

Humans deceive, steal, and kill and still expect so much from the world. Human are nothing more than a virus, of that I am certain, for the betterment of the world, humanity must die.

BloodyGhoul · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

The Devil Kings Reincarnation

Zack stared at the rock in his hand with some disappointment, while he hadn't expected it to look pretty he had at least expected it to look special or magical, but the thing he held looked like an ordinary old rock.

it wasn't shiny or crystalline, no it didn't glow or sparkle like a jewel, and it didn't give off an ounce of magic power, nope it was just a dumb rock. Zack began to wonder if they were being played for fools, no way these were a type of mana stone, they were just too ordinary.

"As I explained earlier," the admin said drawing Zack's attention away from his rock. "These mana stones will take on whatever form you desire and that form will reflect your soul and your base element affinity or the element you have a great affinity for, all you have to do is run some mana through it and give your thoughts form."

Zack sighed he wondered if this rock could really give form to anything other than a broken window. "Are you sure we can do that with these, they look like regular old rocks," he said forgetting he was in the kings' presence, quickly adding your highness and apologizing for his rudeness.

Laughing the king said. "'Tis fine boy this is a day to celebrate you forget any formalities, as for the effectiveness of those rocks, they will work and give form to a piece of your very soul, those rocks cant be lied to. They will show who you really are, even if you yourself don't know."

Zack looked at the mana stone in his hand. "A piece of my soul, huh, guess we'll see about that," He whispered to himself. "With your permission, I'd like to proceed, your majesty," he said still staring at the stone he held.

"You may begin," the king announced. The admin stepped back and nodded to the three, and they began to summon their unique grimoires. They closed their eyes and tried to imagine what they wanted their grimoire to look like.

Zack had only just begun to close his eyes when his mana crystal began to glow. the crystal glowed a brilliant white at first but almost immediately changed to a deep dark black, the atmosphere in the room changed just as quickly as the color of the light, the soldiers in the room began to panic and the admins face showed pure unrestrained fear.

Zack had no idea what was happening anymore, the light seemed to engulf him swallowing him whole. He could feel the stone in his hand begin to shift and change. Then the light began to fade. Zack dropped to one knee feeling as if he'd run a marathon.

Breathing heavily he looked at his new grimoire. It was a long black greatsword, its guard was shaped like a dragon in flight while its hilt held a large red stone shaped like a heart, its grip was wrapped in a bandage-like material and the blade was as black as the night sky with sharp jagged edges that resembled dragons teeth, because of all this Zack knew the swords name almost immediately. "Dragons Heart," he said in a faint exhausted voice.

"Devil," he heard someone shout. "Your him, you're his reincarnation, you're the devil king" the admin shouted. Everyone in the room stopped moving, it seemed like some people stopped breathing. "That was dark magic, the most forbidden of magics and the hardest to master, in all the time that any of the races existed only one being was capable of using it, the Devil King, and now you use it here. There is no other explanation, you are the devil kings reincarnation."

All eye were suddenly aimed at Zack, the fear in those eyes was quite clear, the next words out his mouth would determine his future, swallowing slowly he placed Dragons heart on the ground and raised his hands, looking around he saw over twenty soldiers and ten mages not including the other two chosen for the royal mage unit and the knight commander.

Zack hoped beyond hope his next stunt would work, he knew nothing he said would help him now if he stayed they'd execute him for sure. Taking a deep breath he said. "Well I know this looks bad so ill surrender at least until we can clear this up." while saying this he placed his foot under the grip of his new grimoire sword and began to whisper a spell he'd only just thought up hoping with all he had that it worked.

The knight commander watched the boy then looked at the king who nodded his approval, with that the commander gave the order to arrest Zack. The knights approached slowly as if fearful of what Zack could do. Just as they reached him Zack finished his chanting. "Dark Cloud" as he said this a thick dark mist filled the room, while Zack could see in the mist no one else would be able to.

Using the mist as a cover Zack grabbed his grimoire and hurried out the throne room. Remembering what the boy from his dreams said, Zack began to kick himself, he knew this was what was going to happen, the boy knew and even warned him, how could he be so stupid.

Making another turn down the unmarked halls Zack came to a dead-end, and to make matters worse he could hear voices closing in on him, he began to panic, if he went back the way he came he'd be captured, if he stayed where he was he'd be captured, he was trapped.

Zack suddenly remembered the boy's other advice, "Feed the dragon," Zacks first thought turned to his grimoire, but that didn't feel right. Looking around Zack didn't see much the hall was empty besides a torch and the dragon head stand that held it. Zack looked at the stand debating on if this is what the boy meant. The dragon's head did have an opening in its mouth but it was too small to fit anything in. Looking around once more proved to be no help, looking back at the thing Zack tried to put his finger inside the hole.

He immediately noticed a small amount of magic power coming from that hole. The voices pursuing him seemed to be even louder now. Taking a chance he placed his finger back in the hole and poured some mana into it. The eyes of the dragon glowed faintly, then the wall began to split.

Once the wall had opened completely Zack hurried inside. There was a long narrow tunnel leading downward, but nothing else not even torches.

the tunnel's entrance closed but Zack could hear soldiers on the other side of the wall. "Where is he" he heard someone say.

"I don't know but he has to be caught. How dare he kill our king!" shouted another person. Zack could hardly believe what he'd heard. The king is dead.