
Divine Book of Heaven

Zhang Lang unintentionally picked up a God's World Heavenly Book, and then uttered a phrase that he regretted for the rest of his life. "What divine world heavenly book, not a word, cheating ghosts, right? Then Zhang Lang, who inexplicably had a "ghost cheating" god-level technique, died, and was reincarnated into another world in the underworld. From then on the divine world heavenly book one after another appeared more bizarre god-level gong ...... slapping people when the realization of the "fan will hit" divine power, even if the immortal face also to be a solid slap. When cursing the street comprehended the "pig word spell" divine skill, the word out of the law, as long as the word out of a pig, the other party immediately become a pig. Lamented once when comprehended the "secondary summoning art", casually summoned seven gourd children. This is a god-level technique? Can it be more pit? !!!! =================== Join my Discord (https://discord.gg/yrtkNpTum4)

MisterWho · Eastern
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Chapter 3

Zhang Lang put away his sneer and resumed his expressionless look, his icy gaze swept over the leading male ghost, scaring it to lower its head three more times, not daring to look up at Zhang Lang.

"Well, since we are here, let's take a short rest here." Zhang Lang deliberately showed some tired look, seemingly casually asked: "Do you have animal meat ready to eat?"

He really can't stand the hunger in his stomach, put his hope on these ghosts and monsters, the ghosts and monsters must be a bit more magical than those villagers, maybe they can get something to eat.

"Youmu don't dare to deceive the lord, our ghost clan juniors this time is to hunt the beasts to carry out the adventure." Under Zhang Lang's eyes gesture, the leading male ghost stood up, smiled sarcastically, turned his head and pointed at the ghosts and monsters crawling all over the deserted mountain and said.

They were not at all the evil ghosts in Zhang Lang's eyes, but the overlords of this place, the Ghost Clan.

These ghosts and monsters are all the descendants of the Ghost Clan, just starting to cultivate, so the leader named Youmu brought a group of juniors to conceal their forms to come out for practice.

"You Qing, go drag out the tiger-headed panther you killed this morning for Lord Pan to enjoy!" Youmu will look stunned and twist his head to seriously instruct one of the ghostly clan.

If this master from the underworld is well served, then the future status in the ghost tribe will not rocket up ninety thousand miles?

Although the Ghosts are Yang creatures, they are inextricably linked to the Underworld by nature, and it can be said that the many deities of the Underworld are their ancestors. Therefore, the ghost wood for Zhang Lang can be said to be awe-inspiring, a mouth a Lord Pan called incomparably respectful, can not wait to show all the enthusiasm.

The little kid named Youqing is equally excited, and it can be seen that this Youqing is considered a higher status among the many Pixie Soul tribe juniors, although not tall, but looking at the other Pixie Soul tribe's eyes from time to time flashed a few arrogant color.

But now it does not dare to play any prestige in front of Zhang Lang, excitedly pulled out a huge beast corpse from the dead tree forest and dragged it to Zhang Lang, proudly holding his chest.

This kind of tiger-headed leopard-bodied beast Zhang Lang also saw Li hunter hunt when he was a child, but then gradually it could no longer be found, seemingly extinct in general.

"Lord Pan, what do you think of my brother?" Youmu white face revealed a "gentle" smile, but some smile fell in Zhang Lang's eyes let him a little revolting.

The ghost tribe's smile is too damn creepy, more ugly than crying, if the villagers see must be scared to death on the spot past. See. Hairline, Chinese net

But you feel good about yourself, as if his smile how kind and friendly like, you have a touch of relief under the eyes of the wood, you Qing is his younger brother, now only 16 years old, can kill a tiger-headed panther alone, which in the whole of the ghost tribe are considered gifted young people.

The Soul tribe mainly focuses on soul cultivation and is not good at fighting head-on, but You Qing was able to kill a tiger-headed leopard with the strength of his physical body, which made You Mu proud and could not help but show off in front of Zhang Lang at this time.

If You Qing could get into Zhang Lang's eyes, or even be instructed by the Ghost King twice, then he, the elder brother, would have to soar with it.

"Well, it's not bad." Zhang Long does not know what the Ghost tribe is, and does not know what level of performance in the Ghost tribe, he secretly thought, even that bad old man Li hunter can hunt and kill the tiger-headed leopard, it is an evil ghost to kill a beast and what to be proud of.

This is Zhang Lang misunderstood the ghost tribe, the ghost tribe's physical body is much weaker than humans, not much cultivation of the ghost tribe can hunt and kill beasts is already considered very strong.

You Qing heard some disappointment, as if deflated ball like lowered his head, he had wanted to perform well in front of Zhang Lang, but the teacher was not good, only received an apparently perfunctory "okay" evaluation, which made him very depressed.

"Uh ... Lord, this tiger-headed panther was killed by him alone." Youmu was also stunned for a moment, subconsciously explained, he thought Zhang Lang did not understand what he meant.

"Oh." Zhang Lang lightly responded, a pair of reddened eyes stared deadly at the tiger-headed leopard corpse, the corners of his mouth drooling.

Youmu afterglow secretly glanced at Zhang Lang look, see Zhang Lang that eyes only beast corpse expression when a burst of speechless.

He had thought that Zhang Lang would be slightly surprised even if he was not, but I did not expect Zhang Lang simply did not think.

Is the ghosts of the underworld are so powerful?


At this time, Zhang Lang's heart was also struggling, and he was also depressed.

The beast corpse is in front of him, if he is pretending to be a ghost, then he has to eat raw, a ghost king from hell to eat cooked food is afraid it is a bit unjustified.

Forget it, no matter what, then do not eat something to starve to death, what raw food or not, human beings are not from the era of hair and blood to come?

Thinking of this, Zhang Lang no longer hesitate, directly squatting down, take the steel knife in the tiger-headed leopard abdomen plucked out a large piece of blood and meat into the mouth chewed.

Not much fresh blood into the mouth, fishy smell, tiger-headed leopard abdomen meat is still quite soft, but still chew half a day to chew. The tiger-headed leopard's meat has a bitter taste, especially raw meat is more difficult to swallow, choking Zhang Lang bitter.

But what can't eat when you're hungry, Zhang Lang directly drank the beast's blood, a whole piece of abdominal meat did not take long to be swallowed by Zhang Lang.

Zhang Lang's face has been covered with blood beads, the mouth and teeth scarlet, it actually looks more like a hideous ghost than the ghosts.

Just when he finished eating a piece of leopard meat and wanted to cut the next one, his eyes inadvertently glanced at Youmu, Youqing and all the ghosts were staring at him dumbfounded.

Seeing this scene, somehow ... Zhang Lang's heart suddenly rose a sense of foreboding.

"Great, Lord ... you eat, you eat ..." Youmu was Zhang Lang so a look, immediately scared six, face squeezed out a stiff smile, shivering said.

However, Zhang Lang clearly saw the hands of the spectral wood in the sneaky to Zhang Lang's rear desperately playing what gestures, as if afraid of Zhang Lang found.

"Hmm?" Zhang Lang stopped eating meat, cold gaze glared at Youmu, slowly turned his head to look behind him.

This look ... he was suddenly messed up in the wind, and could not slow down for a long time.

A few ghosts carrying a bronze tripod is desperately retreating, as if the wind beneath their feet, running thief fast.

Seeing that Zhang Lang had discovered this scene, Youmu hurriedly fell to his knees with a poof and yelled with a sobbing voice: "Ghost King believe us, we are really a pure ghost tribe, eating raw meat like our ancestors, that bronze cauldron is definitely not for cooking cooked meat!"

His heart was filled with grief and anger, he felt the ghost life is desolate, originally thought to hold on to this thigh, who thought of eating cooked meat, but forgot that their ancestors are fond of eating raw meat habit, if this ghost king in front of the Lord of suspicion ... they will have to take a "deception ghost king "the crime?

Wouldn't that be too wrongful!

After saying that, you wood afraid of Zhang Lang do not believe his words, quickly tore off a piece of leopard meat, hand and foot into the mouth, the mouth stuffed with bulging, chewing a mess, blurred cries: "Lord, Lord, look, we really eat raw meat!

But chewed a few times, you feel a burst of nausea, the smell of blood rushed him several times want to vomit, "wow" with the stomach acid and all vomited out.

This vomit, you wood suddenly mentality collapse, face despair, sobbing, said: "Lord Pan, I really can not eat, but we are really the ghost tribe, just, we started eating cooked meat thousands of years ago ... ah."

Youmu cried out, heart constantly prayed Zhang Lang can believe his words, but said, Youmu's words suddenly stalled for a moment, and then again like sobbing crying asked, "Lord how you also cried?"

Zhang Lang stood there dumbfounded, the steel knife in his hand fell to the ground, the bloody taste of raw meat still remained on the tip of his tongue, two tear marks on his face represented his grief-stricken state of mind.

Cold wind whistling, withered leaves falling ... unknowingly, this man and a ghost have tears flowing.

"I cry you juniors greedy for enjoyment, but forget the nature!" Zhang Lang tearfully pointed at the spectral wood and others, each eye without revealing the desolate feelings.

Just fell in the eyes of the ghost tribe, Zhang Lang's appearance at this time is a fierce and vicious ghost face hanging a line of blood beads, like a tragic death of a hideous ghost like hideous terror, the few still young ghost tribe scared directly fainted.

Even the ghost wood and the ghost green are lowering their heads not dare to look at Zhang Lang, the heart secretly think this ghost king crying look is too damn creepy, if those who do not know how to cultivate the ghosts see must be scared to death on the spot past.

"Lord Pan, you still eat?!" Youmu see Zhang Lang silent tears for a long time, and did not blame them, which wiped away the corner of the tears, brave enough to ask.

"Do not eat ... I tell you, I Pan Feng even if I die outside, jumped from the netherworld reincarnation cliff, but also absolutely will not eat you a piece of cooked meat!" Zhang Lang turned his back, silently wiped away his tears, put on a lonely look, said in a cold voice with a tone of hatred.

Since they have all eaten raw meat, then acting a full set, Zhang Lang is now really dumb, there is bitterness, but fortunately ... he can still pretend to be a strong man in front of these ghosts and monsters, to get back some face for themselves.


At dusk, next to a dead tree, a group of ghosts gathered around a bronze censer, Zhang Lang at the very center grinning broadly on the ground, holding a large piece of baked crispy leopard leg, eating with a mouth full of oil, abdomen unspeakable comfort rushed to the heart, Zhang Lang seems to feel the greatest happiness in this life.

"Mmm, it smells so good ..."


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