
Divine Book of Heaven

Zhang Lang unintentionally picked up a God's World Heavenly Book, and then uttered a phrase that he regretted for the rest of his life. "What divine world heavenly book, not a word, cheating ghosts, right? Then Zhang Lang, who inexplicably had a "ghost cheating" god-level technique, died, and was reincarnated into another world in the underworld. From then on the divine world heavenly book one after another appeared more bizarre god-level gong ...... slapping people when the realization of the "fan will hit" divine power, even if the immortal face also to be a solid slap. When cursing the street comprehended the "pig word spell" divine skill, the word out of the law, as long as the word out of a pig, the other party immediately become a pig. Lamented once when comprehended the "secondary summoning art", casually summoned seven gourd children. This is a god-level technique? Can it be more pit? !!!! =================== Join my Discord (https://discord.gg/yrtkNpTum4)

MisterWho · Eastern
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Chapter 2: I am Admiral Pan Feng

Zhang Lang's expression is slightly condensed, listening to Li hunter's ragged breathing in his ears, feeling the increasingly dense killing aura, but fully concentrated on all his mind on the divine world heavenly book.

This unreliable thing is now likely to be his life-saving object.

As Zhang Lang's mind watched, a small line of words appeared on the Divine Realm Heavenly Book once again.

Hundred Smiles Divine Technique, Divine Grade Technique, first stage, first layer.

After carefully understanding the usage of Hundred Laughter Divine Technique, Zhang Lang could not help but laugh, laughing loudly and unrestrainedly.

"Hahahahahaha! Hahahahahahaha!"


A beam collapsed, setting off a turmoil, and a large black pot fell to the ground, boiling a pot of human flesh thumping. The table, the stove, everything in the house trembled as if the ground had shaken.

Zhang Lang's laughter was so terrifying that it was simply more powerful than a muffled thunder blast.


Li hunter's hand steel knife fell to the ground, he could not even stand, dumbfounded, looking at Zhang Lang, intuitive eardrums are about to be cracked, covering both ears to show a painful expression.

"Ha! Ha! Ha!"

Zhang Lang is still deafening laughter, laughing until he felt that he began to lack oxygen, but did not stop.

The sound waves visible to the naked eye were like giant waves that caused ripples in the air, and cracks appeared on the bricks of the walls. Li hunter began to tear his heart and lungs ghostly scream, half kneeling on the ground in pain.

In the end, he was only a martial artist who knew some crude kung fu, how could he withstand the power of the God-level technique?

Although this god-grade technique is a bit strange, but it is also a god-grade technique after all.

Looking at Li hunter's seven orifices began to bleed, look depressed, half kneeling on the ground shivering, Zhang Lang finally stopped his horrible laughter.

Soreness came from his throat, Zhang Lang coughed violently a few times, his voice was hoarse, tired and panting heavily, rested for a long time before looking coldly at Li hunter, said: "If I had not worked day and night, you would have starved to death. So for these 14 years, I don't owe you anything."

"Today you can not kill me, and I do not want to kill you, from now on ... you and I father-son love enmity severed." Zhang Lang while rubbing his throat, while jumping out of bed, crookedly bending down to pick up the hunting knife on the ground, cut the body hemp rope, once again regained his free body.

Li hunter lifted his head and looked at Zhang Lang in bewilderment, complicated look with a little confusion, his adopted child, in the end what is the origin?

For a while, he actually some impervious to Zhang Lang, after all, his slightly cloudy old eyes are only suffering and selfish desires.

The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the market.

This humble house he lived in for more than ten years, Zhang Long looked around, took a deep breath and then exhaled, put down that little pathetic feelings, he left this unpleasant "home".

The small village is sparsely populated, there are not many people left here, most of them are starved to death, the elderly and sickly were killed by Li hunter who is still strong enough to eat meat, livestock were eaten up long ago, there is not even a bird of prey for a hundred miles.

The ground is bare, there are many newly dug large pits ... many people hungry really can not stand, digging out the soil to eat the stomach to feed, but the soil can not digest, will live to swell people to death.

There are also a lot of white bones piled up on the street, these are the poor villagers who were eaten, maybe Zhang Lang's parents in this life are among them.

"What exactly is this place and what era is it ... Why is there such a terrible famine?"

This question has been troubling Zhang Lang for a long time, every time he goes out and sees this slightly bleak scene, he can't help but feel heavy, compared to here, Zhang Lang's life in his last life is simply called "carefree".

Slowly walk out of the village, Zhang Lang has been hungry chest to back, he ate some turf for three whole days, drank some rainwater, which is still in the developmental stage of his is a great pain.

"Before it gets dark, go over that barren mountain ... and see if you can kill a few beasts." Zhang Lang muttered, he looked down at his entire possessions.

Wearing a broken patch sackcloth, holding a shiny steel knife, bamboo-like small arms and legs can not bear to look at, thin body is so hungry to walk wobbly, as if a gust of wind can blow him to the same.

"Poor even if, bitter even if, but also fear of being eaten as meat and fleeing for their lives ... how I am so miserable ah!" The more Zhang Long thinks about it, the harder it is, he is at least a crossing party, why is the treatment so unfair.

At this time noon, still in autumn, but also not cold and not hot, Zhang Long unconsciously has walked for about half an hour, tired of panting.

Snap, snap.

Beads of sweat rolled down, Zhang Long looked away from the blurred mountain shadow, want to cry.

"I'm so hungry ... heavenly book ah heavenly book, can you give me a god-level feat that can change into food." Zhang Lang felt a dullness, regular blackness in front of his eyes, he could hardly support it, helplessly looking at the divine world heavenly book in the sea of consciousness.

But this heavenly book always takes effect at unexpected times, Zhang Lang is no initiative at all, no matter how much he pleads, the divine world heavenly book is just like a dead thing without any change.

"How long is this going to go ..." Zhang Lang's eyelids are getting heavy, almost a stumble planted on the ground, can not help but reveal a bitter smile.

Finally, he dragged his tired body after two hours of walking up the deserted mountain, where few people, surrounded by dead trees, the autumn wind rolled fallen leaves floating to Zhang Lang head, adding a few more Part of the wretched color.

"Hoo ..."

A gust of cold wind blew, cold and piercing, so that Zhang Lang stalled violently.

This wind ... he is familiar with, this is the yin wind of the underworld.

Zhang Lang silently closed his eyes to feel the constant whistling cold wind, and then opened his eyes and carefully stared at a large area of dead leaves that were blown off to the side.


The wind is still blowing incessantly, under Zhang Lang's careful gaze, he clearly saw a few wisps of wind whipped up a subtle blood color, the air is a faint blood smell very pungent.

Deserted mountains and wilderness, gusts of wind, even in broad daylight is creepy enough.

But Zhang Lang but eyes happy, others are afraid of ghosts ... he is not afraid! He was looking forward to meeting a ghost, so that he could once again experience the thrill of a transcendent identity.

"Ahem ...!"

Zhang Lang eyes flashed a trace of cunning, immediately back hands, stand up straight, stern face to the air bellowed: "This king traveled here, here ghosts and monsters still do not quickly show themselves to pay respects?!"

Although Zhang Lang's voice is still slightly childish, but he is full of momentum, that thin body really looks like a strong party.

Secretly run the ghost trick, Zhang Lang's appearance in the eyes of ghosts and monsters has been no different from the king of hell.

All of a sudden, the dark clouds converge, the sky is clear, but it seems to have been splashed with ink, the sky instantly dimmed, the whistling gusts of wind become more violent, a few dead trees are scraped shaking.

"The whole formation is quite frightening ..." Zhang Lang look at the power, heartbeat gradually accelerated, although he has had a "ghost" experience, but it has been more than a decade, it is inevitable that there will be nervous emotions.

But now can not reveal the slightest flaw, in case the ghost recognized that will kill him, then his life is too wrong.

The coldness came, Zhang Lang wrapped tight sackcloth, stiffened his head and put on an expressionless look, once again opened his mouth and said in a cold voice: "What? Do you want me to invite you?"

"Dare to ask the lord is ... what side of existence?"

With the appearance of an extremely cold voice, the scene in front of Zhang Lang suddenly changed, his afterglow glanced around, his heart was greatly shocked.

Where is this still what deserted mountain? It is clearly a ghost tomb! There are hundreds of evil spirits squatting all over the mountain, all of them staring blankly at Zhang Lang, they are all stunned.

The leader of a white male ghost holding a ghost-headed ring knife, also looked at Zhang Lang with a puzzled face, wondering about this person's identity.

In their eyes, Zhang Lang's head crown, face like a cultivator, wearing a hellish brocade robe, waist band of ghost flower wisps, a living image of the underworld king.

Especially the unruffled face vaguely reveals a few points of dominance, more so these ghosts and monsters do not dare to move, afraid to offend some big shot.

But if he is a strong man, why is there not a trace of cultivation fluctuations in his body?

This is also the reason why the leading male ghost is puzzled, can't guess Zhang Lang's identity.


Zhang Lang is not afraid, he has walked in the ghost tide in the nether world, for these evil ghosts naturally no fear of emotions, but he is worried that "ghost cheating" in the yang world will lose its effect, can not help thinking about it.

When the male ghost asked for his identity, Zhang Lang's mouth shivered and he blurted out, "I ... am Pan Feng, the general who can kill Hua Xiong!"

The words just fell, Zhang Lang immediately reacted, immediately revealed a few embarrassed color, heart grief and anger, remorse.

At this critical moment, he actually thought of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms suddenly.

Think about it, how also pulled out a general Pan Feng ...

"Uh ... Lord is called Pan Feng? But who is that ... Hua Xiong?" The leading male ghost was confused by Zhang Lang, and instantly began to think with a tight frown.

Could it be that there is a very powerful person named Hua Xiong?

But how come it has never heard of it?


"Yes, my king's name is Pan Feng, from the netherworld underworld, to catch a hellish fugitive named Hua Xiong, have you ever seen?" Zhang Lang in a hurry, quickly a serious explanation, anyway, people or ghosts in this world have not read the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, do not know who Pan Feng is.

"You, have you ever seen?!" Zhang Lang's mind made up, see that the leader of the evil ghost is still suspicious, directly approach a few steps, the corners of the mouth hooked up a cold smile, looking straight at the leader of the evil ghost.

Although Zhang Lang's voice is hoarse now, he can no longer send out the kind of unrestrained and bold laughter, but ... he can still sneer!

In an instant, the air condensed a few ice flowers, the leader of the evil spirits in Zhang Lang's cold smile straight feel weak at the bottom of the heart, endless coldness surged on the body, can not help but start shivering.

"I ... I have not seen, Lord spare my life, I swear I really have not seen!"

The leader of the evil spirits were almost scared piss, immediately kneeled down, kowtowed several times, a snot and a tear howl up.

This one look as if they could freeze themselves, what else could there be but the boundless Yin Qi of hell?

It is also just a fledgling brat, at this time simply no longer dare to question the identity of Zhang Lang, has been ingrained in him as a powerful ghost king from the underworld.

This kind of existence ... is not something it dares to mess with.


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