
Director Edward

Baron Durin Edward, an Earthling transmigrated into an unfamiliar world devoid of technology, finds himself bored and out of place. Determined to bring excitement and culture to this realm, he decides to film an anime live-action series, aiming to entertain and revolutionize the era. With creativity and determination, Durin challenges tradition, introduces the vibrant world of anime, and sparks a cultural renaissance in a world desperate for change.

EggZy · Anime & Comics
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115 Chs

[82] The Horde of Trolls Has Arrived on the Battlefield!

Chapter 82: The Horde of Trolls Has Arrived on the Battlefield!

The movie Scar screened at the banquet was undoubtedly "Goblin Slayer." With prominent Church bishops present, they opted for the relatively acceptable "Goblin Slayer" over "Konosuba: God's Blessing on This Wonderful World," which could potentially cause issues.

This decision split the audience into two factions: those who appreciated the movie's realistic yet transcendent portrayal and those who disliked its bloody violence and perceived lack of artistic value.

Unlike ordinary moviegoers who typically enjoy films as a new form of entertainment, some aristocrats spent almost the entire time criticizing "Goblin Slayer." Their constant mockery and criticism left Scar, the one screening the movie, completely bewildered.

For instance, when the Goblin Slayer nearly faced death halfway through the movie, several aristocrats simultaneously cursed, "This is too contrived! The protagonist is just a puppet of the author! He has no autonomy!"

Similarly, upon learning about the tragic past of the Sword Maiden, these nobles began to curse again, "Does the author have any sense? Why would such a beautiful woman endure such a tragic past? This is too malicious!"

And when the Goblin Slayer sought help from the Adventurer's Guild, they berated the adventurers for their ingratitude. "This is garbage! Where's the author? This plot design lacks any intelligence!"

Scar, completely baffled, discovered that these aristocrats were authors and loyal readers of adventure novels in the Imperial Capital. They were accustomed to reading about brainless, overpowered protagonists. To them, "Goblin Slayer," which defied conventions, was like encountering heresy. Even though the movie's special effects were spectacular, they relentlessly criticized its plot.

The thought of Durin's hard work being unfairly judged by these people made Scar seethe with anger. If he hadn't managed to keep his cool, he might have ended up in a real-life showdown with these critics.

In contrast, the Emperor, seated in the best position to enjoy the movie, conjured up a complete set of utensils and enjoyed his meal alone while watching the movie with his young daughter. His relaxed demeanor was blissful. Since Scar had instructed the attendants to turn off the lights earlier, no one saw this scene.

Meanwhile, a certain general had managed to sneak up beside the king and whispered to him for quite some time.

In conclusion, as the movie slowly came to an end, various discussions erupted throughout the entire banquet hall. Ultimately, the criticism was directed towards Scar, who was present, because although Durin produced the movie, there was no way for these aristocrats to vent their frustration at Durin, who was thousands of miles away filming in the Chaotic Realm.

Scar, who had been simmering with frustration, was just about to confront these picky aristocrats when Emperor Habbard from afar spoke up first: "Quite an interesting film. Did you make it?"

Upon hearing the emperor's words, Scar promptly replied, "No, Your Majesty. The producer of this film is not me, but Baron Durin Edward, who is currently not present."

"Durin Edward?"

Seemingly familiar with the name, Emperor Habbard's expression brightened slightly, and he continued, "So, is this the birthday gift from the Mage Tower on behalf of me? Honestly, compared to those flashy but impractical magical items you've given me in the past, I really like this year's gift. Although it seems like just an entertaining trinket, it brings me a lot of joy."

As the emperor acknowledged the film, the slight murmurs of dissent from the aristocrats present diminished. Despite verbally expressing their dislike for the film, they couldn't deny its unique charm. At least among these nobles from the capital who were unaware that the movie had become popular among commoners first, they could begrudgingly accept this fact.

On the other hand, upon hearing Emperor Habbard's words, Scar shook his head and said, "Apologies, Your Majesty. This film is simply something Baron Durin and I wanted to showcase. The real gift is something else."


Now, even the old emperor, who had initially planned to offer a reward, became interested. Having experienced the unexpected phenomenon of cinema, he wouldn't be surprised by any interesting magical items Scar might present.

Meanwhile, Scar took everything out of the suitcase and had a servant clear an area on the floor. Then, after completing a series of alchemical operations that outsiders couldn't comprehend, the image displayed by the crystal, which had previously resembled darkness, gradually changed. As the screen emitted light once again after the movie ended, a "Ready to Connect" prompt slowly appeared.

"What's this..."

Even General Wilhelm, who had just rewatched "Goblin Slayer," wore a perplexed expression, wondering what antics this familiar mage, Durin, was up to.

And in front of everyone, as the "Ready to Connect" prompt slowly disappeared, a scene suddenly appeared on the screen.

"Ahem... bad timing, isn't it? I'm in the middle of filming here!"

In the scene, a blond youth was seen holding two magical devices, one in each hand. He turned his head to look at the distant filming scene, then turned back to exchange a somewhat bewildered glance with Scar.

Soon, although there were few mages present, most of the nobles who had received basic education vaguely realized what Scar was doing at the moment, especially General Wilhelm. As a military man, he could hardly contain his excitement at the prospect of witnessing this potentially era-changing technology...

Quickly, the crew was asked to pause, and Durin, who had finally regained his composure, turned around and began, "Ahem, anyway, let me introduce myself first. My name is Durin Edward. As for my identity, I believe that magician over there, Scar, has already informed you, right? I won't repeat it. Lastly, what I want to say is... well, what was it again? Damn, I've never done a live broadcast before."


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