
Director Edward

Baron Durin Edward, an Earthling transmigrated into an unfamiliar world devoid of technology, finds himself bored and out of place. Determined to bring excitement and culture to this realm, he decides to film an anime live-action series, aiming to entertain and revolutionize the era. With creativity and determination, Durin challenges tradition, introduces the vibrant world of anime, and sparks a cultural renaissance in a world desperate for change.

EggZy · Anime & Comics
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116 Chs

[65] The Premiere of the New Movie

Chapter 65: The Premiere of the New Movie

Sam is the son of a noble in the Southern Region, even the son of a count. He should have lived a carefree life, with everything handed to him on a silver platter. However, Sam seems to inherently dislike the formalities and constraints of nobility, and he detests the idle life of a privileged individual.

Although he once hoped to possess magical talent and become a powerful mage who could command the elements, it turned out that he lacked such abilities. As the eldest son of his family, he couldn't simply abandon his family's legacy to join the military. His only apparent opportunity seemed to be becoming an adventurer. Despite this, his father never approved of his lowly aspirations, hoping instead that Sam would inherit the title of count.

Undeterred by his father's wishes, on his sixteenth birthday, Sam secretly took a sword from the family home and snuck out. According to the chronicles, he went to register at the adventurer's guild, open to every citizen, and proudly became an esteemed adventurer.

His first companion on this journey was Joseph, who, like Sam, had also embarked on the path of adventure halfway through life. Joseph had previously worked as a theater hand. Sharing the same aspirations, the two formed a bond and set out on their adventure together. It should have been like this...

"Ugh, it's so boring. Why haven't we had any missions lately? The recent tasks are all in towns like Tansang, which are so far away. The travel expenses alone are higher than the commission..."

Joseph, accustomed to these days of monotony, didn't seem to mind Sam's complaint. He calmly remarked, "It's normal. The Southern Region is the safest area in the Empire. It's perfect for newcomers like us to hone our skills. After all, you can't just go picking fights with trolls before you've even mastered swordsmanship. And didn't the master at the martial arts school praise your foundation in swordsmanship? He said you have the potential to reach Tier Three within a year. I dream of reaching your level someday."

"Ugh, seriously, even if we hit Tier Three, there's nothing for us to do. Why don't we pool our money and become adventurers in the neighboring regions? That sounds way more exciting, right? What about the Northern Region? I heard there are terrifying monsters everywhere!"

Sam's sudden burst of enthusiasm prompted Joseph to respond, but before he could, the adventurer's guild was abuzz with excitement...

"Hey, everyone's heading to the Norsrick cinema! Is there some event today?!"

"Oh no! I just remembered, there's a new movie premiering today!!!"

"A new movie?! Dang it! I just realized they changed all the posters at the Norsrick cinema entrance this morning!!!"

"Aw, come on!!! How did you forget to mention it, you idiots?! Can we still get tickets?!!!"

In an instant, the entire adventurer's guild was alive with excitement, reminiscent of the bustling atmosphere of a school cafeteria at lunchtime. Meanwhile, Sam, still puzzled about the movie, found himself being dragged outside the guild by Joseph!

"What... what's happening? Is there a boss fight or something?"

Ignoring Sam's confusion, Joseph, realizing his friend had never seen a movie before, explained as they rushed towards the Norsrick cinema. However, Sam's reaction was...

"Pfft, I thought it was something important! It's just a performance, right? I've seen too many of those, I'm practically tired of them! You guys are making a big fuss over nothing..."

Though Sam's words hinted at subtle disdain, Joseph, too preoccupied to notice, simply exclaimed, "I knew you'd say that! Don't worry, movies aren't like those boring stage plays. You'll see when we get there; it won't disappoint you!"

With that, the two quickly arrived at the entrance of the Norsrick cinema. The bustling crowd overwhelmed Sam, who was new to such scenes. After a moment of bewilderment, he muttered, "Um, I can't believe it. Are all these people here to watch this thing called a 'movie'? That sounds so boring."

Understanding his companion's skepticism, Joseph, somewhat displeased, knew it was a typical reaction from someone unfamiliar with movies. Without hesitation, he managed to secure two tickets through his contacts at the Norsrick theater and dragged Sam into the cinema, regardless of his agreement.

Soon, as they joined the throngs entering the theater, Joseph quickly noticed that the posters advertising "Goblin Slayer" had replaced those for "Konosuba: God Blessings on This Wonderful World."

The visual of the Goblin Slayer, clad in full armor and wielding a long sword as he emerged from the cave, instantly caught Joseph's attention, while Sam, intrigued, remarked, "Hey? What's this picture? Looks interesting."

"Um, I'm not sure what this movie is about either. Goblin Slayer? Sounds a bit intense, but I trust it'll be good."

"Alright, alright, as long as you think it's good. It's just a... commoner's interest anyway. This time, I'll generously accompany you to watch it. Afterward, don't forget to consider where we'll go next! I think the Northern Region is perfect for us! Being adventurers in a place like that gets the blood pumping, doesn't it?!"

Feeling somewhat exasperated by his companion's chatter along the way, Joseph simply escorted him to the screening room and took their seats.

Meanwhile, others began to trickle in and soon various discussions filled the air.

"I heard the style of this story is completely different from the previous 'Konosuba: God Blessings on This Wonderful World'! Apparently, a lot of girls were terrified at the premiere!"

"Haha, but you said it was girls, right?! Don't worry, no matter what, it's just a movie. We're professional adventurers; how could we be scared by a mere film?!"

"Don't boast. Haven't you, as an adventurer, never fought monsters your whole life? Don't come crying to me if you get scared..."

"Ugh, forget it if you don't believe me. Let's just wait and see!"

Hearing the remarks of the adventurers nearby, Sam also disdainfully rolled his eyes. He, too, believed that a mere movie wouldn't scare him, and he had zero interest in it anyway.

Joseph, beside him, simply chuckled and shook his head, saying nothing more.

Soon, as the movie began to unfold slowly, the once lively screening room fell silent, with everyone nervously fixated on the slowly emerging scenes.

As Sam watched the character appearing on the screen for the first time, he couldn't help but be surprised and murmured involuntarily, "Wait, is that... Princess Daphne?!"