
Dimensional Wish System

A boy reincarnates to a world of fantasy. And found himself in forest. With being alone he found his system. Dimensional Wish System. Now complete the quests all over the dimensions and gain power. Join pa_treon for support - www.pa_treon.com/kurato6180 While typing the link, remove the space "_" between "pa" and "treon". Join my discord - https://discord.gg/DYSdCaf8tY Thanks for Reading. Donate Power Stones to support my fanfic. And give remarks in the comments.

Kurato6180 · Anime & Comics
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Due to some positive words from Alex and Chichi loosed the tension in the air. The rest of them stopped panicking and were somehow relaxed for a time while.

"Alex-san. What is the third reason you disagreed to Trunks's idea?" Krillin asked Alex quietly in ears not to hamper the ease mood.

"Rather than a reason, it is just a hypothesis. If there are multiple timelines, then... Well, let's not discuss about it. Trunks isn't going to further past and discussing this will result nothing."

"Well if you say so." Krillin didn't force Alex to say and sat down near him.

"Eemm... Hello!" Gohan was sitting in opposite of Alex came near him to greet him. Alex was watching him through his blindfold.

"You're my dad's....big brother, right?"

"That's right, Gohan. I am Goku's big brother. It's happy to see that my brother has a son. Even though I am older than him, I am still away from marriage." Alex explained him.

"I wanted ask you for a while... why are wearing the blindfold?" Gohan asked slowly while shaking slightly.

"Oh! This is because my eyes have extraordinary powers. It takes a big burden in brain, so normally use blindfold to restrict it. By the way, I haven't even told about it to Goku." Alex said as he pointed his black blindfold.

"I also wanted to ask something, Alex-san." Trunks who was listening Alex talking with Gohan, came to ask him about something.

"What is it?"

"It's just why you aren't helping Goku-san and others to defeat the Androids!? You're are stronger than them, right?"

Trunks said in a loud voice. He was someone who has lived in a world which was ruined by androids. And now he realised that a person has strength to defeat them but still doesn't do that which makes him a bit angry. Hearing his question others were also wanted Alex's answer. After all, Goku is his brother. Why he doesn't help in saving the earth?

"*Sigh!* Do you all know what job I do?"

All of them denied with shaking their heads sideways.

"I travel from planet to planet or it would better to say I travel from universe to universe. Dimension to Dimension." All of them who heard him were shocked. Who knew that Goku's big brother travelled from planets to planets or from one universe or another.

"So, you're not from Earth, right?" Krillin asked him.

"That's right." Alex nodded.

"Is that your cause for not helping to defeat the Androids? Just because you're not a resident of earth, you're not helping to defeat androids? Isn't Goku your brother?" Trunks was somehow a bit angry at Alex.

"This is why I don't like hot blooded adolescents. You all didn't listened my story completely. It's true I am not from Earth. But that is not my cause for not helping. How much do you know about Saiyans?" Alex asked the rest of the people. Rest of the people were silent for a moment, and then Krillin replied.

"Saiyans are normally stronger than humans and have a tail on back. Have good talent for fighting. And they turn into big ape during full moon."

"That's correct. But that is not the most important thing about Saiyans. The most important is that Saiyans have no limit."

"No limit?" Gohan tilted his head of he didn't understand properly.

"Normally, most people have limit till which they can get strong. After reaching the limit they cannot grow more strength no matter what they do. But Saiyan don't have this limit. But to do this most of the time they have to face a very critical fight. Or say it a death match where they can forcefully surpass limits. And due to this, I am not helping Goku and rest of you to defeat androids. It's all for the future."

"You mean in future more strong people will come to earth!" Yamcha asked from his seat. The rest were also waiting Alex's reply.

"I have wandered and have seen many powerful fighters which very much stronger than current Goku. Even if I help you today, there will be a time when I will be not present. And that time you all have to depend on yourself. So, to not die in future, I am not helping you this time unless there are variables."

All of them now understood the real reason behind Alex. Though, Alex was really not helping because he was worried about Goku's growth in future, another reason he was not helping was because he wanted to keep the plot in the right track. He early apperance has caused the Androids to somehow to be more cautious rather than being over confident. And he also didn't want ruin the powerlessness felt by the others facing androids. It is very important to remember this feeling, because it helps in future growth.

"S-Sorry for being an..."

"It's okay. If I was in your place I would also be angry. I understand your sentiments. Don't worry." Alex waved his hands to forgive Trunks for being angry at him without any anger.

Through such small talks in the plane, it flew in a constant speed towards Master Roshi's house. And slowly all of them were reaching towards their destination.