


As a Park avenue Princess living on the upper East side of Manhattan....

I can tell you straight off that being rich have its own benefits.

I'm not going to deny it.

Supplementary cards with no limits.

Limos with a personal chauffeurs..

I have all trapping that money can buy.

Glowie: Thank you Giles, we can go home now.

(Glowie laying on her bed in deep thoughts)

Glowie: I have a straightforward relationship with my mother, she gives me money and I stay out of her way. I don't have any relationship with my dad, I don't know who he is, and my mother refuses to talk about him. I do have wonderful friends though and for that, I am grateful.

Glowie: 😳Bill? What.....

Bill: Did I surprise you?

( This is one of my mother's "friend" he's about ten years younger than her, he gives me creeps😏)

Glowie: You can't just barge into my room like that, I'm not dressed!

Bill: (looking at my legs) You look fine to me.

Glowie: ewwww.

Glowie: Anyways, my mother is not home yet.

Bill: I know.

Glowie:😳 Then what??

Bill: I just want to see how you're doing.

Glowie: Woah

Glowie : I think you need to get out.

Bill: (walking closer to me) Come on, I've seen the way you look at me.

Glowie: oh my God, Get off me!

Glowie: (slaps) what the hell do you think you're doing.

Bill: Feisty... that turns me on even more, I bet you bite and scratch too (laughing)

Glowie: 😡(angry) GET OUT! or...

Bill: or what?😏 you're going to tell your mother?? 😂😂who do you think she's going to believe? ME OR YOU, she doesn't even like you.


Bill: Your little Minx of a daughter called me to come into her room and tried to seduce me.

Glowie:😡 WHAT?? that's not what happened..


Mom: Bill will you please leave the room?

Bill: yeah, sure.

Glowie: (angrily) your boyfriend barged in here and tried to force himself on me!

Mom: (Screaming) BE QUIET!

Mom: look at you 😠

Glowie: 😳 You.. you can't believe him over me?

(It was at the moment that I realized that my mother truly didn't love me😔)

Mom: you're out of control, no matter I have enrolled you to Dear woods Academy.

Glowie: What?? The boarding school in New Hampshire??

Mom: you will be starting on Monday

Glowie: ( I couldn't take it anymore 😭😭😭 all the years of rejection, not knowing why my own mother didn't love me😭 and now... banishment)

Glowie: that's all you ever wanted!, to get rid of me.

Mom: (rolling eyes)oh, stop being Melodramatic

Glowie: (crying) at least tell me who my father is.

Mom: I have told you before.. stop asking about him, if he wanted you, he would be here wouldn't he??

Mom: Brigitta!.

Mom: Get in here and help Glowie to pack. she will be leaving in the morning.

Glowie ( 😭😭what did I ever do to make her hate me???)

Glowie ( my mother didn't even say, goodbye 😔)

( at least she put me in first class, if you have got to cry, you can at least cry in style, right?)

Well I am a new writer and I feel I can use emojis to express one's feeling, I apologise if you don't like it

Glory_okoncreators' thoughts