
Dearwoods Academy

(Glowie's point of view)

The most prestigious and expensive boarding school in the United States.

If you think that boarding school is for rich, o we privileged kids whose parents unfortunately have no time for them...

You're absolutely right.

After all, somebody's got to earn the money that keeps them in the lap of luxury, right?

Extra curricular activities include horse-riding, Yatching and alpine skiing.

I have grown up in the upper East side so I wasn't a stranger to the world of the rich and privileged but this was a whole other level entirely.

Chauffeur: That's the last of your bags, miss

Glowie: Thank you

Chauffeur: Good luck, miss. And I hope that you will be happy here.

Glowie: (surprised) I.. why would you say that?

Chauffeur: just that you seemed rather unhappy miss, in the car, take care of yourself miss.

Glowie (absurdly, the stranger's concern caused tears to well in my eyes.. which I hurriedly brushed away.

Hazel: Hi, are you Glowie Taylor?

Glowie: Hi, yes I am.

Hazel: I'm Hazel Fisher, I am the senior assigned to show you around campus today.

Glowie: Nice to meet you, Hazel.

Hazel: Nice set of luggages, I see you're one of them, rich kids.

Glowie: I.. I guess I am.

Hazel: Sorry, I have unfortunate habit of saying exactly what I'm thinking.

Glowie: So you're not one of Us? Rich kids, then?

Hazel: (laughs) You're straightforward too, Good.

Yeah I'm not, I'm here on scholarship, some of the others here make fun of me for needing financial aid. But I don't really care, I'm here on my own merit.

Come on, I will show you where your room is.

Glowie:( me moving towards my luggage)

Hazel: oh, the Valet will take care of your luggage.

Glowie:(she showed me my room)

We went to the admissions office today and o. our way back.

Hazel: how are you enjoying Dearwoods so way? and what made you come here

Glowie:( I opened up everything to her)

Hazel: (in shock) Well.. that was quite a story.. there, you'll enjoy Dearwoods if you stay away from the Mean kids though.

From afar we could sight the Rich kids ( Mean kids)

Talking and making jest of people

Glowie:(ah, the mean kids, how typical, they were always a few in every school

There were so tiring and dull)

Hazel: 🤦Speak of the devil. I find it's best we just ignore them.

Harry: Hi, who is that new girl?

Glowie: (I saw them checking me out from head to toe.. Taking in my Chanel blouse and skirt, my Cartier watch and Jimmy Choos. I saw the acknowledgement in their eyes... that I was one of them. But they didn't know anything about me.

I can't stand bullies, I was ready to give this kids an acerbic Manhattanite comeback).

Glowie: isn't it unfortunate for some people that class can't be bought??


(Tina, Mina and Harry)😳 they were all shocked

Glowie: Come on I need to put this down (I said to Hazel, since I was carrying a box, containing my uniform).

Mina: Well, that was interesting

Harry: Let's see how long she'll last (laughed)

Glowie is seen in her room..

Glowie: ( I have to leave this place, Sure Hazel seemed nice enough but than anything, I wanted to go back to Manhattan.. back to my friends, back to the world where I belonged, but that was never going to happen now. I haven't done good enough job of staying out of my mother's way, and now I have been banished.

I might have some money but I was completely financially dependent on my mother.

she could cut it all off, without even a word of warning).

Glowie: ( that was when I saw a letter on my bed) saying;

" I can help you leave this place, back to NYC or anywhere that you prefer, with a lot of money, so that you don't have to be dependent on your mother anymore.

And not only that, I can also give you information about your father.

All I need is a little favour from you.

Me me tonight at 10pm on the bridge in the campus garden.

Glowie:😳 How does this person know so much about me?? and what could he or she want from me? only one way to find out.



This is such a terrible idea, am not even sure where the campus garden is!

it has suddenly just occurred to me that I could be murdered or raped!

Or raped and then murdered!

Funny how everything looks much more eerie at night

Maybe I can use my Stilettos as a weapon if it come down to that

This must be it( after a very long wake)

There's nobody here.

Okay I am really afraid for my life right now..

what was I thinking??

(that was when I saw a Man in black walking towards me😳)