
Dimensional Overhaul

What was the gods' best creation? Was it man? Could it be the stars that we all gaze upon? Planets that hold life? Or probably the various dimensions that hold all? The answer is simple, the universe! The same universe that comprises all these wonderful creations. The food we eat, the people we look up to, and the mountains which stretch beyond the clouds are all part of one universe. And among the variety of races, one stood among them all. A race yielding the strongest type of magic, black magic. They were the Genois race. The fact that they were the strongest clouded their minds, why not unify the universe? They thought. During their rein, they forcibly made other races kneel before them and those who resisted were killed. Upon a mountain of bloodshed, a single man rose to the task of defeating the Genois race. Some called him a 'reaper', others 'a savior' while others squandered his name calling him a murderer. The single man possessed a special type of visual prowess known as Tsujigens. The five Tsujigens: Tsujigen of force, Tsujigen of space, Tsujigen of time, Tsujigen of power, and the Tsujigen illusion made him an unstoppable force. With this power, he wiped out the Genois race leaving none. Blessing other races with freedom. He was hailed as a god! Mysterious as a ghost! Yet still a lone man. Alas, not even his mortal body could handle his power causing him to erode. Before his death, he shared his Tsujigens for the next generation in hopes of his resurrection. In the present, a boy awoke in an unfamiliar world, with no memories of the past, and is left with a symbolic tattoo on his arm which possesses odd powers. In a universe where magic is the norm, Kevin travels to different worlds, unique in their way, to reclaim his lost memories.

DymenS · Fantasy
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98 Chs

Lilith vs Norm

Eyes locked onto their target, Lilith and Norm ran at full speed meeting in the middle. The first attack was made by Lilith, who threw out a straight punch aiming for Norm's face.

Raising both arms, Norm blocked the punch which surprisingly sent her back by a few meters.

"It has truly been quite a while since I had some fun," Norm said while massaging her wrist.

"I did tell you I was strong, but you have not seen anything yet, "Lilith replied with a cheeky smile as winds began to gather around her palms.

Almost like Gary, the winds began to take shape within her hand resembling a long bow.

"I see, you use the wind element to materialize ranged weapons. Quite interesting."Norm said giving off a creepy smile.

"Ew, stop smiling but yeah that is true, "Lilith answered as she shot off an arrow that moved even faster than Gary's water bullet.

Norm did not even have to move because the arrow was blocked by the hard skin of a masked yeti, which hastily moved in front of her. Even though the arrow was blocked, it still made a light wound on the skin of the beast.

"Tch, I thought this was going to be a one-on-one."Lilith hissed at their cowardice.

"Make no mistake. Everyone in this village will die, the matter in which it happens makes no difference."Norm responded to Lilith's childish cries.

As soon as she finished talking, the more masked yetis appeared beside her wanting to aid her. The rest of the beasts moved within the village causing mayhem.

"Lilith! We will deal with Yemen. You deal with Norm, if not you then no one can."An armed resident said coming alone with men including Gary.

Seeing this, Norm knew the battle between her and Lilith was unavoidable. Forming an ice trail, Norm skated on it wanting to fight elsewhere. Not only that but she also wanted to avoid friendly fire.

Accepting the battle, winds began to gather around Lilith's legs as she gave chase. Although it seemed like a simple use of her wind element, she was managing to catch up, running extremely fast.

"Here should be good enough, "Norm whispered, content at the empty area she had chosen.

Kicking off the ground, Norm dashed towards Lilith preparing for an upper kick. Lilith was rather cautious seeing this, the move was a bit too bold leaving many traces of it being a faint.

Remaining cautious, Lilith jumped back while watching ice spikes protrude from Norm's foot as she threw her kick.

"Nice try!"Lilith said, shooting a few air-compressed arrows.

Tilting her body, Norm dodged each air arrow as she once again ran toward Lilith with two ice blades in her palm. For a lady with a petite figure like Norm, she was surprisingly agile, covering the distance between them almost instantly.

Without a glint of hesitation, she slashed her blade towards Lilith's neck. However, to Norm's surprise, her blade was blocked by a similar-looking blade that was now held by Lilith but hers was completely made of compressed air.

Adding a kick into the equation, Lilith managed to once again create distance.

"As you can see, I specialize in both long range and close range."Lilith arrogantly announced, switching between a blade made of compressed air to a long bow repeatedly.

'Hmm, it seems her specialty is rather materializing any type of weapon with her wind element.'Norm inwardly concluded.

Norm's expression lightened up as she finally was able to grasp her opponent's strength. Since Lilith was not a villager, she had some trouble predicting the wind element but now she at least understood a bit.

Staring Lilith dead in the eyes, a few dozen Ice spikes formed mid-air, hovering above Norm ready to launch at a moment's notice. Pointing in Lilith's direction, the ice spikes flew towards her attempting to turn her into a pin cushion.

'oh, crap' Lilith mentally sighed as she began to conjure up winds around her leg, once again increasing her agility.

Materializing wind blades, Lilith skillfully maneuvered her way within the hail of ice sparks while also slashing at the few that she could not dodge.

"You really should not take your eyes off your opponent." Norm sarcastically said while charging in the direction of Lilith.

Taking full advantage of the moment, Norm rammed Lilith through the walls of a nearby building changing the area from outdoors to indoors.

Lilith could only release a pained grunt as she took the full brunt of the attack. In retaliation, Lilith immediately formed wind blades in both palms and without a second thought, stabbed Norm's arm. Luckily her attempt was not in vain as Norm freed her.

For a few seconds, they both did nothing. Lilith was trying to deal with the pain of getting her head rammed in while Norm began freezing the stab wound.

"You know, your breasts are probably never going to develop."Lilith threw out a savage comment as she grabbed a nearby knife which was in the building, and launched it targeting Norm.

Instinctively, Norm dodged by side-stepping before an arrow pierced into her leg. Only then did she realize Lilith used the same tactic as her but it was already too late.

Clapping her hands together a miniature tornado formed around Norm, completely engulfing her while also sucking in other items around the area.

'I have to get out!' This was the only thought on Norm's mindfully aware that the tornado was harmless but what came afterward was not.

[Deviant element: Spiral winds]

Stretching her long bow comprised of compressed air, the wind around the area was being sucked in towards Lilith. The oxygen as well became stale as the air itself was being directed to Lilith who was preparing to end it all in one shot.

"Goodbye, "Lilith muttered as she fired the arrow.

Swish! The arrow shot into the tornado destroying everything in its path. A loud sound rang through the village signifying the intensity of the attack. It left behind a large cloud of dust.

"It is quite sad, I had to kill her, she had so much developing to do, "Lilith said giggling to herself. 'My injury should be healed by now, but still, I want to verify that she is dead.'

Walking towards the destruction left by the attack, Lilith wanted to check if there were any remains or if Norm survived by some miracle.

However, to her amazement, intense laughing could be heard in the direction she was going in. It was unfortunate she could not see if it was Norm laughing because of the dust cloud.

"Haha! That was a good one but now it is my turn!".

[Deviant element: Point zero]

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