
Dimensional Monarch.

Luck. Some are blessed by lady luck and others are favoured by misfortune, Leon Rodrig. An exceptional young man who always worked hard despite his fortunate background of a cultivation family, the normal citizens believe he's blessed by Luck, but is he really? So when a mysterious power decides his fate is to stand above all others, will he attribute it to luck and walk along the road crafted for him? Or will he walk his own path, leading him to an even stronger realm or possibly astray. The Tale of Leon Rodrig in a world of Cultivation has begun.

Runscape_Guides · Fantasy
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22 Chs


In a few hours, Leon had already gained 970 Qi, he was at this moment locked in a brawl with a fierce tiger.


**Flame Tiger**

Cultivation: 4th state of Meridian Realm (8 meridians opened.)

Bloodline: Fynx Bloodline


"Bloodline? What's up with that? And Leo didn't you say the beasts would be relatively easy around here? This guy is almost as strong as me, not to mention how much faster he is." Leon was slowly realizing that this world was deeper than he imagined.

**Well did you expect humans to be the only blessed ones? All races have their unique traits; beasts having bloodlines that grant them additional strength.** Leo mocked Leon for his lack of knowledge

"Then what's the human's unique trait? How do I beat this damn thing!" Leon yelled as he lunged forward, slashing his sword 3 times, colliding with the tiger's claws in the first two attacks and cutting its rear leg with the third.

**That's how, you're naturally strong, with unlimited potential, some of you have godly providence, what else do you mortals want?** Leo seemed somewhat infuriated, confusing Leon who had never seen this playful guy like this.

"Alright alright" Leon motioned a surrender with his free hand, the other hand gripping onto a bloody sword that once more launched at the wounded tiger

"Roar!" The tiger attacked at the same time, acting as the quote "The best defense is an offense". Leon's eyes focused on the tiger's every movement, and the two sides collided....

A second later, they parted, with a swift motion Leon flicked his sword to remove the blood and flesh on it, the large tiger behind him going limp and losing all signs of life.

**700 Qi Gained** The heavenly prompt rang out, as Leon felt an even more heavenly sensation.

Breakthrough! In less than a day he'd reached the 2nd State of the Meridian Realm, not to mention he had opened 4 meridians! Add on his meridian thickness, making it 12, and ordinary peak Meridian Realm experts were already at his mercy.

"Status!" Leon said as the black status screen appeared in front of him once more.


**Name: Leon Rodrig

**Age: 16

**Qi till breakthrough: 1330

**Cultivation: Second level of Meridian Realm (4 meridian opened)

**Cultivation Technique: Great Void Technique (5 Star Potential)

**Talent: Saint-Tier

**Skills: Absorber


"Sweet finally broke through to the 2nd State. Father said I need to get to the 4th State in 2 months, I might already be in the Foundation Realm by then!" Leon said as he walked through the forest, taking a stroll before announcing

"Alright Leo, take me back." With a flash, the once tranquil forest returned to its original peaceful state.

In a spacious room, a dashing young man appeared, his clothes bloodied up; a sword in his hand-painted red.

"Plop" Leon threw himself on his comfy bed, "That was a successful day, now's time for a nap! I'll get food later." The young man who was slaying dangerous beasts a moment ago fell asleep soundly.

The next day, the sun rose, the clouds parted and the wind whistled. Leon opened his heavy eyes, he felt a headache coming on but ignored it; instead getting up and ready before moving to the main dining room.

Pushing the door open, he saw his parents in casual wear conversing with one another while enjoying a delicious plate of pancakes. Seeing the scrumptious breakfast in front of him, Leon quickly greeted his parents and started feasting.

"You're back Leo, how was your cultivation?" Rodrig was excited to hear his talented son's results.

"It was amazing! Cultivation is addicting, if I didn't need to eat or meet you guys I wouldn't have come out!" Leon said before putting another slice of pancake in his mouth

'That's just because you progress so fast, normal people can barely see results.' thought Rodrig, even he being one of the most talented cultivators in their world couldn't compare to Leon.

"So have you broken open your first meridian?" Ellen questioned, she'd never gotten a good grasp on the so-called unparalleled talent Leon had.

"I've opened up" Just as Leon was about to spill the beans and tell his parents he had opened 4 meridians, Leo intercepted him.

**You idiot! Are you trying to get killed? You may be quantified as a Saint Tier Talent, but your talent is much higher not to mention with the system's help even those above the Emperors can only bow down to you. And you're telling everyone about that talent? Even if they're your parents you can't tell them. Tell them you've filled your first meridian and are about to break through.**

'But...' Leon was hesitant to lie, **No!**, "Fine.'

"I've opened up my first meridian and I'm about to breakthrough!" Leon acted excited, though he was sulking within 'he was so much more amazing why does he have to hide it??'

"Huh? Already about to break through!? You took less than a day to almost break through, twice?" Surprisingly it wasn't Ellen who spoke up, but Rodrig; his shock was far more since he knew how difficult a feat that was.

"Hn" Leon nodded passively.

"You're more of a talent than me, far more. What resources do you need Leo?" Now it was Leon's turn to be shocked, with a simple reveal he got his Father giving him resources.

**Tell him you want Martial Arts and Body Training Exercises!** Leo commanded like a gold-crazed lepricon

"Uhh...Father, if possible I want some Martial Arts and Body Training Exercises" Leon said respectfully, he honestly didn't know why Leo was asking him to get these things.

"Oh, good choice. I'll bring you the highest level techniques I have, as for Body Training, I just have a Gold Tier one, is that alright?" Rodrig was unsure how demanding his son would be

'Hmm, If I remember right, Martial Arts are divided into 5 categories, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Diamond, and Ruby. So a Gold Tier exercise would be relatively high quality.' Leon thought

"Yes Father, that'd be more than enough. I'm grateful for your kindness" Leon said as he stood up and gave his father and mother a light bow before heading out.

It's been an awful long time since he had ventured outside the palace, and so he stepped out today, not as a mortal but a Cultivator!