
Dimension System Initialize

A man finishes an ordinary life, dying of old age. Then finds himself graced with a system after death, and reincarnated. Now he will set forth on adventures to different places and meet many people. As a dimensional entity.

GoldDragonMachina · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Haelith, Hanse County

The carriage ride was pleasant. I chatted with the young Lady Hanse the whole way. Lady Hanse eventually brought up the subject of magic.

"Are you familiar with magic Mr. Oro?", She asked me.

I grin, "Oh, I am intimately familiar with magic Lady Hanse."

Her eyes light up, "Oh, so you know magic? Are you a mage then?"

I chuckle at her enthusiasm, "Once upon a time I could be called a mage. Now, you could say I am more of an arcanist."

"What is an arcanist?", she asks.

"An arcanist is someone that pursues the secrets of magic, and knowledge about obscure magics. So I am more of a magical experimenter these days.", I explain.

She takes in my words and comes up with another question, "Why would you experiment with magic though? Would that not be dangerous at your age?"

I laugh, "That is precisely why I do it. I have 113 years of wisdom. I have many descendants too. If anything, better that I experiment than some young mage with too much talent and not enough wisdom."

We continued speaking on magic and I learned many things. Those that can use magic are uncommon in the this world. Magic is especially rare among humans. Humans typically use what are called combat arts. Which utilize the vitality of a human to be used. At first I was under the impression that people were burning their lifespans to fight, but Lady Hanse corrected my view.

Combat consume vitality, but a human can expend about 80% of the vitality in their body before it become harmful. Expending over 80% is when lifespan starts to be burnt, which is typically irreversible. An upside is that the limit is easy for a person to know their vitality limit. The normal method of increasing vitality is by expending it near that limit on repeat within reason. Just like how you would build up a muscle.

Every human could practice combat arts. However, most would never get past the soldier grade. The ones with talent will enter knight grade. The ones that were greatly talented, would be the top of knight grade or even champion grade. The geniuses would be in the champion grade. Finally, the monsters in human skin would be hero grade.

The grades all have tiers. However, magic users are different. A normal mage is capable of taking out multiple knight grades with relative ease they were decent. Not even a hero can take on a mage lord. Although their grades are seen to be on the same playing field.

This troubled me. If a mage lord and a hero are of equivalent grades, why the power disparity between them? An answer I would certainly seek. A way to fins that answer, is to reach hero grade in combat arts.

As a dimensional deity, I have virtually infinite energy within me. It is why I can use so much magic without running out too. Although I am limited in my output of magic by my lack of control and knowledge. My combat arts would be limited the same way. Combat arts are easy to get started. I just a combat technique. So let me see what the store has.

Looking through the store, I found a trivial technique.

Drake Combat Technique = 5,000 DE

Along with...

Combat Art basic talent = 10,000 DE

Luckily the carriage ride has gone on for over 4 hours. Meaning I certainly have enough DE to but these two store items. Nothing wrong with starting at the bottom for me after all. I have all the time and more than enough power to be thorough in my path to mastery.

I bought them both and the city gate is in sight.

I ask Lady Hanse, "What would this wonderful city's name be?"

She answers, "It is the city of Haelith. My ancestor named it after his wife. My home city and capital city of Hanse County."

The carriage was not even stopped and the way was cleared for us. All the gate guards even bowed to the carriage as we passed.

Riding through the city was interesting. I am a modern old man after all. The city is mostly medieval with hints of some renaissance influence. At least that is the best I con describe it in terms of my old world.

We rode on to the Hanse mansion without stop.

With a brief stop at the estate gate, the carriage entered the grounds. Lady Hanse was excited to show me her family. It seems that my knowledge and wisdom have left an impression on her. Along with my mysteriousness.

We were greeted by the butler, and then she dragged me to meet her parents, the Count and Countess Hanse.

"Oh don't tug on my old bones so much young Lady Hanse. they might pop out of my sockets.", I say playfully.

She giggles and slows down. I walk the halls with her, with my eagle cane in one hand and Gabriel walking by my side. Knights were following behind us the whole way.

We enter a study room, and both her parents happened to be in it.

"Mother, Father, This is sir Oro. Whom I met on the rode back. I thought him as such a fine old gentlemen and interesting person, I just had to bring him here. He is even older than Grandpa!", She says excitingly to her parents.

The countess rubs the bridge of her nose while the Count smirks at his daughter's latest antic. The Count looks at me and while there is slight suspicion, there is no disapproval. I do look like an exemplary old gentleman after all. The Count greets me, "Hello Sir Oro, I am Count Alfred Hanse. This is my lovely Countess, Galia Hanse. Of course you've met my daughter already. I have sons, but they are out training before dinner currently. As a guest of my daughter, you are guest of mine. So you are invited for dinner, and I must insist. As I do not wish to be a host that could not feed his guest, haha."

I smile, "Then I will gladly accept the invitation. I would want no one to think of Count Hanse as anything but the finest of host, haha. Also, this my noble friend, Gabriel."

"Arf!", Gabriel greets while posing proudly.

He smiles, "Excellent. Welcome to you too Gabriel, you are certainly a dignified hound. Now my daughter said you're older than my father. May I ask your age."

"Ho ho oh, no problem. I am 113 years old this year count Hanse. Life is good, ho ho.", I say with a jolly tone.

His eyes go wide in surprise along with Countess Hanse. They inquire why am I not with my family at my age. I give the same explanation I gave Eliza. They nodded in understanding and from then on treated me like a respected elder. Apparently, living to my age is extraordinarily rare. Rarer than a hero grade combatant.

The Count decided to show me his home himself. The Countess walked with us too. I regaled them with my wisdom as we walked and talked. I even talked about how I am an arcanist. How I am studying magic and additionally, combat arts. That I am "re-experiencing" my journey by once again starting from the bottom.

The concept interested them and made them think.

We had made our way to the training grounds where the sons were training, two of them. A old man who I assume is the grandfather is watching over them. He strong man, muscle-clad despite is age.

"Father, come meet Sir Oro. A guest your granddaughter kidnapped off the street. I'm sure you'll love to meet him.", Count Hanse said to him.

"Dad!.....", Lady Hanse say indignantly.

He and I meet eye-contact and he extends his hand in a handshake. I take his hand confidently. He begins to probe my strength a little. So I probe back. Resulting in our grips getting tighter and tighter. Until the grandpa lets go after a near unnoticeable wince. Despite his better mastery over vitality. I am a dimensional entity, so of course he won't outgrip me.

He smiles, "I am Oswald Hanse, previous Count, and Champion Knight."

I introduce myself, "I am Oro, some call me Sir Oro, some call me Mr. Oro, all is fine. I am an arcanist. This is my best friend Gabriel."

"Hello Gabriel, I can sense that you too are strong. A wonderful stature as well. A noble canine indeed.", he compliments Gabriel. Everyone loves Gabriel.

I then explain what I meant by arcanist along with telling him my age. He is surprised too and also becomes much more respectful. I do love this culture that respects its elders so far.

I find some relatability with Oswald, so I tell him, "Sir Hanse, you may call Oro, no need for such pleasantries between us two old gentlemen."

"Haha, then call me Oswald. Indeed no pleasantries between two old dogs like us."

"Woof!", Gabriel says.

I sigh, "Oh Gabriel."

One of the son yells out, "If he is so great, why doesn't show us some moves? I don't see why you all are so respectful to him?"

Oswald starts to look like an imminently exploding dynamite stick. The other brother is surprised at his brother's audacity and takes a comical step away from him. Count Hanse berates his son, "Harold! Hold your tongue and apologize to Sir Oro. Where are your manners?"

I raise a hand, "Oh no, it is fine Count. He is a fiery youth with plenty of gusto. But a fire must be controlled all the same. So I do not mind showing a few moves to young lad, hehe."

Oswald calms down and grins. The Count and Countess agree seeing Oswald having no problem with. Lady Hanse encourages me to beat up her stupid brother.

I enter the training ground, "Alright young man, show me what you can do."

Harold Hanse uses a longsword. He charges me with it. He starts with a simple overhead slash. He telegraphs the attack too much though. I cast the spell [slip] and he slips on the ground and falls on his face. He is slow to get up so I chastise him for his sloth.

"This is fight, move like you don't want to die!", I yell at him.

I then cast [rock spire], and a rounded rock pops up from the ground and hits him in the gut.

"Come on now young man, surely you can better than that? You're fighting someone with a 100 years of experience. Realize that and start to think.", I say.

He gets up fast and stops taking me lightly. No he advance properly. He steps forward for a thrust. A fine one too. Straight and quick. However, I now get to use some combat arts.

Drake technique....

A technique that specializes in straightforward, powerful attacks, meant to thrown with ferocity. A simple technique, but quite effective.

I take my cane and smack away the sword. Harold almost lets go off the sword. I warn, "I will now be using a beginner technique in combat arts with you. You should be knight grade right now. So let's see how you fare against a technique that a soldier grade can use."

He readies himself and I begin to use my cane as a weapon. I begin to attack him with ferocious, powerful strikes, all coming from standard attack lanes.

His defense starts to break quickly. His counterattacks are batted away. As the drake technique's simplicity makes it a technique easy to defend with. Harold gets suppressed. Soon, his hands let go of his sword and the bottom tip of the cane is at his his neck.

I laugh, "Let this be a lesson young man. One, respect your elders. Two, curb assumption, don't act on them if you can help it. Three, you can learn a lot from your elders. So pay attention. Other than that. You're not bad. Just need to fire in the crucible for a bit, hehe."

He got up and bowed his head for a moment in apology, "I am sorry Sir Oro. I recognize my wrongs. Thank you for the lesson."

I smile, "Good lad. Now when is dinner? Haha."

Everyone beside Oswald is at least a little taken back by how I performed, knowing my advance age. How fun.


Now that it is summer. I have time to work on this ON. Hope y'all enjoy.

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