

One can only withstand enough trauma in one's life. With his mother abandoning the family with nothing but a single letter, the father losing his mind completely over it, the fall out with the siblings, Drew knew it was time to pack up and leave the family house. And he did leave. But leaving brought him into a whole new journey of new formed friendships,his own independence, secrets uncovered,betrayals and tragedies but most importantly,he unlocked emotions that he didn't even know he was capable of having. This is a male/male romance novel. If you are into that kind of thing.

TheCrappyEnigma · Urban
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12 Chs


"YOU ARE A VERY PATHETIC MAN! A FOOL!", I shouted angrily as I barged into my father's room. My father was lying on the floor helplessly. I guess he didn't even go to work that day. He was just so helpless that on a normal day,I would have pitied him but him attempting to kill Dani made me even more angry at him.

He didn't even move an inch or bother to respond,he simply laid on the floor whimpering like a child whose toy was taken against his will.


"Drew please leave him alone" Dani begged. I turned to Dani,fuming with all the anger and rage in me. I wanted to say something very venomous to her when unexpectedly,Dominic came and dragged me off of Daddy.

I turned to Dominic, wild-eyed,I almost pushed him back out of anger before Dante came and held me. I was so angry yet confused as to why they were all defending this pathetic and weak man of a father.


"Sir,we are here already".. The driver tapped me gently interrupting my brief nap. I didn't know when I fell asleep, while recurring the encounter I had with my family the previous day.

Since it happened,I didn't want to think about it and how nobody was on my side. I was the villain in the story,they all felt Daddy didn't do what he did on purpose and I was bullying him by being angry at him. I get that they feel that way but why would my father be such a mess?. His wife left him over five years ago,he should have gotten his life back together and be strong for his children but he decided he would wallow in self-hatred and self-pity all through his life.

What would make a man that unstable just because his partner left? Love? A partner that loved you would never leave you,then why would you choose to be a mess when someone who claimed they loved you left? . I knew growing up,it always appeared as if my mother really loved my father a lot and I knew my father loved her very dearly,like he would never love anybody again but if she left him with nothing as much as a letter,is she worth all the emotions he is investing on her? What was in this love that was making people act like they are stupid and brainless?

I had to take my things inside the house. With the help of the moving company,all my belongings were well taken care of. Except my personal bags,I decided to take that inside myself. So after everything,I watched them take their leave. I had already paid for everything (which cost me a fortune to do so) so I just thanked them finally and bade them goodbye.

The apartment I moved into was a small house with just two bedrooms,a small kitchen,a bathroom and a toilet,a very small front porch which I did the painting and the renovation myself few days back. It had a small front yard as well,just able to accommodate my car without encroaching on my neighbours' space. It was okay for me. After all,I was living alone and I wasn't expecting to have anybody to stay with. I wasn't big on dating. I hadn't dated anyone since I left high school close to seven years and I knew I was practically not missing much. I hated dating. The last girl I dated was just a week. I was with her mainly because she was really pretty and I was a very horny teenager. After I slept with her twice,I dumped her and never talked to her again.

As I was taking the last part of my stuff into the house,my eyes met coincidentally met with the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen in my entire life and by most beautiful,I was not exaggerating at all. They were the deepest shade of blue I had ever seen. Normally,I see beautiful people with gorgeous eyes all the time but I most definitely,never stare at them. Most times I look away before even that person would have gotten to process my face.

But I couldn't look away. Infact,I lost myself for a few moments in those eyes. Something was making me glued to the spot i was,not moving. In my head,I knew I was probably looking very awkward and stupid for staring shamelessly, but I just couldn't move. I was completely mesmerised.

The stranger held my gaze for sometime before they turned away and started heading back towards their own apartment. That was when I even started to register that the stranger was a man,a very tall man. I got to my senses immediately and felt very embarrassed. Why did I even stare at him like some creepy person? I had to mentally face palm myself. This was literary one of the most embarrassing things I had ever done in my entire life and I was very much a controlled person so I did rarely embarrass myself like that especially in front of people.

Despite my embarrassment,I still had to take in my stuff inside. So I didn't have much time dwelling on the man with the blue eyes or how much I made a fool of myself.

I spent the rest of the day carefully arranging my house. It was indeed very hectic. Putting stuff where they were supposed to be and making sure it was well organised. I had always been know for being obsessed with having my things in order. Infact whenever I kept something somewhere,I expected it to there whenever I came back from wherever I went to. I knew this was why Damon and I never really got along much. He was a very exuberant young boy,and as much as I loved his exuberance,I couldn't tolerate much of it. I sometimes wondered why people would deliberately have children knowing full well they were bunch of walking breathing chaoses.

I took my bath and climbed into my bed,my well-made bed of course,my minding flashing back to the past few days. I know I should call Dani and tell her that I was okay and settled in but I would leave that tomorrow. I had lost all the strength I could summon on one day packing in and arranging my new house.

And then slightly as I was starting to fall asleep,I remembered those blue eyes again. If anything,I didn't relocate to a new place to make new friends with any one so no matter how captivating this strangers' eyes were,he had nothing to do with me and I was determined to keep it at that. I came here to have my own alone time and navigate through life on my own while learning how to be independent and not invite more troubles for myself through attaching myself to another human being so I would definitely have nothing to do with him whatsoever.

I smiled a little bit at my achievements so far and before I could think further,the strong hands of sleep gripped me.