
Dimension Leaper

Atal is killed saving a young child from a murder, but in return he is killed in the process. One thing lead to another and Atal meets T giving him a chance for adventure. Follow our character as he travels through worlds with a smile on his face and powers to use! Disclaimer/PS: I do not own any of these characters except for my own (Atal)

bhparsons19 · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

Chapter 1: (Dying....)

(Pics are on Comments. Also, I will soon rewrite chapters.)


That's what I saw...

The fear that was visible in that child's eyes...

The man was standing over the child...

A gun in his hands...

At that moment, I felt something snap within me...

I sprinted forward, my shoes slapping against the pavement, causing the man to spin around. He aimed his pistol at me with a murderous glee in his eyes. His finger slowly squeezes on the trigger as a flash of fire and smoke appears from the barrel. I instinctively ducked and could hear the sound of the bullet whizz above my head. The man panicked for a moment as he tried to aim at me again, but I was quicker. Rearing my arm back, I slammed my palm upwards into his chin. There was a crack followed by a curse, but I ignored it and grabbed the man's wrist holding the gun. With a sharp twist, the man's wrist snapped, and he screamed in pain, falling to his knees, his wrist still in my grasp.

I looked over at the child to see him gazing up at me with shock. I smiled and was about to talk to the boy, but I suddenly realized a fatal mistake. I felt something cold pierce my side. I frowned and gazed down to see a small knife embedded in my shirt. I watched as the murderer gazed up at me with a bloody grin, some of his teeth missing from his mouth. I felt a rush of rage and brought my elbow up, slamming it down on the top of his skull. The murderer's eyes went unfocused before rolling into the back of his head and slumping down like a doll cut from its strings. Releasing my grip on the man's wrist, I turn my body towards the child to see him staring up at me with tears in his eyes. I took a step forward but immediately felt my legs give out, my body falling to the cold ground, my vision became blurry.

As I lay upon the cold hard floor, I could hear the sounds of sirens wailing and the flashes of blue and red lights. As I faded into the void, I could feel a warmth grasp my hand. I could slowly hear the sound of voices, but one crying voice, in particular, was clear through the void.

"Thank you...Thank you so much!"

I smiled as my mind faded and my body with it.

(You're welcome...)