
Director Edward

Baron Durin Edward, an Earthling transmigrated into an unfamiliar world devoid of technology, finds himself bored and out of place. Determined to bring excitement and culture to this realm, he decides to film an anime live-action series, aiming to entertain and revolutionize the era. With creativity and determination, Durin challenges tradition, introduces the vibrant world of anime, and sparks a cultural renaissance in a world desperate for change. Films: -Konosuba -Goblin Slayer -Fate Zero -The Garden Of Sinners and etc. --------- If you want to read advance chapters ahead. Visit my patreon: patreon.com/EggZy

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[44] Heading to the Northern Region

Chapter 44: Heading to the Northern Region

Contrary to Alyssa's previous expectations, Durin wasn't just skilled at writing lighthearted fairy tales like "Konosuba God Blessings on this Wonderful World." Although "Goblin Slayer" still needed improvement in terms of realism and meticulousness, it had already captured what Alyssa needed: brutality!

Initially, Alyssa had entertained the idea of seeking a renowned novelist herself if Durin couldn't produce a satisfactory script. However, when Durin presented this story to her, she instantly realized that "Goblin Slayer" was exactly what she wanted!

The story depicted inexperienced novice adventurers ignoring the warnings of the Adventurer's Guild and meeting a tragic end when attempting to eradicate goblins based on their subjective impressions. Only a cautious priestess, aided by the seasoned goblin slayer, managed to survive, setting off a series of events. Even just this premise aligned perfectly with Alyssa's requirements.

Beyond the darkness and brutality, the story still contained a glimmer of hope, embodied by courage and wisdom. This added soul to the work. Alyssa believed it would be a story that not only portrayed the real world of adventurers but also captured the audience's hearts.

"This is indeed a fantastic script. Despite some peculiar descriptions regarding goblins and adventurers, the story itself perfectly encapsulates the real world of adventurers!" Alyssa gave high praise to "Goblin Slayer." However, she also recognized the script's issues.

Apart from the graphic depictions of goblins murdering female adventurers and forcibly abducting female villagers for breeding, the portrayal of the goblin slayer character as an anti-social, powerful adventurer could potentially alienate viewers. Additionally, the difficulty of filming the slaughter scenes and the question of whether to include those scenes were concerns.

Regardless, Alyssa was unsure about the impact of such a violent and bloody film. Even as the Guild Master of the Northern Region Adventurer's Guild, she couldn't predict its consequences.

Noticing Alyssa's concerns, Durin calmly remarked, "This script is only a draft. When it's used for filming, many scenes will likely be altered or omitted due to filming difficulties. Alternatively, we could add some shadow and light effects. After all, I can't blatantly disregard the law. As for the potential impact of releasing such a film, I think you needn't worry. The world needs a certain level of brutality and darkness. Stage plays and novels have already showcased the beauty of the world. At a time like this, airing 'Goblin Slayer,' with its realism and brutality, might even endear it to the audience."

"I hope so. Well, Director Durin, I have one last question. Have you personally seen the goblins described in 'Goblin Slayer'?"

Durin was momentarily taken aback by Alyssa's sudden question and quickly responded, "I'm sorry, but I haven't actually been to the Northern Region, so I'm not familiar with what goblins look like in the world. The description of goblins in the movie was designed to meet your needs, Guild Master Alyssa."

Obviously, Alyssa instinctively felt fearful of goblins after reading the script, concerned that the existence of such terrifying creatures would have a significantly negative impact on the world.

Now, upon hearing Durin's 'explanation,' she breathed a sigh of relief and said, "As long as it's just part of the story setting, then I have no problem. Otherwise, I might have immediately returned to execute the Goblin Extinction Plan..."

"Um, well..."

Not knowing how to comment on her thoughts, Durin couldn't help but wipe his brow nervously.

"I hope Director Durin can shoot an excellent film that matches this script. I'm looking forward to it."

Alyssa's words indicated that she had entrusted everything related to the movie production to Durin, who didn't hesitate to respond, "Rest assured, Guild Master Alyssa, I will definitely bring a perfect film to the audience in the Northern Region! Of course, before that, there are many things I actually need your help with, Guild Master Alyssa."

"Of course, as long as it's related to the movie production and within my capabilities, I will definitely help you achieve it."

Durin didn't respond directly to Alyssa's bold statement, only silently smiling and saying, "Well then, before the official filming begins, I need to conduct a field survey to determine the filming location."

"Um, alright. Mr. Durin, do you have any specific requirements for the filming location?"

Upon Alyssa's inquiry, Durin thought for a moment before responding, "Since this story revolves around your region, the filming location should naturally be in the Northern Region. Can I ask if there are any goblin settlements in your area? Preferably narrow stone caves or something similar..."

"Goblin nests? Stone caves? We do have those, but Director Durin, are you planning to shoot directly on-site there? I can't guarantee the safety of you and your crew, especially since the Northern Region is quite different from the South. There are various dangerous monsters outside the towns."

To this, Durin simply smiled and shook his head, saying, "Don't worry, I've already arranged for bodyguards. You just need to help me find the location."

"Um, alright."

Though Alyssa didn't know who Durin's bodyguards were, she understood that he had made up his mind. She replied slowly, "Then, Director Durin, shall we meet here tomorrow? We'll use a magic circle to travel to the Northern Region together."

"No problem."


The next morning, when Durin arrived at the Adventurer's Guild, everyone who was going to the Northern Region was already gathered, including the Headless Knight as the bodyguard, Wiz who had studied the Northern Region, Daphne and her attendant who had mentioned the audition yesterday, while Winry had already returned to Edward Castle due to some matters.

"Wiz, is everything okay with the shop?"

To Durin's inquiry, the certain lich just smiled and said, "The staff heard that Mr. Durin is shooting a new movie and volunteered to take over the shop's work, even refusing to accept overtime pay. Obviously, they're looking forward to the new movie."

"I see, that's good. I was worried you might have to stay behind. By the way, Beldia, returning to the previous battlefield, do you have any thoughts now?"

Upon hearing Durin's banter, the Headless Knight just silently shook the head on his hand. Although the scene was once terrifying, he answered, "If I was reluctant to go back before, now I have come to terms with it. After all, this time going back is not for fighting, but merely to ensure your safety while filming, Director Durin. I'm grateful to be able to do this job."

Having confirmed that the bodyguard had no particular emotions, Durin smiled and turned to Alyssa, who still seemed unable to shake off the shock of seeing the Headless Knight in person. "Well then, let's get ready to depart. We're heading to your territory next, Alyssa, the Guild Master."

"Of course, I'm honored."

Although Alyssa had seen the Headless Knight perform in the movie, as the character hadn't deliberately displayed any pressure, she only marveled at his astonishing swordsmanship and didn't have any other thoughts.

However, now, as she faced the terrifying presence emitting a deathly aura from afar, Alyssa suddenly felt a familiar yet unsettling sense of terror that was ingrained in the Northern Region. It took her quite some time to shake off the overwhelming feeling of deathly silence when confronting the Headless Knight's terrifying presence head-on, and Alyssa could only respond belatedly.


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