
Divided by Law; Bond by Love

Two sides of a coin which could never mix because of the great contrast in their lives. “For all my hate and what I have lost, my revenge shall be a dish best served cold.” Doe, an accomplished black-hat hacker, with a vengeance mission against everyone white-skinned. On her path of revenge, she strives to keep her secrets and emotions intact but fate had other plans for her and love found its way again into her cold heart when her lover, by the law, must hunt her! Jim, a police detective who hates his job, comes across an interesting black lady in one of his escapes, and later she becomes the start of good things for him.  Soon, he gets an irresistible offer of cracking a case to gain his long-desired freedom. What he didn’t expect was the cherry on top?  She was his crime and freedom. Yet, stole his heart and broke the law!

sir_impeccable · Urban
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16 Chs

What Could Go Wrong?

"Doe! Come in!' The sharp call from Amber broke into fhehthightbsid the pretty black lady.

She had been staring at the SUBV drive off from the store with several thoughts rummaging her head.

She had seen the officer today. He was the exact same one who had been talking to her this mornings the one who asked her if she knew the black girl at Middletown.

She sighed as she shook her head. What was he doing in this neighborhood? Did he just move here? It was perplexing to know that the officer who had grilled her was right in her estate. She was worried.

Or maybe it was just her overthinking. The lines between reality and the a farce were so blur now that she felt very dizzy.

Now, thankful that Amber had broken into the spell that had held bound and confused, she walked into the store now. A faint smile on her lips.

"Don't tell me you wanna chicken out of here because that is not going to work and you know that." Amber playfully nudged her now.

They were at the Style up Boutique in the water. The proximity of it and the Hugh class choice of clothing they had made it it a first stop for the people in the neighborhood.

And for Doe, it was easy for her since she did not have to get out.

She preferred being in the serenity of her house and her neighborhood.

"No. I think I just saw something."

"Yea! That is exactly what someone who wants to chicken out would say. Come on. It's just some clothes, what could go wrong?" Amber said as she soused the glass door to enter the store.

She held the door for her friend. But as Doe entered, a faint smile still playing on her lips, she knew that all sorts of things could go wrong.

One was that she was sure that the policeman would not rest until he was convinced that she was not the day he thought she was. And if he wanted to go about doing that, that would put her in an impossible situation.

There were tons of other things that could go wrong. Amber just had to ask and she was here to deliver all the possible scenarios that were possible.

She sighed. Maybe she was overthinking the whole matter now.

"What's happening?" She asked, looking at the man who approached her.

"Good day kisses. Welcome to Style Up. The young lady here will see that you are attended to. If you have complain," the man from before said, bowing only slightly within his hands behind his back. "Do let me know. I will be at the counter, just waiting for you."

"Aw! This is a first class treatment." Amber oohed out as she held her cheeks. "Look at the way he is talking to us like we are some VIPS." She smiled.

"You are VIPs, my ladies. Anyone as beautiful as you shopping in our complex is a VIP." The man nodded to them with a smile on his face. "And…"

"And nothing. That is enough. We got the memo." Doe said as she brushed past the man, dragging Amber after her.

"What? He is Just trying to be nice." She complained even as Doe dragged her, walking after the female attendant to the female section now.

"Of course. I can see that. He is nice enough to make you want to spend all your money at this place. That is his business policy." Doe complained as she plopped onto a red velvet sofa, leaving her friend standing, surrounded by several dresses on rails.

"I mean, that is not such a bad thing. And whoa.. why are you seated?" Amber gasped out? Her eyes narrowed.

"You wanted to go shopping and I am here. So shop away." Doe flashed her teeth to her.

"That is not the deal!" Amber gasped as she moved to drag her up. "We are here to shop. So you better get out here and start making some nice clothes selections. I won't be the one to fix your wardrobe."

"Yea… we both know that is a lie. In the end, you are going to do that." Doe complained now, shifting through some dresses.

"Uh.., because it's a party and I can't have you look like you have been a maid all your life. Even maids are prettier than you do." Amber lashed out.

"Amber…" Doe complained, shooting her the stink eye.

At this, she laughed, shrugging her shoulders before coming over to hug her from behind.

Eventually they picked a couple of clothes, with amber doing the selection process for most of them. Much to the annoyance of Doe who could only grumble but do as her friend wanted her to do.

When finally, Amber decided they had had enough, they walked to the counter, waiting until 10 large shopping bags were loaded for them.

"What? Amber? Who bought all of this?" Doe gasped out, taking out her card to be charged for the expenses.

"Uh… hah!" Amber laughed. "I don't know."

"Actually, 70% of the clothes merchandise belong to you, miss." The attendant lady smiled at Amber, much to the annoyed glare of her friend.

"It's just a one night party. And we are having all these clothes like, are you kidding me?" Doe grumbled. "Do you guys do home delivery? We don't have a car to take these home."

"I suppose I thought the ladies came on a ride." The old man smiled, handing back the car.

"It was a chartered ride." Doe cut in.

"Oh! Then we can have it ordered to your location, if the lady pleases. You would just have to pay a little token." The man said.

"Okay! What details do we have to fill?"

"Doe, we need a card. we can't do girls' night without a car." Amber moaned, hugging Doe's waist.

"And uhm… who's gon pay?" Doe asked.

However, just then, a man with a red jacket, black jeans strolled in. He walked gingerly towards Amber but stopped some steps away, gesturing to her with a finger.

Amber froze upon seeing him, her eyes widening as she slowly pulled away from Doe. Nervously walking after him, her heart racing in her chest.

Ah! The scents of trouble

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