
Dimension Fourth

Every single thing started from here. The attacks by some dinosaurs and apes from the stone age, and the fashion crisis from Victorian era. Okay okay. Let me just rewind a bit. It was March 28th. My birthday. My parents got me a big gun. A plastic one of course. That was my 9th birthday. They say children need to be curious but I was a special case. My curiosity level was way higher than a normal kid. So that's how the world turned upside down. Follow me. Let me take you to my past and future. Hold my hand, time portals can fry your brain. Close your eyes. I'll tell you when we get there.

RedR58 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
28 Chs

Candies under the pillow

Since it was a day at university, Focus had lectures all day leaving me alone ay his empty dorm but he left his laptop with me so i could spend my time doing anything I want. First I tried to find anything that might explain the reason for dad's death and the damage of the time loop but when I couldn't find anything, I settled down with watching some movies. I didn't know how many movies I've watched till the arrival of Focus. I stood up from my comfortable sitting position to answer the door. Before opening the door, I fired a question.

" What does Focus hide under his pillow?"

" What the fuck man?!You looked under my pillow?" I knew for sure it was Focus who responded to me.

"The answer is correct. You may come in." I opened the door ajar to let senior in. He stepped in looking annoyed as ever.

" When the fuck did you went through my stuff?"

" When you went to brother's place of course." I shrugged absolutely not minding what he was hiding under his pillow.

" But that's my privacy jackass." I grinned and answered making him more annoyed.

" What's so embarrassing about keeping candies under your pillow?" His cheeks dusted pink getting embarrassed.

" Wha- no! I don't hide candies under my pillow you frog." He huffed and looked to his hide to hide his face.

" There's no one in the room asshole. Just admit it." I shook my head side to side.

" You- you prick!"

" Dude, we are the same person. Doesn't matter. Come here. I need to know a few things." I went back to my chair and sat down comfortably.

" What do you want to know?" Senior dragged the other chair towards me and planted himself down on it.

" Who's this Liam guy? The one we met in the morning?" He groaned.

"He's just a normal student in my year." I raised my eyebrow silently asking was he serious.

"Fine. He's a scholarship student from Australia. He used to be a straight A student but somehow his grades keep going down since the last test. Because of his outstanding performance, he got permission to join projects and researches carried by the uni. I too got mine then. It's true that I don't like that guy but it's a shame that he has to leave the team." Senior sighed leaning back on his chair.

"Is that all?" He nodded with closed eyes. Well that wasn't much information but I knew he'll be a help to us somehow.

"Do you know why his grades went down?" I turned towards the laptop again.

"Nah. Not even a rumor. He's good at hiding secrets." Back to square one. Focus's head snapped towards me. "How about we go visit the research lab? We might be able to find something else." He stood up happy about his own thought. Then chuckled darkly out of nowhere. " You stay here catch a nap while I go find some info. Kids are allowed remember?" I pointed my middle finger at him flipping him off. He laughed out aloud in return.

"Get lost asshole. I'll try to find something through internet."

"Ok then. Don't go out no matter what okay? I'll be back." To be honest Focus senior really acted like my big brother, Lucas. Though I wanted to know what would happen in the movie again, I resumed my unsuccessful search for clues on internet.

An hour passed still no sign of Focus nor a successful result from surfing in the browser. Without thinking, I typed down dad's name on the search bar and clicked search. It took about one minute to get the results. The results on the top didn't hold much important information but scrolling down, I found a site called time travelers. First I didn't get a chance to enter the site but after entering Focus's email, which I changed the password, I was taken straight to the home page. I was surprised to see the whole site dedicated to my father. All the projects and researches done by him were mentioned there with descriptions. Trying out my luck once again, I searched for the articles about time travelling. The first one on the list was the project dad worked on.

" Project Time: the project that's going to change the world. Everything about this world. Since three months ago the technician, Luke Redman is doing researches about time travelling. For the first two months he couldn't find anything at all but now he has found out a solution for our greatest mystery. He revealed that he's half way done with inventing the time machine. He also announced that the invention will be revealed to public in two months." That was the end of the article. The next article to said the same thing until the article that was released 13 years ago, that means the year that unfortunate event happened. Even though I didn't want to remember that horrific memories, I gulped down my fears and opened the article to read.

" Last night project Time laboratory was on fire out of blue with the researcher, Luke Redman still inside. Nothing was left inside to save. The police claims that the reason for the fire was a short circuit but don't you think it's too much of a coincidence? However the victims family has filed a case to find the exact reason for Luke Redman's death.

This morning the headquarters of the research labs revealed that not not all the notes of Luke Redman has destroyed. They say that some of his notes were sent to the headquarters. But we are yet to confirm as the headquarters haven't released the notes to press yet.

Although the police claims that Luke Redman had died, they haven't found solid proof proof to confirm that because it seems that they haven't been able to find his body yet." I was speechless. I reread the last line dozen of times to make make sure I wasn't mistaken.

"That was the reason then-"

Please have some pity on this wanna be story and send some love so I might have energy to continue........ Pretty please with a cherry on the top!

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