng and Tongcheng, and he has no capital to go there. Harm Gancheng. Emperor Zong Sui should also hear about this soon. Regarding Duanmu Anguo, if the emperor is not particularly stupid, he probably won't use it again. If the emperor is smarter, he will not use it again. Duanmu Anguo should be re-used, and it should be searched vigorously. After all, these two cities were abandoned in the hands of Duanmu Anguo. How can we be worthy of those dead people if we don't punish them severely? Without Duanmu Anguo's participation, the subsequent battles will become less It's much simpler. Even though Zong Sui has a lot of people, even though he has iron weapons, he is still very weak in front of Dashun. It should be easy for you to attack the city!"

Tian Ping actually wanted to say, you have the thunder in your hand, after Zong Sui lost Duanmu Anguo, it should be invincible. But he didn't say this, because he could see that since the Tongcheng incident, the Ninth Prince and Princess Yu of Dashun seemed to be very resistant to Tianlei, so they didn't dare to mention it again.

Indeed, Xuan Tianming and Feng Yuheng had already developed resistance to Lei, and Feng Yuheng had already taken away all the thunder bombs in the hands of the soldiers of the Shenji Battalion last night, leaving only a small amount of firearms for spare. After what happened in Tongcheng, she no longer wants to let weapons with excessive lethality in future generations appear in this era, harming others and herself, the bitter fruit has already been tasted. Although Xuan Tianhua's serious injury was caused by Duanmu Anguo's landmines, Feng Yuheng would always think that if she hadn't brought out the mines first for the Dashun army to use, maybe even if Duanmu Anguo discovered that cave, he wouldn't will understand what those things are. After all, she was the one who committed the crime.

Chinese New Year is coming, and the two decided to celebrate the New Year in Jiancheng, and then attack Gancheng after the fifteenth day of the first lunar month. But the army does not move, but it does not mean that the spies do not move. Batch after batch of spies and secret guards were sent to Gancheng to ensure that during the truce, they could get news about Gancheng every day in return.

The Dashun army drove away Duanmu Anguo, and the Tongcheng people were very grateful for this, and they joined in the work of rebuilding their homes. The men seek jobs in the army, and together with the Dashun Army, they devote their energy to building houses and repairing the city walls, while the women pick up the logistics support work, washing and cooking, not only serving the people who participated in the construction, but also serving the people of Dashun. Shun's army.

Xuan Tianming and Feng Yuheng were very grateful for this. Feng Yuheng took advantage of the truce to gather the doctors who volunteered to learn medical skills from her in the former Tongcheng Medical Center, and tried their best to learn some of the most basic skills that could be mastered in a short period of time. Advanced medical technology was taught to them, and then Baicaotang was established in Jiancheng, and a lot of Chinese patent medicines and western medicines were taken out from the space, and a medical-savvy soldier was selected from his own army to manage it temporarily. In less than ten days, a decent Baicao Hall was established in this way.

The people of Tongcheng are very grateful for this, especially those who originally suffered from so-called intractable diseases, who were originally declared hopeless by doctors and could only wait to die at home. Very magical.

Of course, the reason why people believed her was because she first cured Tian Ping's daughter Tian Xi. After diagnosis, Tian Xi's belly became distended because of "abdominal wall tumor". But this kind of tumor does not mean that she will be able to cure it. She explained the reason to Tian Ping in advance, and told Tian Ping that this kind of tumor can be divided into benign and malignant. If it is benign, she will be the main surgeon to remove it. . But if it is malignant, even if it is removed now, the probability of recurrence in the future is quite high, and once it recurs, there is no possibility of cure.

Tian Ping and Tian Xi reported the mentality of betting and asked Feng Yuheng to treat them. God protected them. After Feng Yuheng's pathological analysis, Tian Xi's abdominal tumor was benign, which made everyone heave a sigh of relief.

Feng Yuheng also had selfish intentions, she hoped that Tian Xi could be cured, so that she could establish the name of Baicaotang in Zong Sui territory. Occupying a city is not only about rebuilding their homes, the meaning of homes is not limited to the construction of houses, she wants to let the culture of Dashun penetrate as much as possible, so that those who did not have Zong Sui and Dashun are advanced Only in this way can the people's hearts be completely won over, and these people will no longer be nostalgic and regretful for betraying Zong Sui.

The country of Zong Sui has always imitated Dashun, but it has not learned the essence of Dashun, especially after the appearance of Feng Yuheng in Dashun in the past few years, the "differentness" enjoyed by Dashun people, Zong The Sui people didn't enjoy it at all. Now that Feng Yuheng is here, they finally understand that the so-called "main country" is actually such a high-end existence!