
Dilemma: The Chip System

"Curiosity killed the cat." The sinister man raised the edges of his lips into a grin before injecting the girl's neck ruthlessly, leaving her unconscious. [Disclaimer: Rated 18 solely for the blood and gore scenes. Extreme torture and abuse scenes included, however, a warning shall be given at the start of such chapters and I will be briefly explaining everything for those who skipped the chapters with such content. Read at your own discretion.] **** Nancy Morgan was an average college girl who was bored of her little-to-none thrilling life and wanted something new. But what she got for that was not necessarily what she asked for. She got into a life-threatening accident. Roth Rogers, her family friend, inserted a chip inside her brain to save her. However, it attracted evil people to go after her. To protect her from the upcoming dangers, Roth appointed his adopted son, Samuel Rogers as her bodyguard. However, more than the people who were trying to abduct her for the cutting-edge technology, Nancy's curiosity rang for her bodyguard's mysterious life. Little did she know, her curiosity unlocked many secrets and troubles.... Like Immortality and artificial diseases. Trapped in a dilemma of science and immortality, Nancy must find out more about her bodyguard, and his connection with all of the mess. **** [Excerpt] "How come you have appeared at my house?" Samuel asked, ignoring her question. "And at such an hour? Are your parents aware?" He was bombarding questions at her after her system told her strange things. Nancy was irritated enough to break his neck, but she kept her composure. "Listen here, you little shit, the system is saying you're hurt. And that's what I asked you. Only I ask the questions here." Nancy clarified before jumping onto the bed, an inch apart from him, as she ran her hand from his shirt's collar to the first button. Who wears dress shirts in bed? Before Nancy could unbutton his shirt, he grabbed her hand with a frown on his face. "I do not know what your system told you, but I must clarify that I am not hurt," Samuel said before moving her hand aside. "Prove it, then," Nancy muttered. "The system says it's a thoracic injury. Show me that it's not." "Even if there is one, I believe you have nothing to do with it." Samuel backfired. Right. Nancy had nothing to do with his matters. But she was dying to remove that shirt from him. No, no! Not for any other business. She just needed to see if the gunshot wound was still there or not. "Which means there is a wound," Nancy said, trying to sound unfazed by his words. "I'll help you treat it." She stood up before walking over to the nightstand opposite them to get the first-aid kit. He watched her with narrowed vision, and she stared back from the corner of her eye. {Probability of survival : 50%... 60%... 65%} {The Wound shows signs of healing. Abnormalities detected.} {Platelet count: Normal.} {Platelet function: Faster than normal.} The system kept raising abnormalities from Samuel as if the system could've never guessed for such an existence. It made Nancy wonder, too. She was sure he was another invention. One way, or another… He was involved. [Note: All my novels are fictional. None of the characters and events have actually taken place.] **** Join my ded discord server: https://discord.gg/HsYbkZP29D Cover Artist: https://www.instagram.com/alina._.smthng/ **** Special Thanks to my mother for devising a name. I had been working on this for 2 years but I couldn't get a name. My mom asked me about the plot and I told her that it was complicated; That's when she said 'Dilemma' If you like complicated things, this is for you! Thank you for giving this a shot.

Haru_Catty · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
310 Chs


{Instruction 1.}

Nancy nodded while staring into the void. Her eyes were directed at Samuel, but she wasn't looking at him. She was looking at the air.

{System requires permission from the host to program. Grant permission by blinking thrice.}

Nancy blinked thrice.

{Permission received.}

{Instruction 2.}

"Hi, Nancy," Veronica called her out.

{Instructions interrupted. System retreating.}

{For further instructions, state the administration code.}

"Nancy? Hello?" Veronica called her again.

"Fuck you." Nancy sulked.

"What?" Veronica scoffed. "The fuck were you staring at anyway?" Veronica looked behind herself, in the direction of Nancy's sight, noticing Samuel. "Ah, that's why. Did I ruin Nancy's independent staring time? Sl*t!"

"Huh?" Nancy stared at her with utmost confusion. "Go fuck yourself for a change."

"No need. I have a boyfriend, Nancy."

"Where is he anyway?"

Veronica stared at the DJ. Right beside the DJ at the center of the stage, David was standing and vibing. So far, everything was safe.

"I'll be going then," Veronica said before taking her leave to go toward David.

Nancy carefully watched them for any suspicions.

They were casually just vibing. Had she been overthinking? Why did Veronica invite her then? Especially when David and Nancy were no longer friends.

Ah right, they were still friends officially. Because no one saw David trying to aid Sebastian in abducting her. No one saw him shooting a bullet through Samuel's abdomen. No one would've suspected their terms based on how long they had been acquaintances anyway.

Right! The programming!... But she didn't know her authorization code. And Samuel probably wouldn't tell her in a crowded place such as a club. 'It's a sensitive matter.' She could imagine her bodyguard saying such words bluntly.

Nancy didn't realize it, but she was immensely interested in Samuel's entire existence. He amazed her every day, and she loved his company as much as she wanted to deny that.

Looking back at Samuel and Hertwig chatting in between the harem of girls, she sulked.

If everyone present here didn't know Samuel as their professor, she would've shoved all the girls off of him. Hertwig could have them all.

The corner of Samuel's eye was looking at Nancy, and she noticed that. A smirk appeared on Nancy's face. Samuel was professional despite not performing any serious bodyguard-like tasks.

She never gave it much thought, but other than accompanying her, she hadn't seen any bodyguard-like characteristics as shown in movies.

She only saw him take a bullet for her and then run away from the sight without fighting off the bad dudes.

She didn't want him to get hurt, but she wanted to see him fistfight someone.

Like a bodyguard in those movies, where the time stops, and raindrops head back to the sky, where the handsome bodyguard fights off a thousand all alone. He couldn't be that unrealistically strong, right?

Nancy chuckled to her thoughts before moving back to look for Veronica and David. However, they were no longer at the stage.

She narrowed her eyes.

Samuel wouldn't let her away from her sight, so she couldn't even go and try to find them. Taking Samuel along would raise suspicions within the college. Unless…

Nancy closed in on Samuel indirectly, showing that she was leaning towards the bartender for a drink. Samuel diligently leaned back to listen to what she had to say.

"I need to go to the bathroom."

Right. The girls' card.

Her whisper was so low she almost thought he couldn't catch on.

"I shall accompany you." He was ready to get up.

"No, what the fuck?" Nancy whispered back.

"Meaning, I shall stand outside and wait for you."

Without making any eye contact, the two conversed all while the girls were all around Samuel, trying to hit on him.

"No, these sl*ts will find it weird. Listen, it's just on the right there... I'll be back in 5 minutes or so. If I'm not, you're free to even break in. I won't give a shit."

"5 minutes then."

Receiving the permission, Nancy quickly ran towards the right before she disappeared from Samuel's sight.

She walked quickly on her high heels clacking to the floor. They made a sound louder than the bass-boosted music blasted in the club.

Click. Clack. Click. Clack.

Her short yet fluffed dress flung around when she quickly looked around in search of David and Veronica.

She had 5 minutes before Samuel lost his patience.

5 minutes before the college found out about their story.

5 minutes before David attempted to hurt Veronica. For that, maybe less than 5 minutes.

She needed to hurry.

At this point, she wished she hadn't chosen to wear heels. Especially this high!

Click. Clack. Click. Clack.

They were getting even louder. It was so annoying. She saw curtains around each corner for VIP rooms. Maybe they were in one of those. Funny enough, there was no staff at their end. Why were VIP rooms active when staff wasn't available?

She raised a corner of the curtain aside to see who was inside. It was empty. Then, one by one, she checked all the VIP rooms until she came where she could see a little light source from across the curtain.

She pushed it away slightly with her hand and peeked inside. Someone was sitting on a chair lifelessly as if drugged.

Her eyes widened in surprise before she narrowed her eyes to make the face out.

It was Veronica! Her suspicions were correct. She looked around to see if anyone else was in the room. It seemed clear.

Nancy slowly walked in, her heels still being as loud as ever. She walked toward Veronica to check on her. She was reeking of alcohol. Was Nancy overthinking again?

Maybe she drank a lot, so David put her here.

Nancy sighed. She did overthink. Why would David try to hurt her girlfriend? Besides, she could bet David had his reasons for doing what he did.

Maybe this party was a compensation.

"But I drugged everyone's drinks."

An eerie voice lurked behind her, but it was too late.


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