

At the engagement ceremony the island was so beautifully decorated that the guests were mermerisied by the beach, the fresh flowers, organized sitting arrangements, buffet was appearing to be savory. The theme of the party was sunset yellow & black. All the men were looking handsome in the black tuxedo & the gorgeous ladies were each sparks of the sun..... The stage was decorated with the flowers of the china aster with the combination of catmint & wisteria; the backdrop was decorated with chiffon mantle of dark blue with miniscule chicken work of white in it; the stage was a level up from the ground so that everybody get the proper view of outstanding match.

The sitting area was also decorated with elegancy; at each table there was a personalized centerpieces announcing the name of the match. The drinkware & the serveware were all of silver showing the imperial of the groom & the bride. The smooth & sailing air of the fresh beach giving the ambience of pure regal to the invited guests.

Hope you like it

Something different but trying best for the readers

Sorry for grammar mistakes

Belle_Readercreators' thoughts