
Getting Made Fun Of

Alaric could be seen sleeping on an old tree. His breathing was even as if he were sleeping on clouds.

His eyes fluttered as he finally awoke from his sleep. The mysterious energy felt so good that it sent Alaric into dreamland.

Stretching his arms out, he sighed,

"It seems that since so much happened, I fell asleep instantly."

However, his sleepiness only lasted for a moment as he remembered the previous memories from yesterday. He looked down at his clean white hands and let out a sigh.

He moved his legs around and giggled in joy as he could feel his legs move again. Just thinking about the previous day's events sent a shiver up his spine as he felt some phantom pain.

He got up and stretched once more.

"Ahhh, it seems night has passed, and it's morning again."

Looking at the rising sun hovering above the numerous trees left Alaric smiling with appreciation. turning around, he finally looked at the tree.

"There must be something special about this tree."

He quickly circled the tree only to find it as usual, like all other trees in the forest. He could only sigh and lament the missed opportunity.

Thinking about the system that caused him so much pain that it made him angry.

'Who in their right mind would assign such arduous quests.'

He couldn't help but curse the person who made this system.

'Oh wait. I do know who created this!' He then cursed Orion for making him complete such challenging quests.

If Orion knew his thoughts, he would give Alaric a good beating.

While thinking this, the system appeared once again.

<Name: Alaric Droy

Species: Inferior Human

Level: 1 (0/100)

Stage: No stars

Stats: (Strength: 9) (Speed: 8) (Stamina: 7) (Intelligence: 10) (Mana: 50/50) (Mind: 5) (3 Stat Points)

Skills: (Wood wall)

Quests: (Expandable) >

Before he went to the quests tab, he noticed a new edition to his stats. The three stat points he earned seemed to have appeared on his status.

"Oh ho, it seems my pain was not in vain."

He was glad yesterday's pain was worth it as he clicked the stat points button.

<Stat Points can be used on any attribute activated. Please choose which one you will add to. (Strength: 9+) (Speed: 8+) (Stamina: 7+) (Intelligence: 10+) (Mind: 5+)>


He first saw that the mana attribute was not something he could add to.

"Damn, I wish there was a defense attribute."

Alaric grimaced as he thought of the previous day's events. He wanted to forget it entirely, but it seemed to keep popping into his head as if it was living in his head rent-free.

He thought for a moment before making his decision.

<Name: Alaric Droy

Species: Inferior Human

Level: 1 (0/100)

Stage: No stars

Stats: (Strength: 9) (Speed: 8) (Stamina: 8) (Intelligence: 10) (Mana: 50/50) (Mind: 6) (1 Stat Points)

Skills: (Wood wall)

Quests: (Expandable) >

he thought that stamina is always useful in any situation, and he saw the effects of the mind, so he thought it would be useful.

<Mind: An attribute that helps reinforce the mind and helps with memory and focus.>

This might help him get out of that focused state that made him lose sight of everything but his task. But now that he thought about it, the description made it seem it would help him focus more.

Alaric smacked himself as he didn't even think of it that way.

'I've got 10 intelligence, yet it seems like I have 0!'

Alaric started pouting to no one in particular. If someone saw his pouting face, they would throw up in disgust.

It looked as if an old wrinkly man hated a lemon. He soon stopped acting and thought of his last stat point.

'I always see characters in books always have a trump card, so this will be my trump card! Whenever I get backed into a corner, I can use all of my points on strength and destroy them in one punch before they even notice!'

Alaric's face changed from an old man eating a lemon to an evil guy smiling as he had just come up with the most devious plan.

Alaric's eyes glanced over the quests tab, and his eyes trembled.

'It worked last time, so let's hope it works now.'

Alaric put his hands together and said,

"Please, God, give me some easy quests."

Opening his eyes, he looked at the quest window.


Daily Quest:

1. Run 5.1 kilometers (Reward: 3 free stat points)

2. Swing a stick 0/500 times (Reward: Low-Rank Offensive skill)>

Alaric's face contorted as he read the lines.

'Orion, are you making fun of me?'

The 5 kilometers quest just went up a measly 0.1, but that was still a lot of distance.

'At least the stick one isn't too hard. I won't be bloodying my knuckles now.'

Alaric gave himself a mental punch as he had just vowed earlier not to think of yesterday's events.

"I guess I should find a good stick to swing."

Alaric started moving in a direction. He didn't know which direction, but he hoped to find some water soon.

His mouth was already starting to get parched, and his stomach had rumbled several times. Looking up, he could see the sun and noted that he was heading eastward.

'All that Astro psychics wasn't a waste after all!'

After a while, he found the perfect stick. It was about half a meter long and barely had any imperfections.


Alaric paused in disbelief.

"This is the perfect stick to play swords with!"

Alaric had always loved to play outside with his friends, but ever since his parents passed away, he became a loner in school. So seeing this well-carved stick brought back tons of good memories.

"Well, I better start now."

Holding his sword in front of him, he swung down. After only a couple of swings, did something not out of the ordinary happen. His once lively eyes had turned into a fierce gaze as if he was in his world.

This hyperfocused state was the same thing that made Alaric lose track of time when he did the previous quests. Ever since he was young, Alaric never half-assed anything.

When he was set into something, he would finish it no holds barred.

Now that he saw a clear goal in front of him, it further increased his seriousness. After an unknown amount of time passed, Alaric finally heard a ding sound that made him stop his movements.

<For completing Daily Quest 2, you have obtained one spin on the Low-Rank Offensive wheel. To use the spin, say, "Spin!">

Seeing that, he finally let out a breath of relief as he collapsed onto the ground. His arms now ached as he could barely move them.

"This sure is a workout."

He couldn't help but comment on his now tired arms.

After taking a little break, he looked back up at the window in front of him. He saw the same wheel as before.

The four colors, blue, red, green, and yellow, still had two slices, each totaling up to 8. remembering what to do, he said the magical word,


The wheel spun rapidly. The colors seemed to make a beautiful sight as Alaric became entranced in it again.

Seeing the wheel slowly stop, he held his breath. He had no idea what the colors meant, but he hoped it wouldn't matter.

It slowly kept going until it finally stopped on blue. He saw the blue strip of paper fly over to him, but this time he already knew what would happen, so he stayed put.

<Congratulations on receiving the low-rank offensive skill Water Ball!>

'Wow, what an original name.'

Alaric couldn't help but roll his eyes as he saw its name. But that didn't hide his unconcealed excitement.

This would mean he had a water supply. He didn't know how mana replenished, but he knew that this was a problem he would give fiture Alaric to solve. Looking at his stats, he nodded in satisfaction.

<Name: Alaric Droy

Species: Inferior Human

Level: 1 (0/100)

Stage: No stars

Stats: (Strength: 9) (Speed: 8) (Stamina: 8) (Intelligence: 10) (Mana: 50/50) (Mind: 6) (1 Stat Points)

Skills: (Wood wall) (Water Ball)

Quests: (Expandable) >

He thought about it for a little and made a connection.

'The green slip was a wood type move; the blue slip was a water type move. Does that mean each color is a different element? Red for fire, yellow for... light?'

He couldn't confirm this for now, but he thought he was on the right track. Finally calming himself, he looked at the skills description.

< Low-rank offensive skill Water Ball,

Description: Water Ball creates a small ball of water that can be used to shoot at hostile foes. It does not need a medium and can be used anywhere. Water Ball uses the moisture around the caster to create the ball.

Cast time: One second but can be shortened if there is an ample supply of water nearby.

Mana required: 5 mana>

"Hmmm, this seems to be much more lenient in its use. It's even somewhat cheap. Let's check the slip and test this baby out."

Reading the slip, he figured out what to do.

"To activate, imagine the water droplets in the air converging on your hands, then think of throwing it look a projectile."

Alaric understood the text and quickly tried it out. Seeing the ball of water form in front of his eyes made his eyes glow with excitement.

'My dreams of becoming a Water Bender are becoming true!'

After figuring a softball size ball was big enough, he threw it like he was throwing a baseball. It zoomed fast and hit a tree. The water splashed outward as a dent formed on the tree.

"Hoho, this is pretty good; it's like having a portable baseball to throw around."

He then gathered up the water again in his hand, and instead of throwing it, just let it sit there, He took the risk and leaned in.

As if it was a docile cat, it stayed still as Alaric took deep gulps of it.

After finishing the ball of water, he gave a deep sigh.

"Water is always the best!"

After calming himself down, he steeled himself to start his other quest, the quest to run 5.1 kilometers!