
Dimensional Forum

[This is only a translated novel] True Title : Thank You For the Invitation, I Am In the Little Garden, I Have Just Become a God Author: Ball Synopsis: After taking a trip to the Little Garden, Su Jin, who had just obtained a Divinity and become a Pseudo-God, suddenly had a forum invite in his eyes. Kocho Kanae: "How to kill the Twelve Moon Demons? " Aizen Sosuke: "How do I cast the Hōgyoku on Rukia?" ... Questions popped up one by one, and Su Jin subconsciously answered: "Thanks for the invite everyone, I was in Little Garden, I just became a Pseudo-God, and the answers were anonymous."

Takamiya_Shin · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

Su Jin fetches water


After returning to No Name headquarters, Kurousagi, who had been struggling for a long time, finally asked Su Jin at the dining table:

"Why in the end, did Su Jin have to make a bet with Shiroyasha-sama!"

"And you can still get a year's supply of life within seven days. Su Jin, do you know how much everyone in the community spends in a year?"

"Even for the minimum spending, it would take five hundred gold coins to feed all the members!"

Hearing these words, Su Jin, who was eating the buns, was shocked and said:

"Oh? So I need 500 gold coins, thank you, Kurousagi, I'm still worried about the price right now."

This is the truth, Su Jin doesn't know how much it costs to feed two hundred community children for a year.

However, the purchasing power of one gold coin was equivalent to 10,000 yuan in his previous life. Su Jin still knew this, after all, he had used it before.

Calculated this way, meaning that if he made five million in seven days, he could support a large number of people.

Simpler than imagined.


However, Kurousagi covered her head in anger at Su Jin's understatement:

"Do you understand, you idiot! How can money be so easy to come by!"

"I have to ask you this question, Kurousagi..."

Su Jin ate the bun in his hand, and said, in a somewhat confused tone:

"Obtaining gold coins should be a very simple matter for you, rated as a 'four digit' individual?"

"Eh..." Kurousagi was stunned for an instant.

In Little Gardens, people used a number of digits to divide territories, and it was also used to judge strength.

The core is a single-digit number from 0-9, followed by a two-digit number, the worst is a seven-digit number, and possibly even an eight-digit number.

Basically, the fewer the population, the stronger the strength of the residents.

And more than three digits, it is basically a group of gods—a group of gods, and they can live normally in a three-digit place.

Of course, Su Jin and the others did not live in the three-digit place, but the seven-digit [2105380] outer gate.

In other words, most of the people living here were seven-digit 'supernormal', and a small number were people of six-digit strength rated as 'heroes'.

However, among this assorted group of seven digits, four digits like Kurousagi appear. No matter how one looks at it, Kurousagi should be fine.

Even if Kurousagi dragged over two hundred children, it wouldn't develop into a situation where everyone was eating bread together.

However, there are always exceptions...

"The activity that makes money outside the door will basically not come to other people, at most, it is a super big event that will invite other people to be referees…"

"What are you doing hiding in a corner..."

Su Jin looked at Kurousagi, who was crouching in a corner and drawing a circle, speechless.

It seemed he was bullying the other party.

He tidied up the finished dinner plates, placed them on the table, and waited for the community's young children to clean up, then clapped his hands and said:

"But I also understand the specific reason. Sure enough, Kurousagi, you are useless..."

She can only do things according to rules and regulations, no wonder she can't make money… Su Jin thought gloomily in his heart.

But on second thought, the Moon Rabbit, who believes in honesty and fairness, might be highly sought after for this character.

"Su jin!"

"I am here."

"Didn't anyone tell you that men who tell the truth suck?"

"Absolutely not!"

Su Jin stood up, pushed back a chair, and shouted at the green-haired boy who had come to clean the cutlery:

"Right, Jin, come with me."

Jin Russell, now 8 years old, is the second oldest boy in the community besides Su Jin, and also participates in the actual management of the community.

Don't look at No Name, but managing about two hundred children is also very useless.

Su Jin was still lying in the hospital bed, and he dictated how many items were handled, and Jin handled them.

But now, Su Jin needs information from Jin, the real executive.

"Okay, big brother Su Jin."

Tugging at Jin's shoulder, Su Jin was about to exit the dining room when Kurousagi stopped him.

"Wait, Su Jin, Jin-sama doesn't have the strength to protect himself at this age!"

Su Jin turned his back on Kurousagi, waved his hand, and said:

"Don't worry, after all, I can be considered a Pseudo-God with five digit strength now, and no matter what, I won't let the children fight."


Watching Su Jin's back leave, Kurousagi could only let out a dissatisfied voice in the end, and vented her hatred on the buns.

"Very hard!"


Not long after, Jin returned with a confused look on his face.

Seeing that, Kurousagi, who had just swallowed the bun, hurriedly asked:

"Jin-sama, what did Su Jin ask you just now?"

Speaking of this, she felt that it was not good for her to explore Su Jin's secrets in this way. She looked around and found that Su Jin was not there, and she said with a smile:

"Of course, Jin-sama, if you don't want to talk about it, I can't do anything about it~"

Upon hearing this, Jin suddenly felt goosebumps, and hurriedly said:

"Big brother Su Jin just asked about the route of taking water recently…"

"Wait, Kurousagi, what are you doing with that duster? Big brother Su Jin really just asked this!"

"Is that true?" Kurousagi asked suspiciously, shaking the duster.

Jin nodded frantically.

"Strange… how did Su Jin get five hundred gold coins…"

Seeing Kurousagi, who was deep in thought with a duster there, Jin carefully came out of the room.

He thought it would be better to stay away from Kurousagi in the future, the duster was too scary after all.

At Little Garden, people in the community, both adults and children, have something to do.

Child protection laws exist only in strong communities.

And the more troublesome job that Jin did in the community was leading the children to fetch water and maintain the fort's buildings.

As for Su Jin, the information he wanted was the situation of the water intake.

The place where Jin led the children to fetch water was next to a public well at the edge of the urban area [2105380] Outer Gate.

It is about three kilometers from No Name's headquarters. Although it is still a bit far, it is still much better than going to the river ten kilometers away to fetch water.

At the very least, wild monsters rarely appear here.

However, Su Jin understood that sometimes it wasn't just wild animals that were dangerous.

Walking on the yellow-brown dirt road, Su Jin approached the well alone with a bucket in his hand.

He breathed a sigh of relief until he approached the well, and whispered in his mouth:

"Too bad, I don't know who injured Kurousagi. The wound is getting worse. I must quickly fetch water."

After "struggling" to grab a bucket of water, Su Jin panted and placed the full bucket on the ground.

As he packed up his water equipment and was about to leave, several Beastmen stopped him.

"Little kid, you went out to fetch water yourself today?"

"Brother wants to ask a few questions, it is best to answer them honestly, otherwise..."

Su Jin's eyes suddenly widened, and the bucket in his hand slammed and fell to the ground.

Su Jin's face was reflected in the newly formed puddle on the ground.

That face, was the face of 'Jin Russell'.

The three Beastmen grinned, and Su Jin, seeing a frightened look in their eyes, made them smile wildly and recklessly.

At the same time, Su Jin, who was trying to lure the thugs with Jin's face, was very surprised.

He never expected that the first time he tried this kind of behavior, he actually… succeeded?

Are Beastmen brains really that bad...

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