
Dimension Fourth

Every single thing started from here. The attacks by some dinosaurs and apes from the stone age, and the fashion crisis from Victorian era. Okay okay. Let me just rewind a bit. It was March 28th. My birthday. My parents got me a big gun. A plastic one of course. That was my 9th birthday. They say children need to be curious but I was a special case. My curiosity level was way higher than a normal kid. So that's how the world turned upside down. Follow me. Let me take you to my past and future. Hold my hand, time portals can fry your brain. Close your eyes. I'll tell you when we get there.

RedR58 · Sci-fi
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28 Chs

First Encounter

It only took me about six minutes to reach my destination because of running all the way there. The first thing one could see when standing in front of the university was a majestic statue of a philosopher. From the distance I was standing, I couldn't make out the words carved on the foot of the statue. The large silver gates stood behind him keeping about a three meter distance. After the gate, there was nothing else other than different trees using the space and giving shade to students studying in the university. Without letting my eyes wander around the beautiful surroundings any further, I hid myself behind the closest tree. My phone rang again. I didn't check who it was because I was sure it was Focus who called me.

"I'm at the gate now. Where are you?" No greetings were exchanged this time. I took a peek from behind the tree.

"I'm behind the tree on the left of the gate." I looked up at the tree trying to recognize the type of tree. "I don't know what type of tree this is."

"Are you wearing a green t-shirt?" Nodding, I responded as yes. "Okay then. I see you." I took cover behind the tree again after ending the call. Footsteps approached and a long coat was thrown over me surprising me entirely but relaxed immediately when I heard him talk. "Put this one quickly." I threw the coat over me and turned towards him who was holding out a cap for me. Once I was fully disguised I stepped out from behind the tree.

"If anyone ask you who you are to me, just say cousin. Got it? No more, no less." I nodded. He put his arm around my shoulders pulling me closer to make the cover better. Thank god Focus told me to say I was his cousin because as soon as I set my foot into the clearance, about fifty people asked me who I was. I kept my head down until Focus locked his dorm room door after him. I peeled off my disguise and handed back the coat and the cap to Focus. That was when I was able to see his complete face instead of his side face. To be honest, I was satisfied with my future side face but the front version was way better. My heart leaped like a teenage girl who fell in love with a hot boy on first sight.

"Dude, you are drooling. Stop it. It's creeping the fuck out of me." I chuckled sheepishly earning an eye roll. "Soooo," I jumped on to the nearest chair.

" I'll introduce myself first." I pressed my lips together and took a deep breath preparing myself to reveal the horrific truth. His silent nod encouraged me to talk. "I'm Focus Redman."

We stared at each other when he didn't utter a single word. I thought he would laugh out aloud like a normal person would but what I didn't know was that I was not a normal person. He walked towards the cupboard on the other corner of the room to take out a small cardboard box.

His dorm was clean unlike my brother's when he used to study in university. It was not just clean, it was empty like no one lives there. Two beds were there with no blankets nor pillows. A lonely white table stood in the middle of the room. The cupboard was the only thing that seemed to be still in use.

"Why is your dorm empty?" I let my confusion slip out of my tongue converting it to words. A glance around the room was taken by him before the answer was given.

"I'm not staying in the dorm anymore. Ever since my dormmate left, I haven't been here much. Besides, I'm a second year now. So I don't have to stay in the dorms now." He sighed.

"Tragic story? Want to share with me? I'm a good listener." I puffed out my chest pointing myself. He burst out into a laughter throwing his head back in the process.

"I do know how good of a listener I am." A handsome grin lit up his face. A sigh left unnoticed by me. He raised his left eyebrow asking me to elaborate why I sighed.

"I'm just happy. I'm happy to see how handsome I'll be in the future." We laughed in union at my remark.

"It's annoying sometimes. Girls keep trying to grab my attention and in order to get closer to girls some guys keep bugging me to be friends with them."

"That's my charm alright. Anyways, how did you get approved to this university? Didn't I apply to a Tech university?" I changed the subject not wanting to hear about girls at all.

"Apparently you did not while I did. My second option was science. So in the end I got approved to this one. It's true that it's not my dream university but I'm still grateful."

"Hmmm...there are so many things I would like to know but I don't know from where I should start. Oh yeah. My brother GOT MARRIED?"

"Last year in May I think. It appears to be that he has met her at the mall. She has hit him by her slipper because of using swearing words near a kindergarten. Then eventually love bloomed between them as my stupid brother purposely swear near the kindergarten whenever she was around to grab her attention. So in the end they got married. First my brother didn't want to marry so quickly because of me. I had to convince him that I would be fine without his care. He rented me an apartment where he could come visit alternately. Then the frequent visits reduced because of the new family member. As a result I have to visit him once a week."

" Then that must be the reason he called me this morning to ask my whereabouts." I hummed agreeing with my own thoughts.

" He called you this morning? But how? Wasn't he supposed to call my number?"

" I don't know. This is all a mess to me. I'm still thinking how I came here, what I have to do here and how I can go back to my world."

" Regarding that, I found a letter tucked under the door of my apartment a few days ago. I thought it was a joke, nevertheless, I kept it with me. See for yourself." Focus senior gave me the letter taken from inside the small cardboard box he was holding. The paper didn't say much. It only said, ' Time loops are breaking. Be watchful.' No signature or name.

" I tried to find who sent it to me through the cctv cameras in my apartment building. It surprised me how one minute there was nothing under the door but the next minute this letter was lying there." Focus senior explained more pouring out his confusion.

" It's confusing indeed. But first thing first. You need to go meet your brother. He might turn the world upside down if you don't show up at his house." I stood up.

" Yeah. Probably. I'll drop you off at my apartment. You can rest there while I'm at my brother's. I'll try to come as quickly as possible. But you know my annoying brother. Never knows when to shut up. No filter at all." I chuckled agreeing with him whole heartily. I dressed myself with the disguise again to leave the university with Focus senior.

Please have some pity on this wanna be story and send some love so I might have energy to continue........ Pretty please with a cherry on the top!

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