
Dimensional Chat Group with Blazer

A Pervert protagonist reincarnated in world fill with character of anime,manga,doujin,tv series along with dimensionl chat group.

ApeNovel · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

DCGB EP 24 - Last Boss appeared!!

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After returning from the dungeon, the first thing Yuji did was to take Noelle for a bath before bringing her into the room to rest. When they emerged from the room, it was the next morning.


Yuji walked down to the hall in a good mood, while Noelle clung to his arm with a pained expression but a hidden smile. It was clear they hadn't rested at all.


"Yuji, are you really going?" Noelle asked with a sorrowful expression.


"Yes, it's my time now," Yuji replied. Not long before, he had shared his story with Noelle, which initially shocked her.


Fifteen minutes earlier:


"You're joking, right?" Noelle, lying naked in Yuji's arms, asked.


"I'm not joking," Yuji said, explaining his story involving Maomao and the chat group to Noelle because she was now his woman.


"And how long will it be before you come back?" Noelle asked, her sadness evident because she didn't want to part from him.


"It won't be long. Actually, I can come back here anytime," Yuji explained about traveling to this world, which required points from the chat group. Therefore, he couldn't come here often. As Yuji thought about when he would come to this world again, he pondered his next visit.



Suddenly, Yuji remembered something. "Oh, right!"


"Hmm? What is it?" Noelle asked, tilting her head in curiosity.


"I just remembered that one of the tasks I have to do is to invite people to join the chat group," Yuji said immediately, having just realized he hadn't invited anyone yet. So, he decided to choose Noelle as a member of the group.


"Noelle, are you interested in joining the chat group?" Yuji turned to ask Noelle.


"A chat group? What is it like?" Noelle asked with great interest, as Yuji was a member of the chat group, so she wanted to be a member too.


With that question, Yuji began to explain the interdimensional chat group and how it worked. After learning about it, Noelle was very surprised and couldn't believe such a thing existed in the world. What shocked her the most was when Yuji showed her a manga called 'Black Clover,' where the characters and events were very similar to her own life. It was as if her world was a story written in the manga. However, Yuji reassured her that her world was indeed real, not a made-up story, and that the things written in the manga were like prophecies of future events in her world.



"Then I'll join the chat group!" Noelle decided that she must join the chat group, not because she wanted to change the future to avoid what happened in the manga, but simply to talk with Yuji.


"I don't mind, but first, let's ask Maomao. This isn't something I can decide on my own," Yuji said, pulling Noelle up to get dressed so they could go talk to Maomao.


"Ouch, take it easy! I'm still sore," Noelle exclaimed as Yuji pulled her up suddenly. She felt pain in her lower regions after a full night of bed activities.




After the two left the room, they walked straight to Maomao's room.


"Oh, Yuji, Noelle," a voice suddenly called from behind them. Yuji turned to see Asta running towards them at high speed.


"Captain Yami is calling for you two!" Asta shouted as he came to a stop in front of them.


"Ugh, speak more quietly!" Noelle snapped at Asta immediately because his loud shout hurt her ears.


"Just a call, right?" Yuji asked.


"I'm not sure, but I think so," Asta replied, scratching his head, and suddenly, he remembered something.


"Um, Yuji..." But as he was about to continue speaking, suddenly...




"Yuji!!!" There was a loud scream followed by continuous explosions, causing the ground to shake violently.


Yuji turned and saw Luck charging towards him at high speed. He didn't expect Luck to be this agitated, but he could understand it to some extent. Luck had just lost his fighting partner, so it had turned out like this. Therefore, Yuji decided to try to calm him down first.


"Luck, calm dow—" Yuji tried to speak soothingly, but...


"I don't care! Since you've taken my fighting partner, you have to fight me!!" Luck shouted as he used lightning magic to enhance his body while charging towards Yuji at high speed.


"Let it die," Yuji breathed out exhaustedly.


"Lightning Spree Maximum!"


Yuji used Ark magic to multiple Goddess Clan symbols before it releasing a large beam of light at high speed.


The beam shot out in a straight line, aiming directly at Luck.


Luck quickly dodged to the left, narrowly avoiding it, causing Yuji's " Lightning Spree Maximum " to crash into a wall, creating an instant hole.


"Wow, that was close!" Luck smiled like a battle-crazed warrior, preparing to counterattack.


Meanwhile, Yuji prepared to summon Sylph for assistance, thinking that if they continued fighting like this, he would be at a disadvantage. Both were ready to engage each other when...


"You guys..."


"Stop right now!!!" Yami suddenly appeared, shouting loudly, causing both Luck and Yuji to quickly kneel to the ground.


"Yes, sir!"


"You see, you've not only destroyed the house but also disturbed the villagers with your noise and commotion," Yami said with a smile, though it didn't appear genuine judging by his expression. Everyone knew that wasn't a smile.


"You guys seem eager to die!!"


"Sorry, sir!!"


"This time, I'll let it slide because you've completed your mission so well," Yami said before turning to look at Yuji and then saying, "Asta, Noelle, and you, go report what happened to the main headquarters of the Magic Knights."


"The main headquarters?!" Luck exclaimed, thinking there must be some powerful individuals there.


"Luck, you don't have to go. Your involvement would only complicate matters," Yami quickly warned Luck, knowing that letting Luck go would only create more problems. So, he decided to find something else for Luck to do.


"You and Magna go on a combat mission together,"




"Alright, then you three take care," Yami said before leaving.


"I can't believe how huge the houses around here are," Asta remarked, gazing at the massive buildings around them.


Meanwhile, Yuji and Noelle walked arm in arm happily as Yuji glanced around.


"These houses look really big. Is this where the rich people live?" Yuji asked, curious.


"It might be. People who live close to the Magic Knights Headquarters often receive assistance first. So, many people want to live nearby," Noelle explained, though she wasn't sure if it was true because she had always lived in the Silva family estate and hadn't ventured out much due to her noble status and various other reasons.


Then, the three continued walking until suddenly, they saw three familiar figures walking ahead.


"Hmm?" Asta squinted at them for a moment until he remembered who they were. "Wow, it's those guys from the Golden Dawn!!"


"Oh, Asta! Long time no see. How are you?" Klaus walked over, asking Asta about his well-being, and it seemed like his attitude towards the Black Bulls had changed, and he looked quite friendly towards Asta.


"Sure! I slept well and ate to my heart's content," Asta said with a grin.


Meanwhile, Yuji looked at Asta, who spoke like that, and sighed. Was he even a kid?


"Yuji-kun," suddenly, he saw Mimosa walking towards him with a hopeful expression.


"Yuji-kun, are you going to report to the Magic Knights Headquarters?" Mimosa asked with a smile, approaching Yuji.


"Yes, that's right. Yami-san asked me to report," Yuji replied, looking at Mimosa with eyes that hid his sadness. From his observation, it seemed like Mimosa wanted him very much, and this was a good opportunity for him to make her fall in love with him deeply. However, he would have to return to his world soon, so he felt very sad.


"Then let's go report together," Mimosa said, hugging Yuji's arm tightly, as if they were lovers.


"Wait a minute! Mimosa, who gave you permission to hold onto Yuji's arm like that?" Noelle, seeing Mimosa holding onto Yuji's arm, quickly spoke up.


"Oh, come on, Noelle-san. It's just a little gesture," Mimosa said, her face close to Yuji's arm, which made Yuji feel extremely happy all of a sudden.


"Wow, this softness feels like heaven!" Yuji thought as he touched the soft melon balls pressed against his arm.


"Hey!" Noelle exclaimed, startled, her face flushing red as she looked up at Yuji with a displeased expression.


"Don't do this in public, Yuji!" Noelle complained internally, but she felt happy because Yuji's actions showed that he still wanted her.


Yuno, on the other hand, didn't care to join the conversation much. Simply put, he didn't care about anyone other than his own goals.


"Let's go together then," Klaus said, leading the way.


"Oh!" Asta exclaimed in response.


They walked together for a while until they reached the building that served as the Magic Knights Headquarters, and at the entrance stood a middle-aged man with messy blond hair and purple eyes. On the left side of his forehead, there was a symbol of blue six-pointed star.


"This way, everyone."


"Young Magic Knights," as soon as everyone saw this man calling them, they were amazed. Some of them knew who he was, but there were others in the group who didn't.


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