
Dimensions Crumble, Small Beginnings, POTTER VERSE... MAYBE!!!

General disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN HARRY POTTER OR THE STARGATE SERIES. I have nothing but my combination of words on this fanfic. I do not own Harry Potter and any other Stargate Universe in any shape or form. This is my very own fan fiction and my real attempt at a novel length fiction. I will be creating a mixture of several fanfics soon that I have read and some that were never finished but were fantastic. I will be giving credit where credit is due, so wait for it. This story came to me because of my love of stargate and Harry Potter fanfics. This story is not about Harry Potter himself, nope it’s all about the MC who awoke in a dead student's body. So, if you are looking for Harry, he will be a guest star in this throughout this story only. This story is the first of its kind maybe/maybe not, I think. But I’ll try to be consistent with what I’ve read and want to portray in this fanfic. If I get good reviews, I’ll stay uploading more as I write them out, but be warned this storyline is going to be different than most. That means as I go along, I will be adding and expanding the outline story into other universes like that porn one that was out a few years ago. For now, the direction of this fanfic is Harry Potter crossover with Star Gate AU. That does not mean I have no idea or direction I will be going in in the future. I have a few story arcs throughout and possible directions of the overall story in mind. That means some cliches will be present as there has been in others. This story is completely AU, obviously since it's a crossover. I will not be sticking to Harry Potter Canon and will not mention the Wizarding world very often other than the time the MC is in school, after the story takes off, you will know once the script starts to change. I have 10 chapters outlined for this story already created but this is in no means the entire story outline. I will be adding and expanding the outline, which could possibly even include ideas by reviewers if I like them. Constructive criticism is welcome, and reviews are appreciated. Most chapters will be about 4-6k words, and I hope I will be able to put at least one or two chapter a every two weeks, maybe. Right now, this fic will feature a smart/powerful/grey MC with some cliches, and crack added in. AGAIN, I DO NOT OWN HARRY POTTER AND STAR GATE SG SERIES!!!!!!!!! *This is Alteran speech* ‘Thinking or thought speak.’ .... oo00oo.... (Scene break or time jump.) Disclaimer Cont... – I am uploading this as a test chapter, I have 11 already written, I'll upload one chapter, once every 2 weeks, until I am caught up. ONE LAST TIME: I DO NOT OWN HARRY POTTER AND STAR GATE SG SERIES!!!!!!!!! Let the story begin!!!!

Roberto_0461 · Movies
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5 Chs

Meeting a Void God

Chapter 2: Meeting a Void God



Berating myself as I tried to get up. I tried to get up out of my bed but failed as I collapsed by the opened door to my bedroom. Managing to peak out the door, all I could see was my living room had become an inferno. I lay on the ground only thinking of my parents, and friends, wishing to see them one more time. 'Is this how I am going to die like a fucken smoked jerky. 


After all those years of this shitty life, I had finally met my end of some fucken smoke inhalation instead of a gang war or something spectacular. I just hope where I end up is with my parents and not some weird place. "If there is a God out there..."  I didn't get the chance to finish my sentence when I died. My last thoughts as my life slipped away was, 'maybe I can have my wish fulfilled and kick some ass, if I wish hard enough. Hahaha.' 


And darkness took me...

(Flash back ended)


Well, back to the darkness... the endless void.... That was all that could be seen, miles upon miles darkness. The only light came from a lone ghostly figure with a slight glow to it, almost fading away really, it was just floating in place, not moving, not breathing, not acting, it was just hanging in place. It knew that it was not alive, at least it wasn't disappointed that there was no afterlife, and that heaven wasn't granted to him.


"Am I male, or a thing? Am I female? So, why would I ask him?" The ghostly figure started to rise from his thoughts and wondered what it/he/she was. He felt confused, but alive. He has never believed in God, nor a believer of the church, only in himself. In the void stood a proud man, and if you look at the figure close enough, you could see remnants of what he looked like. 


Shadows of blondish-light hair that used to rest on his shoulders, bright blue eyes now slightly clearer than a few seconds ago, and they kept staring far into the distance, like it was focused on that one spot. 'I'm guessing this is Limbo. No, the Afterlife maybe?' Thought the man as his eyes started to focus and come alive with a deeper shade of blue.


This man used to be known as Alexandro Martinez, always had a calm analytical outlook on life... or rather something people believed that's what it was. Soon after the clarity seeped in, he was able to move the rest of the ghostly body as well and then started moving forward in the darkness, destination unknown, just a direction. "Well, I can't just stand here and do nothing, or can I? Guess I'll start walking somewhere."


Alex mumbling to himself incoherently, as he walked further into the darkness, wondering... what is to come next, after the darkness? Will he always stay in this place? Is there more? He had contemplated these questions for hours, then they turned to days, then to weeks, then to months, and finally after several hundred years passed, with nothing happening and the young man walked without care. 


And just like that, several centuries had passed, and this ghost-like figure was still walking with nothing to show for. He never complained, his only focus was to walk until something happened or until he vanishes. Then one day, he suddenly stopped walking and stood in place as if he reached the spot where he was meant. Then he finally remembered that he needed to rest as he soon laid down to sleep. 


Waking startled from his dreams, this lone figure started talking to himself, remembering a short verse he had read somewhere in at some place in some book. "If you gaze for too long into the abyss, the abyss gazes back at you. I'm in the abyss, does it mean I get to meet him or her that gazes back. Funny, you'd think Nietzsche experienced the same, while staring at the night sky at some point while he was alive or something, right?" 


As the ghostly figure started to close his eyes for another rest, he was startled at a loud booming voice sounded out through the void.???? "You're certainly an interesting little mortal, hahahaha. Look at you flickering almost at its end, but you still hold on, but to what? Why? Am I what you seek little mortal? I am what you called earlier 'the abyss' and I do sees back. Is it I who you are searching for?" 


The small figure jumped to his feet, as he tried to speak but no sound came out. All he could do was just stand there; he continuously searched the darkness around himself to see where the loud voice came from. And after walking (floating) in this endless void for who knows how long and nothing happening, suddenly he was pulled to another location as if grabbed. 


And now he found himself flying towards bright lights and he could hear noises all around this new place, he was happy to hear sounds again and see light as well. He was brought into what looked like a bright hospital room but without the beds and that hospital stuff they usually have in a patient's room. It was bright, it was noisy, and he was happy to be there. 


After he took a few minutes to collect himself from the change of scenery and sounds, the small ghostly figure found himself sitting on a chair as he looked around the room, in front stood what looked like a wooden office desk, and behind that desk sat a larger glowing figure. That figure shined like the sun, and it hurt the smaller figures ghostly body just being in its presence. 


Known to figure sitting on the other side of the smaller one what his presence was doing to the smaller, but it did not move or lessen the effect it had on the smaller. It seemed that it was waiting to see what would happen, as it watched the smaller figure as the smaller flickered but did not go passed the flickering. Sitting across said desk started to shape itself into a more human outline. 


More to say it shaped itself into a being of stars, that was too powerful too looked at, the smaller figure at least made an outline of a male figure. As the smaller ghostly figure came back to himself, he started yelling as if surprise. "F**k, what happened to me… son of a… am I dead again? Did coming here kill me again? I am, aren't I? I didn't even make it out of the dark void, and I died again." 


The larger figure didn't want to hear his complaints and silenced to room again as the smaller kept rambling on. 'What the f**k. First that damn smoke f**ked my world up, then I was burnt alive. Or was I dead before I got burned? Anyways, is it going to get any better than anytime soon?' Then he stopped and looked around and heard nothing again. 


That meant only one thing, that the universe figure had silenced him for talking too much. And now he was scared of cracking under pressure. He should have just shut his mouth until he was given permission to talk. The small ghostly figure kept going on and on about his misfortune, as sudden as the noise came, it suddenly stopped, all noise went quiet as did his thoughts. 


There was a silence around both figures and all the smaller could see was that the larger bright figure stared at him, he could hear what was in his thoughts when he tried to speak again but no sound would come out. The smaller figure composed and controlled himself and said nothing else and waited for the larger figure to let him speak. 


It felt like hour that the larger figure said nothing, so the smaller figure sat up straighter than he ever could or do and just moved his head around to see what else he could spot in his surroundings, this looked like an office he saw somewhere once, or was in before, but he couldn't put his finger on it. Then he spotted a lamp that wasn't there before, now it sits right beside his chair. 


Not wanting to anger the larger figure, he just sat there without moving a ghostly muscle. After what seemed 6 to 7 hours had passed the larger figure only stared at the smaller figure just staring at him, judging him maybe. The smaller figure was starting to get intimidated and nervous by the larger figure's stares, by just sitting there, and to call that being a person would be a stretch. 


Because that 'person' was an amalgamation of space, stars, and galaxies with an outline of human, he looked like one of those Marvel entities you see in space, the being Eternity is what he looked like. I wonder if Marvel is real, if it was, then DC should be real as well. Maybe when he starts talking, I wight ask. Nah, I don't want to get obliviated. 


Looking closer as the smaller figure sat by this being, it resembled less and less of being human like at all. There were no eyes, no mouth, no orifice whatsoever. None that the smaller figure could see and yet I felt like this 'universal being' was not malicious towards me. The majestic presence this guy eluded was unlike anything the smaller figure had ever felt before and it made him feel like he was a fly looking at a dragon. 


And that being had his life in its hands and there was nothing the smaller figure could do about it. Then out of nowhere it spoke, making the room tremble just by the larger being's words. "I welcome you, young soul. So, tell me. What were you doing in the void between worlds?" Said the being as it wanted to know why this small soul was able to survive in the in-between. 


"Sup!! Wait wha…, What do you mean the in-between? What is that? who are you? or rather, what are you? You are a... God, right?" Alex asked trying not to shit himself at the moment and trying not show any kind disrespect to this 'universe being' or whatever he was talking too. As the being stared at Alex, and then the being spoke and then Alex started to shake but did not break. He felt like he was about to be torn apart. 


"Hahahaha! Even my voice is not too much for you, at least you didn't disintegrate, you soul must be very strong to survive my voice alone. You are not like some others I have encountered before, bunch of weaklings. Those previous visitors that came before you could hold together as I spoke to them. They were too weak and were destroyed by my voice alone, the lowest tone in my voice could drive souls mad and here you sit, I certainly like you boy."


As he took a breath and out of nowhere a document came to his hands and started reading. "So, I sense that you feel that you had an unfulfilling life in your last life. Do you realize that many say the same as you just did. You could have done a lot more if you just put in some effort... yet you still died. I don't know why, you soul shows how strong it is by not faltered in the void, why is that?" 


As he paused and looked at the document in his hands. "You kept walking with no destination even after facing yourself in the vast darkness, that shows patience and commitment with a strong fortitude. I ask again why? What motivates you to do so?" The Being's voice announced loudly as if was trying to shake Alex's soul, but the soul stood strong. 


"What does it all matter now, my life is over. Before I've always looked at my life with a calm and analytical outlook yet now, I have the answers with no sheet to write them down on, so I keep walking just to find those answers I seek. I will find them sooner or later, I have time." Alex replied not sounding condescending to the universal being. 


 ????, "Understand this boy, do you know how incredible this feat you just accomplished is. I've presided over this void for as long as time itself and I usually don't see the same reaction in the few times that I have encountered out here. Some of those that have come before you, these souls break down from sheer terror of the unknown, others shout for help until they succumb to their madness. 


Some quirky souls scream until they finally realize after a time due to my interference that this is just the afterlife and that's all there is. Then break down like the rest into insanity. Some of the smarter ones do the same as you and walk, but when they think about their past life and how it could have been better, they also end up breaking further down the line. 


You on the other hand are different, you walked for a century without deterrence, and nothing has happened to you, yet you stared at your problems in the face and accepted them, even when I told you this was the afterlife you didn't even react differently or completely broke like those before you. That sort of willpower is worthy of my recognition and a reward will be given" The void entity said as the document got stamped with his energy.




As the energy faded, the Void entity started talking again, "Do not be afraid Alex. I have not brought you here just to cause you any harm. I have summoned you here because I must speak to you about a matter of great importance to you. I want to know how a mortal like yourself got himself reincarnated with so much negative karma, that shouldn't be possible." 


He read the document in his hand and was surprised, he had to read it tris. Then turning to Alex as he continued, "First, let's get this out the way, you are dead and have been dead for a long time, almost 3000-years dead, that long walk you took was pretty long. But I believe you already figured that out on your own. Second, and this is the reason I brought you here to talk to you about. 


Ever wonder why your life was such an awful one since the day you were born till the day you died?" Alex interrupted him, "W-w-what do you mean? I know I didn't have a great life but why would I have to be summoned here to talk about that. And what do you know of my life, have you been spying on me or something? And what do you mean by negative Karma?" 


The Void entity replied as he took a long breath in, "Ah yes, I believe introductions would be in order. Well Alex, I am what your people would call a ' Void God'. I am the one who created the universe and who sees all in the universe that are in my realm. I could see everything at once if I choose too. I am both the beginning and the end of all life in the universes I created, FOR I AM THE VOID.... I AM THE END!" The Void God said all dramatically then chuckled. 


Alex couldn't believe what he was hearing. 'It was cool the way God said the end sentence, but I'm not telling him that.' This 'God' in front of him is the creator of all and he is in its presence. Just as Alex was going to get up and bow for God, he found out he couldn't move his body. In an instant something came into his head, 'wait... if he is the creator wouldn't this be his fault for creating my bad karma. 


Then Alex asked, "Wait, are you saying that all this is your fault, that I've had a bad life because of you? Why would you make my life so miserable? Since you did create it, like everything and everyone." Alex steaming now, his whole life was already preordained. "Well... yes and no. I did create life, but I did not interfere with it at all. I leave it to chance and evolution, and I watch from afar and see how it grows. 


And please, you don't have to try and bow before me Alex. Besides I have taken control over your body to make sure that you would just listen to me. I want to explain to you why I brought you here and why I chose you from all souls in the universe that I have encountered. Yes, I have created the universe, but I play no active role in it. I am what you would call a food inventor of sorts. 


I make all the ingredients that universe is cooked and would be made from and let it evolve on its own. It is my role to watch over the universe and all life that develops in it. But you Alex are an anomaly in the mix, something I didn't make, something not expected within my domain of influence and that to me is strange. And also exciting at the same time, for me to see something that I did not create or expected to happen, is wonderful."


After taking another breath and letting me process the information he just told me, Then the Void God continued, "I have never seen something like this in the many billions of years of creation and in that is good and maybe a bad thing depending in what direction you decide to take it in." Alex started to question his existence; an anomaly is something unwanted. 


Was the Earth I was in trying to end me due to being that anomaly? He then looked up to the Void God and asked, "What do you mean I am an anomaly? Then who created me? It had to come from somewhere or someone!! Do I even belong in this universe in the first place? Did I ever.... belong, anywhere? Was I killed so that the universe who correct itself or you killed me just to ask me questions I have no answers too being this so-called anomaly?" 


The Void God replied gently, "are you familiar with the concept of 'karma,' Alex?" Alex nodded his head to confer then replied to the question the God asked him. "Isn't karma all about doing good or bad, and the adverse effect it does to your life while you are alive, like cause and effect, right? You know, if I kill someone, that would be bad karma, and if I help someone, I get good karma, yes?" God nodded slightly but then explain in detail. 


"Well karma is much more than what you may think it is. Karma is an important force of any life that is created or born, and the fundamental base of reincarnation and/or rebirth. It is a force that cannot be seen, can be measured with force and yet acts upon all life created or otherwise. Normally when soul is reborn or recreated, one's karmic number is reset to zero and fluctuates during one's lifetime according to multiple of gods of reincarnation or bad factors that the soul has gone through. 


But yours on the other hand has been reborn and if I may say is the only soul that has accumulated consistently with negative points of Karma no matter what the soul did. I have tried to find out why this phenomenon has accounted, but I have never found the reason why so much bad karma attached to you specifically, is your soul special or just an unknown occurrence. 


That is why your previous life has been so horrible. There was nothing you could have done about it even if you tried; your life was doomed the moment you were born. You would never amount to anything in life and eventually your negative karmic number would affect those around you and doomed them as well. And that is exactly what happened to your family and friends. 


Your karma affected them and were killed in that fire and or that crash they were in because of all the negative Karma that has been following you since you have been born and/or reborn. The cycle of your birth has been like this for over 5 centuries of re-birth. That is why I brought you here to offer you a second chance with neutral karma. I am giving you a way out of this negative Karma, Alex, you've suffered enough."


As the God continued explaining things to Alex, "Don't you want a second or third to be exact, chance to live and make something of yourself without all that negative Karma? Because I haven't been observing for a while, I should have caught on to this mishap a long time ago. I can and will transport you to any myriad of universes in existence out there in the multiverse, whether it be fictional, non-fictional, movies, series universe, anime or any other you request. 


Think of this as an apology from me for not correcting this sooner. The decision is up to you, this will be your story to choose, you will not have to follow any story if you decide to veer away from canon. For it to be bad or good this is your choice and to make it better, I'll make sure no other celestial being can interfere in your storyline. I'll also throw in a few special abilities and skills for you, as reincarnators seem to love the one's I've read about. 


But know this, Alex; in the beginning of this new life, you will have to struggle and feel lose so all that negative karma that had accumulated before can be reset, whipped from your soul's existence." As the God finished explaining, Alex was frozen in realizing that he has to suffer more to be free of this bad Karma that has been ahold of him. Alex seemed confused about what has been offered. Trying to think over the offer given repeatedly over and over yes...no... yes. No, Ughhhhh…. Fuck it. So, Alex had finally decided, "YES!!!!! I'll take that offer, just please make it stop." 


"Another chance of life, where I choose with a few abilities and skills, I could finally make something of myself. I can't pass this opportunity up. I accept your reward Mr.... uh Void God!" Alex says excitedly. "Very well! I shall give you some time to think about what movie or series world you want to be transported to and let you choose one ability and one skill you'd like for yourself. 


I will surprise you with the rest of my choosing, do you understand. However, the second you go to the movie or series or world you pick, you will start with a family then end up in tragedy, and once again be alone. So, choose the ability and skill you want to be born with wisely." said the Void God as Alex watched from across the desk.


Soon the silence was welcomed again as Alex slowly sat up from the position that he had been in. He wasn't aware that he could move, when he was sat on his chair slash recliner, he had no control over his body. He started to think about what movie world he should want to go to and what ability and skill he'd like to pick for himself.


"The Void God told me I'd be alone when I enter whatever world I pick. I need to be careful about what I want and what choice I make. What world and or universe should I choose that I can handle if it was or is under constant threat. Somewhere I can learn fast and move forward on my own if needed. I'm starting to freak the fuck out thinking of so many dangerous worlds that are out there that can make or break me." Alex trying to slow down his breathing and trying to calm himself before he panics.


Alex spent a long time thinking on where he wanted to be reborn in, 'after all this would be where he'd be making something of himself, so he'd need to be thorough in his choices.' Soon, Alex's eyes flashed brightly, as he seemed to have made his decision. "Mr. Void God err... thing, can I pick a combination of two things, the Harry Potter Movie world and Stargate series universe. Would you be able to combine both, and will I be able to use magic as well?"


After a brief stifled silence, the Void God responded in loudly and happily for Alex's choices, "I can make that exception for you, yes; I am able to combine both universes together, and if you become a wizard in that world, you will be able to use their magic as well. You still would have a special ability and skill to choose from as well." God replied, he was being too nice, what's up with that? 


'This choice seems the best, although there's danger in both the Wizarding World and Stargate universe, there are many ways I can work around it. I've read plenty of fanfictions on the subject, watched the movies and the series numerous times. So, my knowledge of those worlds is broad enough to manage. Now is just for the ability and skill; I already know my choice.' As Alex stopped talking to himself and started to think about what he wants as skills and ability.


"Okay I've made my choice. I'd like to be born into the Harry Potter and the Stargate series universe with my special ability being 'Perfect Memory' and my skill being 'quick comprehension' on anything I work with being magical or technical, to understand, and upgrade any magic and technology...." The Void God interrupted mid stride, "Might I inquire on why you have chosen 'Perfect Memory' and why 'quick comprehension', why those?" 


When the God finished asking, Alex answered with gusto, "If I'm to be born as a wizard in the Wizarding World, then I'm covered in having magic as a start, I'm sure magic can be gained and trained over time so asking for more magic would be a waste. The most important thing in the Wizarding World is how to use 'quick comprehension' of said knowledge acquired and how fast one can understand and comprehend that knowledge. As for technological knowledge, well that covers me as well when I try to understand and comprehend the Atlantean technology. 


The knowledge of spells, wards, potions, and of the dark arts is having knowledge that can be understood and upgraded if one took time to digest and take time to comprehend said knowledge, in which would make me a supreme existence. And 'perfect memory', with this ability I'd be able to remember anything that I will have ever read or laid my eyes on. I could become a supreme wizard on earth and in space if I just put in the effort. This time after realizing my past regrets, I will put in the most effort I can possibly muster in all I do from now on." Alex responded to God in detail.


'Wizard huh...Maybe fate is the one playing strange trick here as well...' Thought the Void God as he was also happy Alex chose those abilities. "An excellent choice for both! Okay Alex you shall be a wizard in the Wizarding World. As you know, due to having magic and being a British Magical, you'll eventually be found by the Ministry and the School of Hogwarts so don't worry about not receiving a Hogwarts letter. 


As for being reborn, I don't think you want that and relive your dipper years. So, you will be transmigrated in, the most direct option would be to simply put you in England as a 5-year-old boy. I'll be able to smooth over all the details to fit you in with no questions asked about you. My final question to you, would you like to keep your name as you are now?" God asked Alex and waited for a response.


Alex was thinking to himself quietly then replied, "Yes please, I would like to keep my first and last name, thank you." "Alright then, I wish you good luck Alex, you will need it for being in that universe, Oh F.Y.I. I have got a surprise in store for you once you are in that world. So, are you ready for your next great adventure as that Dumbldork always says?" Asked the Void God. "I'm ready.... Mr. Void God sir and thank you for everything." Replied Alex with a smile. "You are welcome, Alex, then I bid you good luck and your new adventure starts... NOW!!!" God exclaimed with a final flair of his power.


And with a clap of his hands the Void Gods power radiated around the room and Alex disappears to the new world of his choosing not knowing what he will face. "Well, that was certainly entertaining! What an interesting young man! The place where I'm sending him however and the body, he will be in... It's almost like I'm giving him three powers instead of one. He should end up being a descendant of that man... what was his name. Yes... a descendant of Merlin that will help him in both areas he chooses in that universe." God replied to himself as the void started to fade away into darkness once again...

(To be Continued...)