
Dimension Fourth

Every single thing started from here. The attacks by some dinosaurs and apes from the stone age, and the fashion crisis from Victorian era. Okay okay. Let me just rewind a bit. It was March 28th. My birthday. My parents got me a big gun. A plastic one of course. That was my 9th birthday. They say children need to be curious but I was a special case. My curiosity level was way higher than a normal kid. So that's how the world turned upside down. Follow me. Let me take you to my past and future. Hold my hand, time portals can fry your brain. Close your eyes. I'll tell you when we get there.

RedR58 · Sci-fi
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28 Chs


Like Focus senior said, it took a long time about three hours return back. From what I heard my annoying brother has asked Focus to babysit his his daughter, Diana until he and Rita come back from shopping. By the time Focus came back, I have explored every corner of his apartment. It was actually fun to explore my future apartment. What made me the happiest was the black dog who jumped on to me as soon as I entered the apartment. I was bewildered because that dog used to live with us before me and my brother was sent to orphanage after my parents death.

My father was a technician. I got my tech abilities from him. We were a very happy family till dad passed away by a fire started from a short circuit. We were fine first with mom's small income and dad's savings. However we eventually realized the savings and mom's income is not enough for the three of us plus the dog. Eventually mom had to do part time jobs to cover our expenses. Mom didn't let us do part times though. She scolded us if we even try to talk about earning money by ourselves. By and by, my mom grew tired and got sick. She didn't let us find money to even pay her medical bills. So after mom too left us, we were taken to an orphanage. Our dog, Max was taken away to somewhere.

Max was behind me all the time when I went through Focus' stuff. I was going through the trophies when Focus barged in panting heavily.

"Oh! You are back." I said going to greet Focus.

"You are still here. That's good to know." He jumped on to the sofa sighing loudly.

"Did you run all the way here? Didn't you use your bike?"

"I did. I was just worried that you might be missing because who knows what will happen when the world is going crazy." He sat up and examined me from head to toe. "What were you doing?" I gave a grin in return.

"I went through your stuff but hell your trophies are awesome!" I didn't know I was rambling until senior's ringing tone cut me off. Mouthing a sorry, he left to his room to pick up the call. He came back not long after.

"I didn't know I rambled that much in my younger days." I rubbed the back of my neck embarrassed of myself. "Come on. You should go take a shower. I'll let you burrow some of my cloths." Focus dragged me into his room and pushed me into a bathroom handing me a set of cloths.

Just like the whole apartment, the bathroom too was clean. The tiles were shinning and spotless. So much so that I could see my own reflection. The hot shower really did refreshed me. I almost fell face flat because of the steam clouding inside the bathroom. Quickly getting dressed in senior's cloths, I stepped out only to come face to face with Focus who was going to knock the door.

"I prepared food for you. Thought you might be hungry." I nodded. He took the towel from my hands to hang it somewhere.

Not a single word was exchanged between us while we ate. We both were in deep in thought and I think both of us were wondering about the current situation. And the same procedure went on during doing the dishes too.

"Focus, what do you think we should do now?" I asked staring at Focus's back as he wiped his wet hands dry with a kitchen towel. With two long strides, he towered over me. He raised his hand and did something I least expected to happen. He ruffled my hair smiling down at me.

"Don't worry little guy. I'll find out what's going on." I swatted away his hand huffing in anger because of calling me little guy.

"I'm just 13 asshole. Don't call me little guy." Ignoring my remarks, he again ruffled my hair making it messier than before.

"I always wanted to have a little brother. So I don't want this opportunity to go away and whatever you say, comparing to me, you are still very small little guy." To stay away from his reach, I took three steps back smirking in victory. He said nothing. Just shook his head side to side chuckling and muttering something under his breath like 'you little brat'.

"You do know you are insulting yourself right?"

"Sure. Sure. I-" Senior was forced to stop midway as ear shrieking screams came from outside. Taking a quick glance at each other, we both ran over to the glass windows. We said the same thing in reunion like reading each others minds.

"Holly shit!"

" Why didn't you tell me you brought a fucking dinosaur as a pet when coming here?" Focus yelled over the screams when we descended down the stairs since the lifts took too long to arrive.

" I did not. In fact, I woke up in a café. I have no fucking idea how that humongous creature came here!"

" Please don't be surprised if the apes from the stone age appear too." It didn't take too long for his wish to become a reality.

"JESUS! ARE THOSE APES?" Focus senior cursed under his breath. He raised his arms at the sky as soon as he stepped into light. " Why can't you make my other wishes come true huh?" I would've laughed if we weren't in a life or death situation.

" Focus Focus." That too would've been laughable.

" Right. Do you know how to send this big guy back to where he belongs?"

"How the hell am I supposed to know? I'm the victim remember?"

" Then what's your opinion?" I'm still amused how we, i mean both myself stayed calm in that situation but we did. We were conversing with each other like when two friends get together and sip a relaxing cup of coffee.

" Call 911 of course! What else are we supposed to do? Try to restrain that giant dinosaur with something like people do in movies?"

"Well I would like to try that too." Focus replied after thinking for a while.

" And might I highlight the word giant again? Gods I'm still stupid even growing up." I face palmed at his stupidity.

" You are insulting yourself dude. But piss off. I ain't stupid. This is what we call considering opinions. Asshole."

" You-" Dino dude's growl reminded us about the situation.

" For real man. Call 911." I yelled getting scared seing how close we were to the dinosaur.

" What's the point? Its growl could warn even the astronauts on moon. Forget the dino. Trex or what ever it is. Leave it to people from 911. Think about what we should do to apes."

" Do you think a talk like in planet of the apes would work?" His head snapped towards me. This time he raised his hand not to ruffle my hair but to hit me on the back of my head.

Please have some pity on this wanna be story and send some love so I might have energy to continue........ Pretty please with a cherry on the top!

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