
Dimension Fourth

Every single thing started from here. The attacks by some dinosaurs and apes from the stone age, and the fashion crisis from Victorian era. Okay okay. Let me just rewind a bit. It was March 28th. My birthday. My parents got me a big gun. A plastic one of course. That was my 9th birthday. They say children need to be curious but I was a special case. My curiosity level was way higher than a normal kid. So that's how the world turned upside down. Follow me. Let me take you to my past and future. Hold my hand, time portals can fry your brain. Close your eyes. I'll tell you when we get there.

RedR58 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
28 Chs


Then Focus stopped midway and turned to me.

"You, go hide." I opened my mouth to speak but the glare he sent in my way was deadly to make me shut my mouth instantly. Even if we are the same person, he was older than me which makes it a must to listen to him. Since we were going to meet anyway, I followed him silently. Well, that's not the only reason for me to go after him. May be I wanted to see my possessive side when it comes to my girlfriend. Focus didn't react the way a normal boy would do. A normal boy would go punch the life out of him and then apologize realizing it was a misunderstanding. Focus just cleared his throat to grab their attention. The girl looked surprised, her cheeks turned scarlet seeing Focus. I so knew I was grinning ear to ear watching this live romcom. Even though I really wanted to watch this till the end, I felt sorry for the poor guy and decided to jump into the conversation to save the pretty faces of both sides.

The other boy's face too lit up and a smile slowly came to his lips but the scowl on Focus's face didn't move even a single bit.

"Focus," The other boy addressed him. Focus looked at him from head to toe like assessing the poor dude.

"Liam." I could literally hear the fullstop at the end of the name showing that he was done talking with him.

"Why are you still here Focus? Don't you you have a basket ball match today?" Focus blinked a few times not believing his own ears.

"Ummm-" And that's when I replied to her question saving Focus's dignity. "Sorry about the inconvenience miss. Sorry about that." I flashed my most charming smile and faced the boy named Liam. "Sorry man. He's very possessive of his girlfriend you see. So-" Focus slammed his big hand over my mouth momentarily stopping my breathing.

"WHAT the HELL are you talking about?" Senior gritted through his pearl white teeth. I was dumbfounded. I mean come on, I just helped him from going to jail for punching the life out a poor guy who had no intentions on breaking their relationship. Focus let go of me and turned his head away from me. But the redness on his face that spread to the tips of his ears was very visible. The girl was no second to him. Her head was bent towards the ground. Her hair was used as the shield to shadow her crimson face.

"Shouldn't you be happy...unless- Oh Shit! You still haven't ask her? For gods sake man! I'll leave you two alone. Tag along Liam. Let's leave those love birds alone." Clueless and shocked Liam was dragged away from the two love birds. After we left, the other two talked in hush hush voices. I saw the sneaky glances they kept throwing at each other.

"Kid's aren't allowed to come in you know. Especially to this part. This is the research area." Liam finally broke the silence thankfully.

"He never told me about that. What kind of researches are done here?" Something told me this Liam guy knew something about this time loop thing.

" A lot of researches. That is where various kinds of plant researches are done. And you see that tall building over there with a flag on the top?," I looked where Liam was pointing. The building he pointed really had a flag with the logo of the university which I remembered seeing at the entrance. " that's where chemical labs are. Actually the chemical labs are on the first 3 floors and the other two are computer labs. The round building right next to it is where robots are stuff are created. That's where Focus works. Not everyone gets a chance to use the laboratories you know. Only top students are allowed to use them." Liam sighed. " Unfortunately for me, I failed a subject this time. So my name tag was taken from me but don't worry. I'll get it back for sure."

" So are there any interesting researches done here thesedays?" Liam stared at me weirdly.

" You know a little too much for a kid kid." I grinned. " Yeah. Some kind of a machine related to time I think. From what I heard, a famous researcher was doing that project but he had died suddenly leaving the project unfinished. There's a rumor saying that no one took the project again because the researcher had wrote his notes in a different language only he was able to understand. Finally the new science research board decided to bring the project forward again and try to translate the notes with the use of his two sons. Some say one of his sons is learning in this campus. But I think- Wait. Why should I tell you?" Liam was dumbfounded by his own stupdity. I stood up with a laugh.

" It was really nice talking to you Liam. It would be my pleasure to chat with you more but we have to go now." I extended my habd forward for a hand shake.

" Yeah. Me too. I felt really comfortable talking with you too." He joined our hands did a powerful hand shake.

" Then can we exchange numbers?"

" sure." Focus approached us just as I finished exchanging numbers with Liam.

" Let's go little guy." Focus pulled me away by my colar. I threw an apologetic smile at Liam.

" I'll talk to you later Liam. Call me Junior by the way!" Focus let go of me once we were out of sight from them.

" What the fuck is wrong with you asshole!?"

" Don't blame me. So, did you confess?" I knew it was a victory because the smile that came to his face.

" While you went all lovey dovey, I did my homework!" I rubbed my hands together in happiness because of the important info I found from Liam.

" What do you mean?"

" I found out why we came to this day instead of the future." All the happiness drained from his face and converted them to seriousness.

" And that is?"

" You, don't you remember the rumors that went inside the university in the past?" Senior shook his head side to side silently saying no.

" Your father, our father's last project, the researches of it are going to start again." He was more than astonished.

" Where?"

" Here of course pig head. BTW, did you tell her who I am?" I wiggled my eye brows with a smirk.

"Why the fuck would I?"

" Wha- You have to thank me at least dude. It's me who brought this chance to you!"

" Oh just fuck off"

Please have some pity on this wanna be story and send some love so I might have energy to continue........ Pretty please with a cherry on the top!

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