
Director Edward

Baron Durin Edward, an Earthling transmigrated into an unfamiliar world devoid of technology, finds himself bored and out of place. Determined to bring excitement and culture to this realm, he decides to film an anime live-action series, aiming to entertain and revolutionize the era. With creativity and determination, Durin challenges tradition, introduces the vibrant world of anime, and sparks a cultural renaissance in a world desperate for change. Films: -Konosuba -Goblin Slayer -Fate Zero -The Garden Of Sinners and etc. --------- If you want to read advance chapters ahead. Visit my patreon: patreon.com/EggZy

EggZy · Anime & Comics
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164 Chs

[113] The Impact of "Fate/Zero" (Part 1)

Chapter 113: The Impact of "Fate/Zero" (Part 1)

With the successful screening of "Fate/Zero" concluded, Durin handed over all subsequent screening matters to Banil. He then promptly returned to the second floor of the tavern, planning to give himself a two-day break to relax and to contemplate the filming plans for the second chapter of "Fate/Zero."

Although many things happened during this period, they can be summarized quite simply:

Firstly, the impact of the "Fate/Zero" movie screening was significant. While the story of "Fate/Zero" was quite groundbreaking, for the average viewer, it was merely an interesting tale about mages and heroic spirits. However, the announcement that the next part would be released in the winter left many viewers itching with impatience. For them, it just became something more to look forward to. As Durin had anticipated, the film's main impact was undoubtedly on the mages of the Imperial Mage Academy.

Both new and old students talked about "Fate/Zero" constantly. Rather than waning, the buzz around it only grew stronger over time. This was because many of the magical techniques depicted in "Fate/Zero" were proven to be achievable. It was like watching a new anime and realizing you could craft the figurines from it yourself.

Thus, when someone proposed the idea of recreating the magic from "Fate/Zero," a large number of mages, regardless of their level, eagerly joined in. In just a few days, spells and items such as the Wind King's Barrier, the Marrow of the Moon Spirit, Irisviel's Angel's Song, Gilgamesh's Gate of Babylon (in a degraded form), Berserker's Black Armor, and the Matou family's worm magic were recreated.

The creative spirit of the masses was so strong that, except for a few abilities that were truly impossible to replicate, most of the magic from the film was recreated by students and teachers alike. This led to a surge in cosplay, turning the atmosphere inside and outside the academy into one of joy and excitement, making it resemble a large-scale anime convention.

Additionally, news about the newly established Magical Alchemy Academy and that Durin Edward, the director of "Fate/Zero," would be appointed as its dean, somehow got leaked. This spread throughout the Imperial Mage Academy, leading some individuals to make secret resolutions.


"Enrolling in the Magical Alchemy Academy? Picor, are you crazy?"

In the dormitory for new students at the Imperial Mage Academy, Dylan was taken aback by his roommate's sudden decision. "The Imperial Mage Academy admits fewer than three thousand students each year," he said hastily, "and of those, fewer than ten graduate with excellent grades and join the Mage Tower. From what the senior students say, not a single student from the Magical Alchemy Academy has ever entered the Mage Tower, though that's partly due to the evaluation system not favoring magical alchemy. As ordinary mages, we have no right to complain. Compared to that, fields like elemental studies, soul studies, mana conversion, or military magic are all popular. If you have talent and work hard, you can surely find your place!"

Picor, who was well aware of all this, responded calmly, "I know all that, but I also know I don't have that kind of talent. My elemental affinity is limited to wind, my mana potential is average at best, and as for the rest, there's no point in discussing it. I came here to take a gamble on my life. Since I've already put my chips on the table, why not go all in? I believe in the potential of magical alchemy, or maybe I just really admire the movies made by Senior Durin. I want to place my bet on this uncertain future. What's wrong with that?"


"Besides, even without the Mage Tower, there's still the Alchemy Tower, right? The requirements to get into the Alchemy Tower aren't as high. As long as I have a reason to stay at the Imperial Mage Academy, that's enough for me."

"But the Alchemy Tower is..."

Seeing Dylan's hesitation, Picor added confidently, "And if worse comes to worst, I can always go back and inherit the family business. Better to take a gamble now than to die a slow death. Who knows? Maybe I'll win!"

"Pfft, I forgot you're a noble..." Dylan sighed, feeling a twinge of envy towards Picor. Unlike Picor, he couldn't afford to take such risks. His family was counting on him to make a name for himself in magic. He needed to become a respectable mage and secure a good job back home to provide a better life for his family.

Although magic was the one profession that allowed for social mobility, how many truly managed to change their status? Only those with extraordinary talent, like Durin Edward, or those fortunate enough to follow their whims, could do so.

Sighing, Dylan realized his earlier words were driven by a touch of jealousy. He wished he could be as carefree in his choices as Picor. However, just as he was about to return to his spot and think about which field to pursue, Picor spoke up again.

"Hey, come with me, Dylan."


Dylan was stunned by Picor's words.

Seeing his reaction, Picor continued slowly, "I know that dragging someone into this might not be the best thing to do, but let me ask you one thing: do you like 'Fate/Zero'?"

"Of course... I like it..."

Indeed, if you asked any mage at the Imperial Mage Academy, almost everyone would agree that 'Fate/Zero' was fascinating.

"If you like it, doesn't that mean 'Fate/Zero' is interesting? By the same logic, couldn't I say that magical alchemy, which created the film, is also interesting?"

"If the movie is interesting, then yes, it does imply that the magical alchemy used to create it is interesting..."

Hearing Dylan's words, Picor smiled. "If it's interesting, isn't that enough? Interesting things attract people. What people like is supported by many, and what is supported by many will definitely achieve something! My belief is to never live an ordinary life. I want to achieve something in my lifetime. If I go back to inherit the family business now, I'll spend the rest of my life in regret. Dylan, do you want to live a mundane life, or do you want to take a chance and achieve something? As Senior Durin once said in the Mage Tower, 'Dylan, do you have a dream?'"


Although Picor's argument lacked logic, Dylan, who had already made up his mind, found himself inexplicably moved.

Yes, maybe it was illogical, but as Picor said, who among us doesn't have a dream they would give anything to achieve?

At least at this moment, Dylan, who had thought himself far removed from anything like dreams, found that he did have a nascent dream, thanks to Picor's influence. And perhaps, he took a small step toward it.


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