
Dimensional overlord

the fourth dimension collapsed and began to merge with the third and with it, mana, monsters, aliens and all kinds of weird creatures came our hero, the leader of a solar system who has the power to control space and time travels in the third dimension to build a base for his people he will experience multiple adventures through which he will conquer other universes

Ramling · Fantasy
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49 Chs

The City Of New Day (4)

one of the missions that sheffield entrusted to morgan was to clean the forest that was near the city of new day of the different mutated animals that lived there, he met several rank 2 and some rank 3

obviously, he did not use 100% of his power but he tried to help the soldiers in critical moments, so he gained a good reputation with the other power holders because he saved their lives

1 month later and after 3 different missions, Morgan finally acquired Sheffield's trust

he told Sheffield that he had found a base in the city of Green Horn but that it was full of infected, so he would have to use a lot of firepower to conquer the base

Sheffield agreed and first sent 50% of his men, which amounted to 2,000 superhuman and 100,000 soldiers

the majority of soldiers were poorly trained and poorly fed but it was still a significant number

The Green Horn military base contained only 30,000 soldiers but its soldiers were well equipped, they had helicopters, tanks, bazookas and so on 

morgan was one of the commanders of the attack, he took advantage of his position to place all his subordinates in different teams, so that when the soldiers of the green horn attack those of the city of new day, the superhuman can be easily neutralized

On D-Day and 45 days after starting the undercover operation, Sheffield's troops came near Green Horn base.

After a quick inspection of the walls of the base, Maxwel's men quickly used bombs on the walls of the base and rushed inside, they left a small team of soldiers at the entrance to ensure it safety then 95,000 soldiers rushed inside the base, Morgan obviously put some of his men among the guards

the enemy soldiers entered through sector G, so they began to search the different houses of the base, once most of the soldiers were inside sector G, a voice was heard through the different speakers of the base :

surrender, you are surrounded don't move or we will be shot x3 

it was then that several tanks and lots of helicopters appeared, the enemy soldiers were in shock and the majority dropped their weapons 

Some soldiers attacked anyway but were quickly killed by soldiers of the Green Horn military base.

90 superhuman were able to escape because they used their powers for example some turned invisible or some dig underground but the majority were captured

the bronze group soldiers also attacked the new day soldiers who were at the entrance to the base 

now that the base was peaceful again morgan had to quickly bring back the other 50 % of the soldiers from the city of new day before sheffield learned what had happened

he therefore took 10,000 soldiers from the Green Horn base and some armored vehicles, several weapons like bazookas and even a helicopter and quickly returned towards New Day

the soldiers of the green horn therefore crossed the gates of the city of new day posing as ally soldiers

Morgan had already taken photos of the city, so the soldiers knew where the different buildings were.

as the number of troops in the city of new day was 200,000 people, not everyone really knew each other, it was not uncommon to see new soldiers appear, the soldiers from the military base could therefore blend in with the crowd

Morgan met Sheffield and said that he had encountered problems during the conquest of the base but that it was full of weapons of all kinds, he then showed Sheffield his loot

Sheffield was particularly impressed by the 2 helicopters that morgan brought , so he agreed to add 60,000 soldiers and 1,500 power holders to attack the Green Horn military base.

he even decided to go himself to the Green Horn military base to supervise operations

Morgan had therefore left 15,000 soldiers and 10 rank 5 superhumans in the city of New Day, they were responsible for conquering the city of New Day

he then went with Sheffield and the other 60,000 soldiers to the Green Horn military base

Along the way, Morgan who was in the same vehicle as Sheffield, took advantage of a moment of inattention to insert a knife into sheffield's skull killing him quickly 

he then ordered the 60,000 soldiers to go to sector G, the soldiers were then imprisoned

at the same time, the soldiers from the green horn military base who were in the city quickly took control

sheffield was dead , the city was now under adams control and morgan seized a lot of food and weapons from the city of new day , it was a good day