
Distant fairy tomb

An ordinary urban youth enters an ancient cemetery where the gods and demons of the East and the West are buried. Here, the remains of countless ancient immortals and demons are frozen, and the ancient magic treasures buried with them are also frozen, as well as the mysterious inheritance left by the immortals and demons! How will he live after returning to the city?

tolfenle · Fantasy
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511 Chs

Heller's Bet

Peter yelled agitatedly in the office for a while before he calmed down a little. , He breathed a sigh of relief, and continued to ask: "Where was Robin killed? How did he get killed?"

"China, a city called East Lake." Heller replied with a sullen face, very succinctly, "According to our internal information, he was defeated by a mysterious silver-masked man with an absolute advantage."

"Absolute advantage?" Peter's eyes widened, and extreme shock appeared on his face again, "My God, how could there be such a terrifying power in the world! This is far beyond my cognition!"

Heller said slowly: "I'm already sure that the silver-masked man is the legendary cultivator!"

"Cultivator?" Peter didn't know anything about it, "What kind of humanoid weapon is that made of biotechnology?"

Heller shook his head with a wry smile, feeling that it was really difficult to explain to Peter what a cultivator was.

"Those are human beings who rely on self-cultivation and possess great power. Well, they may no longer be called human beings."

"Through self-cultivation? You mean, through self-cultivation, mastering supernatural powers? Is there really such a magical way of cultivation in the world?" Peter asked suspiciously, frowning.

In fact, Heller doesn't know much about cultivators, and he only heard some of them by chance when chatting with some special friends. However, since Peter thought so, he couldn't find a more suitable explanation, so he clicked Nodding: "As you said.

That's it. "

Peter has a strong ability to accept. Although he was still dubious, he quickly adjusted his mood and asked: "Then what should we do next? There is no stronger trump card in the game! Or... we give up that blood crystal?"

"The blood crystal must be snatched back! Never give up!" Heller slapped the table. Said without a doubt.

"Then how should we grab it? What should we use to grab it?" Peter asked very directly, spreading his hands.

Heller rubbed his forehead lightly, feeling like his head was about to crack.

Indeed, why did he snatch the blood crystal?

That silver-faced man who appeared out of nowhere is so powerful that it makes people shudder!

Heller suddenly remembered that the last time, when the bank robbery happened, the silver-masked man also killed the four mercenaries he sent, plus this time. That silver-masked man has ruined his good deeds twice in succession!

"We can't let this kind of thing continue to happen!" He closed his eyes. Mouth murmured.

After careful consideration for a long time, he suddenly gritted his teeth and made up his mind.

"Peter, we still have the last trump card in our hand!"

"The last trump card?" Peter was taken aback for a moment. Then he came to his senses, and his expression changed drastically, "Heller! You don't mean to let that dangerous guy out!"

Heller nodded slowly: "That's right, I just want that guy to work for us."

"You are crazy! Heller! You are simply a lunatic!" Peter shouted emotionally, "That guy is an extremely dangerous unknown! Once he is released, there is no way to control him! We will all die at his hands! It's too dangerous! I don't agree, absolutely not!"

Heller didn't say a word, just looked at him calmly. It wasn't until his anger was vented and his emotions gradually calmed down that he said, "I know that if we release that guy, we must take a huge risk. This is a dangerous gamble. But if we don't take a gamble, we won't A way to get back the blood crystal. I think you are very clear. Once the secret of the blood crystal is revealed, then we and Dian Shen Company will still end together! However, once we win the bet, everything will return to calm and we can be safe again Stay in your own position without incident and continue to do it. Besides, I think our chances of winning the bet may be higher."

Peter glanced at him and asked suspiciously, "Oh? Why do you say that?"

Heller smiled: "Peter, you probably don't know that our company's biological agent department has specially developed a new type of blood poison for that guy. As long as it is injected into that guy's blood, I'm not afraid that he won't listen to us obediently." Order, otherwise, the poison of the blood poison will spread rapidly, spread all over the body, and immediately take his life! There is only one antidote for this blood poison, and this antidote is in our hands! "

"Really? Your blood

How effective is it? "Peter's eyes lit up and he asked quickly.

Heller nodded very positively and said, "It's true. I don't need to deceive you. The blood poison and antidote have been tested repeatedly, and their effectiveness has been confirmed."

Peter let out a heavy breath, and his tone softened, without the previous fierce opposition: "If the blood poison is really so effective and can control that guy, you bet, the risk may be much reduced."

"In other words, you agree with my plan?" Heller asked with a smile.

"Do I have any other options?" Peter smiled wryly, "I hope I can get the blood crystal back this time."

"Don't worry, if he's the one to do it, it will definitely work." Heller said with great certainty, his face full of confidence, "Peter, if you have time, let's check on that guy's situation now, how about it?"

Peter nodded: "Come with me."

As he spoke, he thrust his hands into the white coat, and walked to the secret elevator first, with Heller following behind.

The secret elevator descends rapidly, from the top of the Empire State Building, all the way down to the deep underground.

The secret elevator slid to both sides again, and what appeared in front of me was a long white passage with no end in sight. On both sides of the passage, there were neatly arranged rooms, and each room was a huge laboratory. Technicians in white protective suits and masks walked in and out of each room.

Peter led Heller to the changing room to put on the same protective clothing, and then walked along the passage to the innermost part.

The two walked a long distance before they reached the end of the passage, and a huge steel door stood in front of their eyes.

On both sides of the gate stood four company security guards holding automatic rifles and wearing masks.

Behind this fan is the top secret place of Dian Shen Company, and it is an absolutely forbidden place of Dian Shen Company. This world-class arms company with hundreds of thousands of employees is not allowed to enter except for a very small number of top researchers and the top management of the company. , not even allowed close.

Otherwise, kill without mercy!

Peter walked to the gate and pointed his eyes at the iris recognition device. After the device scanned his iris, the information was fed back to the computer, and his identity was instantly confirmed.

There was only a soft "chi" sound, and the 10,000-ton steel gate slowly rose, and a burst of white mist gushed out from the gate.

Peter nodded at Heller and walked in.

This is a huge space, the temperature is very low, bitingly cold, and thick mist rolls on the ground. In the center of the room, there is an ancient and exquisite sarcophagus. The coffin lid and the four walls of the sarcophagus are engraved with a huge cross, and the holy light shines from the cross.

Heller and Peter came to the sarcophagus, took a deep breath, and then pushed the sarcophagus away. The figure that both Heller and Peter were deeply afraid of revealed his true face.

Lying in the sarcophagus was a very handsome young man, with long blond hair, exquisite facial features, and very fair skin, but the whiteness was a little morbid, even almost monstrous.

The handsome man's eyes were closed, his expression was serene, and he seemed to be in a deep sleep. However, the tightly wrapped silver chain around his body and the crosses shining with holy light on the silver chain showed that he was not in a normal sleep, but by someone Seal it layer by layer with holy power!

Heller took out a syringe from a small box, and a silver liquid flowed gently in the syringe.

"Are you sure you really want to wake up this dark creature from its deep sleep?" Peter confirmed one last time, "He is a vampire! Moreover, he is the most dangerous and rebellious rebel among the vampires! Even the dark vampires are the same for him. I have a huge headache, I can't do anything about it!"

Heller smiled reluctantly: "Yes, I know all of this.

However, what I value more is his strength! Before this guy was sealed, he already possessed the terrifying power of a blood prince! And this power is exactly what we desperately need now! "

Having said that, he paused and waved the syringe in his hand: "Don't worry too much, Peter, the new blood poison inside is like a deadly shackle, which can help us firmly control him."

After finishing speaking, he stabbed the syringe into the sleeping man's body without hesitation, and injected the blood poison inside.

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