
Divided by Law; Bond by Love

Two sides of a coin which could never mix because of the great contrast in their lives. “For all my hate and what I have lost, my revenge shall be a dish best served cold.” Doe, an accomplished black-hat hacker, with a vengeance mission against everyone white-skinned. On her path of revenge, she strives to keep her secrets and emotions intact but fate had other plans for her and love found its way again into her cold heart when her lover, by the law, must hunt her! Jim, a police detective who hates his job, comes across an interesting black lady in one of his escapes, and later she becomes the start of good things for him.  Soon, he gets an irresistible offer of cracking a case to gain his long-desired freedom. What he didn’t expect was the cherry on top?  She was his crime and freedom. Yet, stole his heart and broke the law!

sir_impeccable · Urban
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Near Miss


"What do you mean declined?" Jim could not help but ask.

He hated being embarrassed. It was why he never did try to live above his means. Anything that he spent this money on was what he was allowed to spend his money on. That is, he never tried to move past what he could afford in the actual sense of it.

And even though he could use some more of the money he got from his family. He was permitted to do that, but, he always made sure, it was just a little above what he could afford on a normal basis.

He had been a freelance tech developer then. Then he had made some monies before the family pressure mounted into him to get into the business of the family. That is ,security.

And in that business, he tried to maintain a low profile so that he would not have to ask his dad for more money. At least, what he spent was something he knew and was able to return fi his father had decided to cross that line with him.

And so far, the old man had not done that. So what exactly was at play here?

"Doit again." He demanded as he made his way to the counter, a frown on his face.

"Uh.. Actually sir. I have done it twice now." The man said to him politely with a little frown. "Maybe you want to give us another card for us to try, ir? I assure you, our stock here would certainly be the best you would have ever seen in this neighbourhood." He added, still trying to patronise him into buying some more.

"Ah, right, right." Jim sighed at this. "Try it again." He frowned even more as he brought his phone out and then began to dial a number.

First of all,his thoughts rummaged on what he was going to do. He could not just get out of here since he had told Jonas about what he wanted to get for him. He was rich enough to procure it that's why he was confident enough in trying to bribe him.

Even though he took a bit of his family allowance into it. But it was nothing he could not replace with his own money for it came to that.

To let his father breathe less down on his neck, he had cultivated the habits of leaving home with the debit cards his father controlled. This way he was sure to throw the old man off the scent by using the money allocated to him.

If he did that, the old man would not worry about how his money came in from the tech industry and this meant that he would have some fresh air to him. Not some old man telling him that hiding behind a computer to gain money was cowardice or was not expected of an actual man who was from the Maxwells.

This was why he was not here with his own cards. He had simply come with the family issued one.

And now, it declined, twice if the man was right, then this meant that it would only mean one thing.

But why? His heart pondered. His mind raging for answers.

Why Would his father do something like this? After all, did his father not try to get him to behave with the promise of having him solve one case? His mind arched for reasons as he deliberated on it.

"Sir, your card is…'' the man said to him, not bothering to complete his statement as he held out the card.

Jom collected it, with a nod of his head. Inhaling sharply, he pointed a hand to the man, signaling for him to wait as his call connected.

"Hello Father. How do you do?" He asked with a smile on his face.

"I am well. I suppose you are calling me from your office?" the father said to him.

"What? No!"

"You see, this is the problem with you. You want me to atek things so lovingly with you but you don't want to play by my rules. How can that work?"

"You said there will be a case. And I want to see it. then I would be playing by your rules, right?" Jim asked. "You did not have to block my card."

"You are not in the department, Jim. That wasn't our deal. I told you, to your office. Then you would know. But no, you thought you could simply play around in that neighborhood right?"

"What? Did Jonas tell you that?" Jima sked, his eyes flashing now.

"It doesn't matter who did. I told you that I have all the resources to find you at a moments notice if I so desire it. You're not in the office, you cannot have access to the family money. Good day."


And the line disconnected, leaving Jim staring awkwardly at his phone screen. While the man stared at him, expectantly,

Just then, the door to the store opened up and all smiley faced Jonas stepped in. Seeing his friend step in, rage flashed over the face of Jim as he hurried over, slamming his open palm into his chest.

"What the hell, Jonas?"

"What?" Jonas countered, pushing back against him.

The two of them straws each other in the eyes, Jim exhaling bitterly. Just liked before, it could only have been the work of Jonas who had told him tk his father.

But to think that he would do that even when he told him about what he was gong to buy for him was annoying.

"How long you gon snitch on me to dad? I thought we were friends!" He yelled out.

"What's you saying?" Jonas frowned, holding out both hands in front of him. "You need tk calm down bro. Calm down."

"Gentlemen, I'm afraid, I have to ask you both tk take your brawl outside before…"

"That's fine!" Jim cut in sharply. "We were just leaving."

"Look, I don't know what happened here but the only thing I know is that we were expecting some suits? Right?" Jim asked, staring at the packaged suits on the counter.

"Ye? Until your big mouth went to tell dad that I was still here. Now he has blocked my cards. I can't do shit! Fuck of my face." Jim cursed as he pushed past him, storming off to the door.

Jonas' eyes narrowed as he stared at the suits and at the man. He turned around after a moments hesitation, racing after his friend. However, just as he did that, another car drove in. It parked just a bit behind the SUV while Jonas stared at it, undecidedly.

Something about the car struck his attention.

"Jim, hold up! Wait…" he called out hurriedly as the same black lady he had spoken to from earlier stepped out from the backseat, accompanied by a white lady.

"Jim, I swear, this girl looks like your black bum." He called out.

But Jim did not answer. He opened the pedestrian door beside the wheel , revved the engine, signaling him to get in.

"You gon get in or I should leave your treacherous ass behind?" Jim barked out, snapping out the hesitation in Jonas' mind as he hurriedly got in.

Shortly after, the SUV wheeled out, leaving Doe and Amber in the rear. With Doe staring at the SUV with a suspicious glance.