
Dimensional Forum

[This is only a translated novel] True Title : Thank You For the Invitation, I Am In the Little Garden, I Have Just Become a God Author: Ball Synopsis: After taking a trip to the Little Garden, Su Jin, who had just obtained a Divinity and become a Pseudo-God, suddenly had a forum invite in his eyes. Kocho Kanae: "How to kill the Twelve Moon Demons? " Aizen Sosuke: "How do I cast the Hōgyoku on Rukia?" ... Questions popped up one by one, and Su Jin subconsciously answered: "Thanks for the invite everyone, I was in Little Garden, I just became a Pseudo-God, and the answers were anonymous."

Takamiya_Shin · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs


On the lower floor of the East District, there was a shop with the 'Double Goddess' flag on the roof.

This shop was an organization under the Thousand Eyes Community, and Thousand Eyes was the name of Shiroyasha's faction.

"Su Jin, is there really no problem? Going to meet Shiroyasha-sama like this? Isn't that a good thing?"

Dressed in a beautiful black lace dress, she looked perfectly like a lady, but her actions were anything but graceful, Kurousagi stood at the door and said frantically.

Standing beside her, Su Jin, who was only wearing a simple T-shirt and jeans, held his forehead helplessly and said:

"What are you nervous about?"

"Because... because..."

Kurousagi stuttered and couldn't speak, as if there was something unsaid.

However, before she knew the reason, the officer who was asked by Su Jin to hand over the business card had already walked out.

"Shiroyasha-sama is willing to see you, come with me."

"Thank you."

Su Jin answered politely, then followed the attendant a few steps, then looked back at the 'not moving forward' Kurousagi, smiled, and stretched out his hand to hold her.

"Wait~ I better go back and forget about it~~"

Ignoring Kurousagi's protests, Su Jin led her to the backyard of the shop with the clerk.

As soon as she stepped through the backyard gate, a figure rushed towards her.


A petite figure suddenly jumped out and jumped into Kurousagi's embrace with a sly smile, and she placed her hands up and down on the Kurousagi she was embracing.

Kurosagi was stunned.

"It turned out to be Su Jin…"

The little girl hanging on Su Jin's body like a koala clicked her tongue and jumped up.

At this time, Su Jin also lowered his head to look at the other party.

In front of him was a girl with silver hair and golden eyes, with two horns on her head, she looked to be only ten years old, and looked very cute.

This girl was [Celestial Star Spirit] Shiroyasha, and she was a well-known figure even in the upper floors of the Little Garden.

She was also currently the person who held the greatest goodwill towards No Name, the community that Su Jin belonged to.

Of course, what was more important was that the Divinity Su Jin obtained last night was concocted by the other party.

According to the people of Little Garden, Su Jin could call himself Shiroyasha's vassal god.

"Ah, I didn't react for a moment, and you actually noticed his movements. The perfect plan to fly to Kurousagi was defeated at this point. Too bad!"

Shiroyasha jumped on the ground while biting a black folding fan she got from somewhere, and shouting in embarrassment.

Hearing this, Su Jin shrugged, and said in a playful tone:

"Anyway, I can be considered a Pseudo-God who has acquired Divinity now, Shiroyasha-sama."

"That's why it was a big mistake! It's fine if you don't take advantage of it, but you do."

Shiroyasha snorted, spread out her folding fan, and looked at the lace dress at Kurousagi with a smile:

"Even though it wasn't the maid outfit I gave Kurousagi, this kind of British lady's outfit is quite pleasing to the eye. For this sake, I forgive you."

Kurousagi on the side was very uncomfortable being watched by Shiroyasha, and couldn't help hiding behind Su Jin, and whispering, "That's why I didn't want to come here..."

Shiroyasha was good at everything, but the fact that she liked beautiful girls wearing sexy clothes was completely unacceptable to Kurousagi.

However, Shiroyasha was the one who repeatedly reached out to help Kurousagi, which made Kurousagi both irritated and helpless, putting her at a real disadvantage.

Of course, the most important thing was that Kurousagi exchanged Shiroyasha's Divinity for a pittance yesterday, and now that she met Shiroyasha, if the other party made an exaggerated request, she would really be embarrassed to refuse!

At this moment, the wrinkled expression on Kurousagi's face clearly aroused Shiroyasha's interest:

"Hmph, Kurousagi's expression today is also very cute, looks like she can be bothered casually."

Seeing that Shiroyasha wanted to try in front of her, Kurousagi immediately hid behind Su Jin in fear, and didn't dare to show her head at all.

At this time, Su Jin smiled and said, "I can't let you bully my rabbit like this."

However, Su Jin, who said so, linked his fingers faintly.

The meaning is clear, you have to pay more!

"Oh!" Shiroyasha covered the fan with a sweep, took out a purse from her sleeve, and said, "I bought a rabbit, is that okay?"

"Too much, Shiroyasha-sama, you should know that Su Jin can't be..."

"Price, 10,000 gold coins."

Kurousagi was silent for a moment, but looking at Su Jin, who took the gold coin from Shiroyasha, his eyes were dead.

"Hahaha, I won't tease you anymore."

Shiroyasha took back the gold coins with a sigh, then, waving her fan with a smile, turned around and said:

"Come with me, this is not the place to talk."

Su Jin nodded, then followed Shiroyasha and Kurousagi to the tea room.

After entering the tea room, Shiroyasha went straight to the tea chair and poured the freshly brewed tea into three cups:

"It's about the same time as I expected. I think it's time for you to come here too."

Kurousagi, who was about to sit down, was surprised and said, "Eh? Shiroyasha-sama knew we were coming?"

"Isn't that natural?"

Shiroyasha rolled her eyes, spread her folding fan to cover the lower half of her face, looked at Su Jin with a smile, and said:

"After all, the Divinity was the legacy left by Canaria, how could it be possible to deceive Su Jin."

"I'm afraid that when Kurousagi displays Divinity, Su Jin will know that it was my action."

"Huh——" Kurousagi was stunned for a moment, turned to look at Su Jin, and found that the other party was looking at her with "you dare to look at me" eyes.

Ah, she thought Su Jin didn't notice, she wanted to die... Kurousagi averted his gaze, as if his gaze had died again.

Seeing this, Su Jin smiled, then turned his head, bowed solemnly to Shiroyasha and said:

"Our stupid bunny has gotten you into trouble."

"It's okay, it's okay, who made me a beautiful woman who is willing to help others~~"

Shiroyasha swung her folding fan, and her nose seemed to be pointing at the sky.

After boasting, she looked at Su Jin with a smile and said:

"But having said that, Su Jin, after you obtain Divinity, you should have activated your Gift, right?"

Hearing this, Su Jin was taken aback, slightly surprised that Shiroyasha knew of the Dimensional Forum's existence.

But after thinking about it, Su Jin realized that he had misunderstood:

"Could it be that Divinity also has the function of activating Gift?"

"Of course! Otherwise, Divinity would not be popular among the upper echelons."

Shiroyasha closed her fan and said proudly:

"And your Divinity was specially made by me. In theory, no matter how powerful the Gift is, it will be forced to activate part of it."

Does this mean he must have a powerful Gift? Su Jin was taken aback for a moment, and said doubtfully:

"How do you determine that my Gift must be activated with a special Divinity?"

"You don't understand that."

Shiroyasha fanned herself and said with a smile:

"Any outsider who comes to Little Garden without spiritual status will be given first aid by the Little Garden Center, namely spiritual status. After all, it is proof of the existence of life."

"And in the process, those with spiritual status will definitely activate some Gifts."

"If it's not activated, it means the Gift is so powerful that it can't be awakened immediately. This is basically common sense in the upper echelons of Little Garden."

Speaking of this, Shiroyasha closed her fan, leaned on her chin, and said with a smile:

"I found this out when Canaria was returning from picking you up. When she drank with me that night, she kept saying she had found treasure."

For this reason, Canaria kept suggesting I stay after saving my life?

The corners of Su Jin's mouth twitched, as if he understood why he, who was just an ordinary person, was brought to the headquarters to be treated by Canaria, a former staff member of the Arcadia community.

Canaria was greedy for his body from the start?

"So is that so..."

Kurousagi at the side showed a surprised expression.

Then, when she apologized and took a pile of treasure to find Shiroyasha to invoke Divinity, what did it mean?

No, it was obvious at first that she just wanted to exchange for a better Gift, and it was Shiroyasha's various inducements in communication that she chose to exchange for Divinity!

But now, Shiroyasha said that she knew from the start that in order to awaken Su Jin's Gift, she had to use Divinity.

So, it was Shiroyasha's 'conspiracy' from the start!

How could this [Celestial Star Spirit] be so evil!

"Hehehe~ I got caught~"

Seeing the expression on Kurousagi's face, Shiroyasha let out some witch-like laughter.

After she finished laughing, she wiped the corner of his mouth, then asked Su Jin curiously:

"By the way, your awakening Gift should be a very special one, right?"

"What kind of Gift is this? Can you tell me about it? Of course, it's fine if you don't talk about it. I don't mind at all~"

"You already said that, how could I not say it?"

Su Jin spread his arms, then narrowed his eyes, looked at Shiroyasha, and said:

"But a yard is worth a yard. My secret is quite valuable in my opinion."

He said this, the corners of his mouth slightly raised:

"So do you want to exchange information?"

"Hah? It seems your abilities need some way of cooperating?"

Shiroyasha frowned, and looked at Su Jin in surprise. After living for so many years, it was impossible for her not to guess Su Jin's purpose.

But even though it's awakened, do you still need help with other abilities to display the Gift?

In other words, his Divinity had not fully activated Su Jin's Gift?

With this in mind, Shiroyasha immediately raised Su Jin's Gift to another level.

"Okay, I agree to this exchange, but I suggest you tell me the information you want to know."

"In any case, even if I want to tell you some classified information, I still need to report it to 'Thousand Eyes'."

Hearing this, Su Jin immediately felt relieved.

There was one thing that needed to be said, Shiroyasha's integrity deserved recognition in Little Garden.

Even though she has a bad personality, she has no record of breaking her promises.

And the "Thousand Eyes" community that Shiroyasha was in was also a long-established intelligence agency in Little Garden, and was extremely reliable when it came to secrecy.

So basically, Su Jin quite believed the other party's promise.

Thinking of this, Su Jin took a breath, narrowed his eyes, and asked seriously:

"Then I'll say it directly, what I want to know is 'how to bring another world into Little Garden's observation range."

Shiroyasha's hand that was shaking the fan suddenly stopped, and her expression froze for a moment.

Then, in a very short time that Su Jin couldn't detect, she returned to normal, but looked at Su Jin with burning eyes:

"Canaria, you actually took treasure before you died…"

Thinking of this, Shiroyasha lifted the corners of her mouth and said in a relaxed tone:

"Um, this question happens to be something I already know, so there's no need to report it."

Hearing this, Su Jin heaved a sigh of relief. Just as he was about to ask something, Shiroyasha on the other side interrupted him:

"But for you, it is too early to know these contents."

Su Jin frowned after hearing this, then looked at Shiroyasha and said, "How do you put it?"

Seeing this, Shiroyasha picked up the teacup on the table, narrowed her eyes, and said:

"I know what you want to try, but the current 'No Name' can't stand your actions."

"Let's make another exchange~"

Shiroyasha drank all her tea, then said seriously:

"Within 7 days, get enough supplies for No Name to last for a year, and I will give you the appropriate information for free. What do you think?"

After hearing this, Su Jin was silent for a while, then said with a smile: "Agreed!"

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