
Discreet Adoration

What does it mean to love someone? What does it mean to beloved by someone? Can a couple learn to love each other despite their not so stellar start?

Miraj · Urban
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38 Chs


Even though Cecilia had kissed him back then, as a man with the experience of being ogled all his life, Ezra knew that the way Cecilia did it was not inherently sexual, but more inquisitive and in admiration. Cecilia made him feel more like he was one step away from killed, preserved and installed as an art piece. The woman did not look like a predator, being slender and less muscled than Daphne, but oddly enough, she oozed more danger than Daphne ever could.

Ezra could not comprehend how that was possible, as Daphne was a master in mixed martial arts and was supposedly able to incapacitate even a black bear. He heard about this from her mother, Annette, but he still found it hard to believe.

Daphne was not completely aware, but that whole situation where Cecilia kissed Ezra, was what had changed her perspective on her circumstances as time went by. Ce's actions always had a strong impact on Daphne, even if the result could only be seen months, or even years later.

Ce had complimented that Ezra looked better than many professional athletes. His body was in-between that of a swimmer and a bodybuilder. And to think that was five years ago — he looked even better now. Daphne could not wait to see him naked. She had already gotten a preview when she felt him up earlier.

Even though Daphne was reluctant, after she sneaked a peak at her hand-watch and saw that it was a bit over 9pm, she knew that they had to break out of this state. She did not want to do this, as she had doubts about being able to recreate the atmosphere in the future. She was unsure if she could always be this shameless.

After a bit more hesitation where she again contemplated if she should just jump him and be even more shameless, she decided that she shouldn't. Ezra had been behaving oddly for a while now, he was in a daze and whoever she shifted her body a bit or when her touch shifted slightly… she could feel him shiver.

She was unsure of what it meant, but she was worried that if she pushed him too much, he might have a heart attack. She knew he was healthy, but his heart rate was a bit too fast for her liking. She thought that maybe she should ease into things a bit.

"Ezra, you should eat." Daphne uttered.

Ezra affirmed her statement by humming.

"Like, now." Daphne clarified.

"I am not hungry." Ezra answered absentmindedly.

By this point, Daphne was a bit worried, she had heard his stomach rumble, so she determined his words to be untrue, but it seemed he was unaware of his own hunger.

Daphne got up from his lap. Ezra's hands that were holding her in place were accommodating her every movement, as such, when she moved away from him, they naturally unclasped from behind her back.

Ezra was looking at her with a lost expression, looking naïve, innocent and heartbroken. Daphne could not bear his gaze for long and had to look away.

She felt like she had sinned.

"Bear, you need to eat." Daphne said in an almost commanding tone.

"Bear?" Ezra asked with a hint of confusion.

"Yes, bear. What are you, two meters tall? One hundred kilos?"

"6 feet 6 inches, so 201cm. 215 lbs so 97 kilograms." Ezra answered dutifully after which a smile spread across his face.

'Is `bear` my first pet name?' He wondered, pleased.

Daphne looked at Ezra for a second and curiously asked.

"Why feet and pounds? You are not American. Didn't we both go to Oxford? I remember my father mentioning that."

"I did my MBA at Harvard. I sometimes played with the basketball club on the weekends and got used to their measurements."

"Oh, I see. And… do you like me calling you 'bear'?" Daphne asked while looking at Ezra's captivating smile that radiated pure joy.

"I would probably like any pet name coming from you…" Ezra admitted with the same absentminded joy present on his face.

"Well okay, my handsome bear, you gotta go eat. But first, you should change."

After Ezra reveled a bit in being called 'her' handsome bear, he asked,

"Change? Why?"

Daphne indicated with her eyes towards his crotch area and Ezra followed her gaze, eventually uttering an understanding "OHHH…."