
Dimensional Monarch.

Luck. Some are blessed by lady luck and others are favoured by misfortune, Leon Rodrig. An exceptional young man who always worked hard despite his fortunate background of a cultivation family, the normal citizens believe he's blessed by Luck, but is he really? So when a mysterious power decides his fate is to stand above all others, will he attribute it to luck and walk along the road crafted for him? Or will he walk his own path, leading him to an even stronger realm or possibly astray. The Tale of Leon Rodrig in a world of Cultivation has begun.

Runscape_Guides · Fantasy
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22 Chs

New skill!

The familiar view of a black status screen popped up, bringing Leon back from his trance.




**Name: Leon Rodrig

**Age: 16

**Qi Till Breakthrough: 435

**Cultivation: First level of Meridian Realm (2 meridian opened)

**Cultivation Technique: Great Void Technique (5 Star Potential)

**Talent: Saint-Tier

**Skills: None



"Hmm, so the 1st Realm required 100 Qi, but to breakthrough to the 2nd Realm I need 450 Qi, that's not too bad." Leon expected it to be much worse, but as he now knew, it was a breeze! Aside from the final 9 Meridians.


At this moment Leo spoke up **Oh yeah Leon, death here means losing a major realm, in your case, you'd return to being a normal mortal if you died currently.**


"A MAJOR REALM!?" Leon immediately felt like this system was scandalous, asking so much of him? He didn't even get a guide and now he has to survive this place?


**You think generating Realms is easy? It takes a lot of energy okay, that energy is taken from you.** Leo said


"Fine, stupid system. Let's get going, I wanna break through a few realms today!" Leon ran deeper into the forest as he exclaimed


"Clash!" A loud dull sound rang out in the silent forest, a young man was facing off against a wolf which was about two times his size, hitting against the wolf's claw with his sword he was pushed back.


This young man being Leon, and the wolf being a Wind Wolf, a 3rd Meridian Realm beast. Leon dashed ahead "Die!" Seemingly wanting to fight the wolf head on he held his blade with both hands and struck...


Only at the last second, he twisted his blade, cutting a chunk of flesh off the wolf's front leg, however this wolf was far more experienced than Leon, with it's quick reflexes it landed two claw marks on both of Leon's arms, leaving him barely able to grip his blade.


**Be careful Leon! Dying so soon will limit your progress!** Leo scolded Leon like a parent.


"I won't die" he said as he once again leapt towards the Win Wolf, like a madman he plunged his sword, trying to pierce the wolf's chest. The Wolf instinctively moved back, evading the blow.


Leon, smiled as he bent down, pushing back up towards the wolf's head, and with a quick slash "Thud!" A head fell to the ground.


**200 Qi Gained!**


The headless body of the wolf fell to the ground in a puddle of blood, Leon slammed his sword into the ground, holding on to it.


"You damned system, why didn't you tell me that simple beasts had intelligence Leo!?" Leon said as he stared at Leo with a deadly glare.


**Leon, they don't have intelligence. That's called battle instinct and experience, which they gain from combat.** Leo said in a monotone voice.


"You're..." Leon was speechless at this guy, he didn't act like a proper AI at all.


"Okay fine, do you have any herbs or pills to heal me?" Leon said as he looked at the blood dripping down both his arms, his first battle resulted in injury, although not severe.


**Nope, you don't think the system is a freeloading software right? You have to do everything on your own, aside from cultivating. And besides the point you should be getting an achievement anytime now..** Leo spoke subtly.


**Congratulations! Host Has Gained The Achievement "First Blood!"** The system announced.


"Wasn't that little rabbit my first blood? Why do I only get it now?" Leon questioned


**The system did not consider the rabbit challenging enough to be your first kill, in fact it helped you, the better the first kill the better reward you get.** Leo seemed to become condescending as he got to the end of his words.


"Then you should have let me kill something stronger. Anyways, open up achievements." Leon rolled his eyes



Locked: Unknown

Unlocked: 2

Would you like to receive the achievement reward?



"Receive it!" Leon said jumping up a little, like an excited child who just got a present.


**Received Skill: Absorber!**




**Name: Leon Rodrig

**Age: 16

**Cultivation: First level of Meridian Realm (1 meridian opened)

**Cultivation Technique: Great Void Technique (5 Star Potential)

**Talent: Saint-Tier

**Skills: Absorber



**Absorber: An Ancient Technique, using it one can convert the corpses of their enemies into energy used for healing or body strengthening, or both!**


"Wow, another overpowered hack!" Leon seemed to remember how powerful this system was, aside from it's disfunctional AI.


**Hmph, ungrateful.** Leo used the chance to gain the upper hand in their exchanges.


Leon, ignoring the sassy AI, moved near the bloody corpse and thought 'Absorber' with a flash, a black light exuded out of his palm, surrounding the Wolf, who's body was quickly disintegrating...one second it was there and a few seconds later it was a pile of rotten bones!


As this wolf's corpse was being raided of all it's energy, the gashes on both of Leon's arms began to heal, slowly returning to their original optimum state.


"Alright, let's do this again!" Leon was invigorated by his new skill and once more ran off into another direction.


An hour later, in a dense forest with a thick canopy layer, a large Wind Wolf was directly cut into two by Leon's sword, easily showing his improvement in this past hour.


**DING! Host has achieved enough Qi for a breakthrough, 3rd meridian opened successfully!** The dings of the system now sounded like a Heavenly Melody in Leon's ears.


"Status!" Leon said with utmost joy




**Name: Leon Rodrig

**Age: 16

**Qi till breakthrough: 1000

**Cultivation: First level of Meridian Realm (3 meridian opened)

**Cultivation Technique: Great Void Technique (5 Star Potential)

**Talent: Saint-Tier

**Skills: Absorber



"Hmm, five wolves eh, that's a bit much." Leon said, he'd been here for about two hours already, counting the cultivation time it'd been around 4 hours. Should he leave?


**That's nothing! You're now capable of defeating someone at the 9th State of the Meridian Realm, those wolves are only comparable to 6tb state cultivators!** Leo spoke, encouraging him. 2 hours was far too little if he really wished to get the goal of 36 meridians.


"You're right, Father said I could cultivate all night. And since I can heal and strengthen my body with this "Absorber" skill, I'll be fine.** Leon thought about it again and agreed with Leo, gripping his blade he rushed into the forest, not knowing that night was soon about to fall.

So sadly, due to some circumstances IRL, I wasn't able to write another chapter for today. In exchange I'll either post another chapter later today, or post three tomorrow.

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