
Distant fairy tomb

An ordinary urban youth enters an ancient cemetery where the gods and demons of the East and the West are buried. Here, the remains of countless ancient immortals and demons are frozen, and the ancient magic treasures buried with them are also frozen, as well as the mysterious inheritance left by the immortals and demons! How will he live after returning to the city?

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The Bloody Duke

The Bloody Duke

Heller injected the blood poison into the sleeping man in the sarcophagus, and then started to remove the crosses and silver chains shining with holy light little by little.

Heller had carefully studied these seals in advance, and knew that these crosses were a fatal threat to blood races, but they did no harm to ordinary people.

He moved swiftly, and quickly removed the silver chain and cross wrapped around the sleeping man's body.

The name of the gold sealed in the sarcophagus is Bird. He is a genius strong rarely seen by the blood race for hundreds of years, and possesses amazing dark power.

When he was still very young, he already possessed the powerful strength of the Duke of Blood, becoming the youngest grand duke of the Blood Race.

Almost all the blood clans have no doubt that as long as time passes, the Grand Duke Bird will become the owner of the highest power of the blood clan—one of the eight princes of the blood clan.

In the dark century of the European continent, the church and the dark world continued to fight.

Byrd showed his cold-bloodedness and strength, causing the church to suffer heavy losses. The whole church was shocked, and fearfully called Byrd the Bloody Duke, and offered a reward of 100,000 gold coins for his head!

For a time, the reputation of the Bloody Duke Byrd spread throughout the entire continent of Europe, and everyone was frightened by it.

However, Byrd was really too rebellious, going his own way, and even dared to resist the order of the prince, which caused great headaches to the upper echelons of the blood clan.

Although the vampires are creatures living in darkness, they have extremely strict levels and rules. The six precepts of blood clans are the laws that regulate all blood clans, and no blood clan can violate them, otherwise, they will be severely punished, unruly Byrd. Obviously violated more than one of the six precepts.

Even though Byrd has a proud talent, in order to maintain the blood clan system that has lasted for thousands of years and the dignity of the prince, the bloody Duke Byrd was unanimously ruled as a rebel by the eight princes, and began to be hunted down by all the blood clans. The supreme ruler of the blood clan—the prince of the blood clan—all appeared in the hunt. ** Provide this book txt e-book download **

Although Byrd is powerful, he is under the pursuit of all blood clans. Still outnumbered. He was seriously injured and ran around.

As a result, the church took advantage of the situation and did not fall into the trap. Seal Bird in the deep underground!

This seal is hundreds of years old!

By chance, the Electric God Company discovered the clue that Byrd was sealed, so they dug him out and moved him into the headquarters of the Electric God Company to conduct research until now.

Peter and Heller looked at Byrd without blinking, waiting for him to wake up from his deep sleep.

After about ten minutes, there was a long and deep moan. It spit out from Bird's mouth, and then, his eyelids moved and slowly opened.

Then sat up from the sarcophagus.

He looked around curiously. Then they set their sights on Heller and Peter.

"Humans, did you wake me up from my slumber?"

"Yes. Respected Grand Duke Bird." Heller smiled as kindly as possible and used an honorific.

"Oh, then it seems that I should thank you."

Heller smirked and said, "Hehe, if the Duke wants to express his gratitude, maybe he can do me a little favor."

"Help? This is the real purpose of waking me up." Byrd asked lightly, "What if I refuse?"

"That will be a little troublesome.~~ e t~~" Byrd shrugged, "My lord duke, before you wake up, I injected you with a blood poison that can quickly destroy your blood cells and make your Blood necrosis will put you to death. Well, it has the same effect as silver. Of course, this blood poison is more toxic than silver, and it works more violently! However, the toxicity of this poison has an incubation period of one month. If you can complete the task we entrusted to you within one month, then we will give you an antidote and save you from death."

Bird moved his joints gracefully, and said lightly: "With your weak strength, you want to threaten me? As long as there is an antidote in this world, I can find it. If you don't tell me, I will kill you." If the others don't speak up, I'll kill them all, there will always be someone who can't stand it and will speak out."

Bird's tone was very flat, as if he was talking about a trivial matter, but both Heller and Peter knew it very well in their hearts. Byrd, the terrifying Duke of Blood, can do what he can say.

Peter felt a chill in his heart, he was not very good at first.

Bird was released from the seal, and now he regrets that he agreed with Hai

He turned his head and looked at Heller anxiously, wondering how he could solve this crisis.

Heller was also extremely nervous, but his expression was very calm, and he turned a deaf ear to Byrd's threat.

"In this world, there is only one bottle of antidote, and it is stored in an extremely secret place. Apart from me, no one in this world knows where it is. In addition, the complete formula of the antidote is only available to me. One knows that if you kill me, the antidote will be lost forever, and no one will be able to make it again."

Bird's expression turned cold, and he stared at Heller closely, his eyes covered with a thick murderous look like fog.

Peter's heart rose to his throat, and his whole body trembled slightly due to tension and fear.

He knew very well that if Byrd was really desperate and started killing, not only would the two of them die, but no one at Dian Shen's headquarters would be able to stop Byrd!

Under Bird's terrifying power, the entire Empire State Building will become a hell on earth!

In the huge white space, there was a dead silence, and even the heartbeat seemed so loud, like a drum beating.

Bird stared at Heller for a long time, then suddenly grinned, showing a cruel smile: "You won. Tell me, what do you want me to do?"

Hearing what Byrd said, Peter knew that Byrd had lowered his proud head and temporarily surrendered, so he couldn't help being overjoyed.

Heller also quietly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and his heart, which had been hanging all the time, fell back to its original position.

He knew that he had wandered around the gates of hell and came back again.

If Byrd was desperate and ruthless, he would have become a mummy now.

Although a high-ranking blood like Grand Duke Bird doesn't like to drink the blood of men, and he is still an old man, Bird will not hesitate to give up his principles for the enemy he hates.

Heller quietly wiped off his cold sweat, secretly thankful that he won the first round of the bet.

He tried his best to look calm and said, "I want you to go to a city in China called Donghu to find the lost blood crystal."

"Blood crystal? It seems to be the treasure of the blood clan. How did it get into your hands?" Bird raised his eyebrows in surprise and asked.

Heller frowned and said, "You don't need to know about it, you just need to snatch the blood crystal back. Besides, this matter must be done in secret, and no one should know about it."

"Really?" Byrd glanced at him with a half-smile, "Are you afraid that if this matter spreads, it will attract double attacks from the blood race and the church?"

Heller's heart trembled. He never expected Bird to wake up after sleeping for hundreds of years. He didn't understand the outside world at all, but he said it right!

This gaze can only be described as terrifyingly sharp.

Byrd stretched his waist, stepped out of the sarcophagus, and said lazily: "Don't worry, I won't gossip, my only interest is the antidote. When I brought back the blood crystal, I I hope you have the antidote ready by then, too."

"Of course." Heller said with a smile, "Now you go out with us and learn more about modern society."

Bird nodded, and followed the two out of the secret room.

Ten days later, the Bloody Duke Byrd, who had a brand new identity, departed from New York and flew to China.

"Heller, if Byrd snatches the blood crystal back, will we really give him the antidote?" Peter asked standing outside the airport, looking up at the planes flying overhead.

"Of course." Heller replied in the affirmative.

Peter was taken aback: "But once the poison on that guy's body is removed, he will definitely suck us into a mummy immediately!"

Heller laughed confidently: "Dear Peter, do you think I'm so stupid that I didn't even think of this? I'll give him the antidote, but the antidote can only suppress the poison for a month and delay the explosion of the poison. If Bird doesn't want to die in pain, he must continue to use the antidote I provided to prolong his life.

In fact, in this world, there is no antidote to completely remove that toxicity. "

"Oh, Heller, I suddenly feel that you are the real dark creature." Peter's heart suddenly relaxed, and he laughed loudly.