

Humans deceive, steal, and kill and still expect so much from the world. Human are nothing more than a virus, of that I am certain, for the betterment of the world, humanity must die.

BloodyGhoul · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Escaping the Capital

Zack rushed down the hall using the fire element as a light source. He felt sick, the king was dead, and they think Zack killed him. "If they didn't believe I was the devil king before they do now," he said with a dry humorless laugh. How, Zack thought, how could this happen, how'd the king die in the short time that it took for Zack to escape, his spell didn't last very long, this should not have happened.

Zack's mind felt fried, he couldn't see any logical way that this could have happened. Zack felt as if the air in his body was being sucked out, he stopped running and leaned against the wall for support. Taking several deep breaths he slid his back down the wall and sat down, he felt tired and worn out, his eyes began to feel heavy and soon he couldn't open them at all. How can I sleep at a time like this, Zack thought, I really am stupid.

When Zack opened his eyes again he was surrounded by fire, he heard laughter from the distance but couldn't tell where it came from, the laugh sounded like it belonged to a crazy person. Looking around he saw those people again, the seven with the strange weapons, they stared at Zack with an expression that could only be called bloodhungry. The leader of the seven came towards Zack again but didn't bring his blade.

The creepy leader of the even creepier seven smiled at Zack. He came closer to Zack and whispered something in Zack's ear that he wished he hadn't heard, the words felt like ice running down his back. He knew without a dought this statement was true. The leader began to laugh again, sounding like a mad man as he turned his back to Zack. "See you later, lord..." Zack woke up before he could hear the name the man spoke. He knew the name that man said was the true name the boy from his dream wanted to hear from him.

Zack got to his feet and looked around. There still wasn't any sign of the soldiers, but he had no desire to wait to hear them coming. Rushing down the steps Zack could hardly believe what the man had said. He wanted nothing more than to write it off as a bad dream but he knew better than that.

Zack stopped once he reached the end of the hall. In front of him now was a large old wooden door that looked as if it'd fall apart at any second. sighing instead of screaming as he wanted, Zack stepped up to the door and placed his ear to it listening hard to make sure no one was on the other side. Slowly opening the door and cringing at the sound it made, he stepped inside a spacious hall. The hall seemed almost abandoned, like no one had used it since it was created, it was empty and baren of any paintings or sculptures, it was covered from top to bottom in cobwebs and dust, and the paint on the walls and carpet on the floor was torn and patchy as if they'd never been tended to.

Zack found the hall eerie and wanted nothing more than to leave. Looking around once more he began to run down the hall at full speed. At several points, Zack thought he would fall right through the floor, and at several others, the floor under him would crack or break under him. When he finally did reach the end of the hall he'd already convinced himself the floor itself was a trap out to get him.

Sighing with frustration Zack tried to focus on the door blocking his path out of the castle. He took notice that the hinges on the door were rusted and moldy, pushing it open wasn't an option. Zack briefly thought about cutting the door down but decided the risk of the noise drawing soldiers was too great.

Unable to think of a better plan Zack resorted to using magic. "Open the door! Unlock!" he shouted, he waited a few moments and was surprised to find the door creaking open slowly. "Woah that worked" as he said this ahead peeked around the corner. Much to his surprise, discomfort, and slight disappointment the head belonged to Aria. "What are you doing here!" he said his heart skipping a beat when he realized it was her.

She looked at him with eyes full of wonder and joy. "Exploring," she said simply. "I heard your voice so I opened the door." the innocence in her voice made it hard for Zack to be mad at her.

"I don't mind you exploring but how did you get to the castle?" Zack asked staring at the girl who mindlessly toyed with the pebbles on the ground.

Looking up at Zack with a smile that could melt ice she said. "This isn't the castle this is a church, silly," Zack almost laughed at the statement but the way Aria said it made him want to believe it was the truth. Stepping out the room Zack when to the only other entrance in the building. There were no doors to open or windows to close in the building it seemed as if the whole building was abandoned like the hall. Walking outside Zack looked at the building they were in, sure enough, it was an abandoned church on the outside of the wall surrounding the capital.

Zack stared at the building for a moment more then called to Aria. "Seems we're leaving the capital today." he said simply.

"Are we leaving right now?" she asked.

"Yeah, we got no choice but to go now." Zack could hear soldiers panicking inside the wall, he had no intention of giving them the chance to find him.

"What about our stuff in the inn?" Aria said sounding almost sad.

"We'll leave it there, we got emergency supplies in my magicycle so we'll be fine for a while. Let's get going" He said.

Aria smiled. "Okay," she said then grabbed his hand pulling him along. Zack smiled at her behavior, she wasn't anything more than a kid who looked on the bright side of life. Zack found himself thinking about what the man said once more, there's just no way it's true, Zack thought, none at all, not while I'm alive ill protect her I swear it.

Aria looked at Zack with that heartwarming smile, he would protect this girl with his life if need be, that was his resolution.