
Divine Ascesion

Warning: I'm writing this for fun , due to the boredom. Pros: Unique cultivation MC , Non-heroic MC, you can read another TDG fic , No harem. Cons:MC has a system . Summary- John is a pretty average guy who loves his life . He got Reincarnated in another world where cultivation exists , he has no idea about that cultivation world . He decided to live a boring life here too but he got a warning that there will be an impending doom to this world . luckily he has incredible cheats that can help him in his cultivation journey. MC is not a bad guy who'll kill anyone and everyone. At the same time , he's not Goody two shoes either. Even if someone is getting killed unjustly and he knows it , he'll avoid them since it's not his problem. He is a neutral and normal guy from our World. Ofcourse just because he's Overpowered MC , not everything will go his way . He's not the MC of the world and he knows it. #OverpoweredMC #No-harem #NeutralGoodMC #TDG #Tales of demons and gods

Quetzalcotal · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs

Arc 3-chapter 2

Xiao Yunfeng , Elder yan and Elder yi observed the youth enter the clan hall in a composed manner.

They thought he doesn't know he's been spied on seeing his non chalant look.

Xiao Yunfeng is visibly controlling his anger , while Elder yan has dissapointment in his eyes. Elder Yi has more concerning things so, he didn't care about Xiao Tian.

Yunfeng spoke with air of authority .

Yunfeng : Tian , I would like to ask you . What have you learnt in your time , you have spend outside of clan quarters ?

Tian : Clan head , I ...did learn alchem-

Yunfeng : Silence!!! I heard about your endeavours in Alchemy association . They gave the clan a warning because of your recklessness!!

Tian didn't reply anything but stood silently , he's going to leave here sooner or later . He doesn't care much about what they speak of him. But he want to get this over with so , he directly came to the point.

Xiao Tian : Is it about Xiao Ninger, clan head ?

Xiao Yunfeng : *angry* Yes , you are banished from the clan as of now for your improper actions and the damage you caused to the clan.

Elder Yan : Xiao Tian , I'm dissapointed , you are just like your useless mother , not contributing anything to clan.

Elder Yan spoke with anger evident in his tone , he disdains nothing more than betraying the clan , now what his son did is equal to that ...

Elder Yi who has been in his own thoughts , saw the Xiao Tian who stood like a lost lamb and had a sly smile , he has been frustrated due to turn of events at school exam , now a lamb appeared infront of him . Deciding to take out his frustrations on Elder yan a , he immediately put a mask of disdain

Elder Yi : I told you that day , he's just like his mother . Useless to us . I'm sure he realised he didn't have any talent , now he had nerve to seduce young miss to return to the clan

Xiao Ning'er : Who said brother Tian seduced me!!!

Xiao Ning'er heard her elder brother is Summoned to the clan hall and immediately rushed to see what the clan elders are upto and hearing the accusations , she immediately jumped into conversation .

Elder Yi : Look clan head , this boy seduced our young miss knowing she's a Genius ! He is using Young miss!!

Xiao Ning'er: He's n-

Yunfeng seeing that no one are respecting his position commanded.

Yunfeng : Silence!!

Yunfeng : Elder yan , I didn't expected the son is just like the whore of a mother , do you have a say in this ?

Yunfeng asked , he's clearly angry that his daughter is 'seduced' by his nephew and everyone can sense it.

Elder Yan : No, clan head. I agree with Elder yi and you ,My Tian is really a dissapointment, he's just like his slutty mother , climbing into beds of powerful people like a whore

Xiao Tian : Shut up .

Xiao Tian muttered

Elder yi : Huh?!!! getting hot blooded just because knowing your mother is a slut like you eh boy?

Xiao Tian : I said SHUT UP!!!!

A terrifying pressure envoloped the room , especially on Elder yi , who got crushed into a blood pulp by unknown pressure on him , he died without even knowing how.

Xiao Tian's eyes turned into golden slits as they gazed at Visibly terrified Xiao Yunfeng and Xiao yan. Their both brains stopped functioning feeling the supressing aura of Tian and his predatory Gaze .

His voice turned into something terrifying sending chills down their spine as Tian uttered every word

Xiao Yunfeng's paralyzed body flew in air as his body turned into stone except for his face while Tian's eyes are directly gazing Into him like he is gazing into his soul.

Xiao Tian : YoU!!! YoU sOld My mOtHer ! YoUr clAn diDn't eVEn ReSpecTEd HeR WhEn ShE's ALiVE aND YOu hAVe ThE AuDaCIty To DiSreSPecT HEr EvEn aFter ShE's No MoRE BeCAusE Of YoUR FuCkInG InCoMpetEnce !!!

Tian : AnD YOu !

Xiao Yan's paralyzed body flew into air but instead of his his body turning into a stone , his 5 limbs got twisted into unnatural angles yet he couldn't shout in agony nor could he do anything about it and they continued to petrify as his body parts twisted more and more

Tian : She'S loYAL To YOu , EvEN wHeN YoU NeGLeCTEd HeR , ShE SaNG PrAisEs Of YOu To Me EvERY NiGht . ShE waNTed KeEp Me HaPPy AnD HiD THe ScaRS You InflIctED oN Her WIth yOUr SiCk PeVerTedNess And YOu DAre To InSulT hEr!!!

Xiao Yan's twisted body parts turned into a mush but got Regenerated as if nothing has happened.

Xiao Tian : I CoUld KiLl YoU ThE MoMeNT I hAD tHIs PoWEr bUT I PrOMised MoThER I WilL NeVeR AcT OuT Of REvENge toWArdS tHE cLan , So I SpaREd YoUR SoRRy AsSes BuT If YoU SPeak OnE wOrd WrONg aBouT My moTHer anYMore , YoU'Ll haVe The SaMe FaTE aS ThAt FilTH XiAo Yi

Xiao Yunfeng and Xiao Yan's eyes were locked with Tian as the reptalian eyes glowed.

Tian : I'Ll KiLL YoU If I StAY Any longer iN yOUr DisGUstIng PrESenCe . RemEmBeR , iF wORd Of wHat HaPpEnd HeRe GeTs OuT ...

They don't need to hear the rest of the sentence but Tian uttered his last words before leaving making his word clear

Tian : I WiLl F*CkiNg BuTcHEr ThE cLaN !

When Xiao Tian left, they were unpetrified and healthy physically but the same can't be said for their mental health