

One can only withstand enough trauma in one's life. With his mother abandoning the family with nothing but a single letter, the father losing his mind completely over it, the fall out with the siblings, Drew knew it was time to pack up and leave the family house. And he did leave. But leaving brought him into a whole new journey of new formed friendships,his own independence, secrets uncovered,betrayals and tragedies but most importantly,he unlocked emotions that he didn't even know he was capable of having. This is a male/male romance novel. If you are into that kind of thing.

TheCrappyEnigma · Urban
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12 Chs


I had already finished packing my bags and almost all my belongings. Eventually making up my mind to leave the house was definitely not an easy decision. It was as if I was abandoning my family, but I had to. Dani could take care of them. The only thing I'd be causing were more problems and more episodes like the other night. I'd started to look like a monster to them anyways.

I was waiting for the moving company to arrive and take my property to the new apartment. Dani and I had discussed this relocation in full length but I couldn't help but feel like I was abandoning them in a way. The guilt was lingering in me.

Neither Dante nor Dominic have come to help me with packing,none of them had even uttered a word to me since two nights before. Infact they both acted like my decision to leave the house was none of their business and that we all hadn't grown up in that house together. Maybe it was their way of dealing with the fact that people in their lives always tend to eventually leave.

But I couldn't think about that. I had to think about myself. The longer I stayed in the house,the longer I knew I couldn't condone what my father did on a regular, and I couldn't equally do anything about. So I had to leave everything to Dani. Mummy was already long gone and after 5 years of waiting for her,it was obvious indeed that she was not coming back anymore so there wasn't anymore need of me staying in the house I grew up in.

I had already stayed long anyways. I was to be twenty-five in three months. A 25-year-old still living in the parents house made me an oddball,if we are being honest but I wouldn't say it was entirely my fault. When mummy left,I couldn't just pack up and leave. I had to be there for them. I had barely finished college,so I came back and started work from home.

I should have left earlier. It was long overdue. I wasn't of much help in the house anyways. It was always Dani doing everything,making sure my brothers got to school,making sure they ate and their clothes were washed. She even took very good care of my father,who despite his inadequacies,still made enough money to carter for the entire family so my presence in the house was seemingly needless. All I did was go to work,come back and eventually eat the food Dani took time to prepare and I will end up feeling like a great burden to her,it was a very nasty feeling.

"They are not here any yet?" Dani invaded my thoughts and I was grateful for that because I was starting to wallow in self-pity like I always did.

"Not they are not. I don't think they'd be here for another one or two hours."

"That's okay. The main thing is that they eventually get here anyways"

"You know they are going to miss you very much, Drew. I know you don't think so but they really would."

I stared at Dani for a moment, contemplating what she just said. I knew my brothers were going to miss me,they are humans after all. I knew Dante was going to miss me particularly. We were closer compared to either Damon or Dominic. Damon preferred Dante and Dani. Dominic didn't really like anybody so he was always on his own but I was sure Dante will feel the impact when I left.

"I know Dani,I know but I have to go. I really do. My stay in this house is no longer needed. Dani,you are their everything now. Me being here is stopping me equally from being much more independent as I should have already been. I want to be less of a burden to you."

"You can never be a burden to me,Drew. You are my brother and I will do anything I can for you," she reassured me.

I looked at her briefly and smiled. If I contemplated any more of what she said,I might even change my mind but I couldn't do that. I had already made that decision to go,I have exhausted everything I had to make sure I leave so there was no going back.

"I will really miss you,Dani" I said to her. Dani looked at me and I noticed tears were almost at the tip of her eyelids, threatening to fall. I moved to give her a big hug when I heard the horn of the moving company pull up in our front yard.

I rushed out immediately to meet them. A big massive van. Too big to be honest,I didn't need all that space in the van. I didn't even have much property to move except for a couple of things. I would have moved it with my car but my car was very small and couldn't fit everything in properly.

Once everything was packed and loaded,I was actually relieved everything was almost over. I looked over one last time at my family. They were all outside now. Except for Dominic. I didn't see him standing with them.

"I guess this is goodbye then" I said,smiling a little too sadly.

Dani was the first to throw herself at me. She was sobbing heavily but quietly as she wanted to appear strong for my brothers.

"I will really miss you,Drew. Stay safe and eat healthy. Don't ever forget to call us frequently. We would be calling you most definitely. Stay out of trouble. Don't think of you-know-who ever. I love you Drew. I really do." She was sobbing very hard and I was patting her in the back.

"Don't ever play video games without thinking of me. Don't you dare!" Dante came forward, enveloping me in a bear hug.

"I will never ever ever" I said to him, releasing him and actually smiling. He seemed to be handling the situation very well and I was much proud of him.

"Do you really have to go, Drew?" Damon came forward asking me in a very small voice. I knew we were not best friends but I know he still felt a strong emotion towards me leaving.

"Yes,Damon,I do but I will still come visit regularly of course. You don't think I would abandon you completely? Of course not. You are my best brother in the whole world and I can never leave you." Damon actually smiled at that and gave me a very nice warm hug

Dominic came forward. I didn't even know when he had already come out of the house cause I didn't see him initially,Either was,I was happy he did. It would have hurt to leave without saying goodbye to him.

"Be safe bro. I hope you find what you are looking for," He said in a very deep voice. I didn't know what he meant by that or who told him I was looking for anything but I chose not to say anything about that. He didn't hug me but gave me a pat on the back.

Since the farewells were all done,I proceeded to the front seat of the car,the passengers' side. The driver of the van kicked the vehicle in motion and it started moving. I turned back to wave one last goodbye at them. Dani and Damon were both waving together with much enthusiasm whereas Dante and Dominic waved back a little and stopped. I continue to wave till they went out of eye's view.

The distance from my family house to the new apartment was indeed long so I settled down on the front seat of the van while my mind started to wander as usual.