
Dilemma: The Chip System

"Curiosity killed the cat." The sinister man raised the edges of his lips into a grin before injecting the girl's neck ruthlessly, leaving her unconscious. [Disclaimer: Rated 18 solely for the blood and gore scenes. Extreme torture and abuse scenes included, however, a warning shall be given at the start of such chapters and I will be briefly explaining everything for those who skipped the chapters with such content. Read at your own discretion.] **** Nancy Morgan was an average college girl who was bored of her little-to-none thrilling life and wanted something new. But what she got for that was not necessarily what she asked for. She got into a life-threatening accident. Roth Rogers, her family friend, inserted a chip inside her brain to save her. However, it attracted evil people to go after her. To protect her from the upcoming dangers, Roth appointed his adopted son, Samuel Rogers as her bodyguard. However, more than the people who were trying to abduct her for the cutting-edge technology, Nancy's curiosity rang for her bodyguard's mysterious life. Little did she know, her curiosity unlocked many secrets and troubles.... Like Immortality and artificial diseases. Trapped in a dilemma of science and immortality, Nancy must find out more about her bodyguard, and his connection with all of the mess. **** [Excerpt] "How come you have appeared at my house?" Samuel asked, ignoring her question. "And at such an hour? Are your parents aware?" He was bombarding questions at her after her system told her strange things. Nancy was irritated enough to break his neck, but she kept her composure. "Listen here, you little shit, the system is saying you're hurt. And that's what I asked you. Only I ask the questions here." Nancy clarified before jumping onto the bed, an inch apart from him, as she ran her hand from his shirt's collar to the first button. Who wears dress shirts in bed? Before Nancy could unbutton his shirt, he grabbed her hand with a frown on his face. "I do not know what your system told you, but I must clarify that I am not hurt," Samuel said before moving her hand aside. "Prove it, then," Nancy muttered. "The system says it's a thoracic injury. Show me that it's not." "Even if there is one, I believe you have nothing to do with it." Samuel backfired. Right. Nancy had nothing to do with his matters. But she was dying to remove that shirt from him. No, no! Not for any other business. She just needed to see if the gunshot wound was still there or not. "Which means there is a wound," Nancy said, trying to sound unfazed by his words. "I'll help you treat it." She stood up before walking over to the nightstand opposite them to get the first-aid kit. He watched her with narrowed vision, and she stared back from the corner of her eye. {Probability of survival : 50%... 60%... 65%} {The Wound shows signs of healing. Abnormalities detected.} {Platelet count: Normal.} {Platelet function: Faster than normal.} The system kept raising abnormalities from Samuel as if the system could've never guessed for such an existence. It made Nancy wonder, too. She was sure he was another invention. One way, or another… He was involved. [Note: All my novels are fictional. None of the characters and events have actually taken place.] **** Join my ded discord server: https://discord.gg/HsYbkZP29D Cover Artist: https://www.instagram.com/alina._.smthng/ **** Special Thanks to my mother for devising a name. I had been working on this for 2 years but I couldn't get a name. My mom asked me about the plot and I told her that it was complicated; That's when she said 'Dilemma' If you like complicated things, this is for you! Thank you for giving this a shot.

Haru_Catty · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
310 Chs

He has Cancer?!

"Fuck." Hertwig closed the door upon witnessing the unreal. "I should've knocked, sorry!"

They could hear his apologies.

"I thought your house was soundproofed?" Nancy asked, despite the embarrassment flooding in her.

"That is why we did not hear him enter the house. But we heard him talk because he is loud in general." Samuel explained before getting up from the bed and walking towards the closet.

He opened it and took out a black t-shirt, quickly wearing it tight on his muscles.

Nancy quickly looked away. Why was she detailing him like that?!

{System has noticed a faster BPM and an enormous amount of oxytocin released when the host looks at Samuel Rogers.}

"Shut the fuck up!" Nancy shouted at her system for making absurd comments.

"Yes? I did not talk." Samuel asked in confusion.

"Not you… Fuck it." She quickly stood up and ran out of the room.

Too much!

She walked out to see Hertwig sitting on the couch in the lounge. He noticed her come out and then passed a smirk.

"When was your first day?" Hertwig asked in anticipation.

"There wasn't any. I'd die rather than have him as a b-... Whatever." Nancy sternly replied.

"Someone's in denial." Hertwig tried to tease her.

"Shut up, Hertwig! I'm not in the mood."

"Of course, you're not."

Samuel stepped out of the room and sat down on the couch.

"Thank you for coming so late, Hertwig." Samuel sarcastically said.

"Sorry dude, I was on a date," Hertwig replied.

"A date?"

"A blind date."

"How did it go?"

"I didn't like her, to be honest. She was a weird girl. My mom wants me to date now, so she's not coming slow."

"It is only fair for you to have some time off, no?"

"Maybe." Hertwig chuckled. "I like my books, man… I don't know a thing about girls."

Nancy snooped back to Samuel's room while he was busy chatting with Hertwig about the blind date.

Hertwig's ancestors were Asian, Taiwanese to be exact. So, his traditional parents wanted him to marry someone as soon as possible.

He was the only one in his family with a legal English name, too.

Though he hated that name as well. He called it too old-fashioned.

Travis Hertwig. What a joke. His Taiwanese name was Wang Zhìqiáng. Yes. The most common name out there.

Nancy peaked into Samuel's room to see everything back in its place, except a cotton piece with his blood on it. Nancy quietly took it.

"You're not creepy, Nancy. You're doing all of this to gain knowledge, yeah?" Nancy told herself. "I'll inspect this secretive bitch's blood."

"Nancy?" Samuel knocked at the door. "Would you like coffee?"

"Uh, Yeah… Sure."

Even after breaking into his house, she could enjoy his politeness anyway. She quickly left his room and sat in the lounge with Hertwig while Samuel made coffee for the two.

"Was she at least pretty?" Nancy asked Hertwig.

"Yeah. Can't complain about a woman's beauty. They're all beautiful." Hertwig admitted. "But her personality was so old school. Like, even a nerd like me knew more trends than her."

"Ah… A grandma type, I see."

"Totally," Hertwig said. "She was talking about traditions and stuff. So annoying."

"Let me guess, also Taiwanese?" Nancy asked.

"Also Taiwanese." Hertwig nodded.

Samuel placed two coffee cups on the table in front of them.

"None for yourself?" Nancy asked.

"He doesn't drink coffee at night," Hertwig muttered.

"Yes. I do not." Samuel sat down on the couch opposite them.

Nancy grabbed the cup from the table and took a sip. His coffee was always perfect. Everything about him was perfect, If it wasn't for Nancy's curiosity to know everything.

"Sorry, I destroyed your lovey-dovey time." Hertwig broke her thoughts.

"I do not understand what you mean by that." Samuel innocently replied.

"You're so dense." Nancy sulked.

"Yeah right? He's had so many girls crushing on him, but he could never tell when they tried to lead him." Hertwig laughed.

"I do not know what you mean by that. I only, kindly, rejected their heartfelt compliments." Samuel explained.

"Why reject them when they are heartfelt?" Nancy asked.

"He thinks he can't date. Pfft." Hertwig chuckled.

Nancy narrowed his eyes.

"Why?" She asked.

"Let us not bring that up." Samuel objected.

"No, no." Hertwig put his cup down and leaned forward, like a neighborhood lady who wants to gossip. "I need to share that one story."

Nancy leaned in forward to fully experience the gossip session, while Samuel leaned back as he sighed.

Finally, someone was exposing his secrets.

**Hertwig Reminiscing**

"So? Are you going or not?" Hertwig asked Samuel, grabbing both his hands in his hands.

"Must I?" Samuel asked as he looked away.

They looked like a married couple.

"Pretty Pwease?" Hertwig clenched his teeth. He could hug Samuel any moment now. All with those puppy eyes.

"Shall your mother know, our friendship will certainly end," Samuel warned.

"Do you think I'm scared?" Hertwig backed off in disappointment.

"You certainly are." Samuel nodded. "If you were not scared of her judgment upon your relationships, you would never have asked me to attend the blind date in your stead."

"Fuck this, Sam! You know I don't wanna get married!" Hertwig complained as he jumped around.

"I understand. However, I expect you to be ready for all the consequences we might have to face if your mother learns about such mismanagement." Samuel warned him once again.

"Honestly…" Hertwig sulked. "I would've married you if my mom wasn't so traditional."

"I would not have married you."


"Ouch indeed."

Dressing Samuel up in the clumsiest clothes, making sure the date rejects him, Hertwig finished the look by turning his cap sideways. He made him wear all those chains and rings. He had to look gangsta.

"Why the hell do you look hot in all that? This is wrong." Hertwig muttered.

"In my opinion, it would be a quicker rejection if you go yourself," Samuel replied.

"Ouch again, dude!" Hertwig whined before grabbing eyeliner and making Samuel's eyes look emo.

Right. He was bound to get rejected with all that makeup.

Samuel was driven to the restaurant in question by Hertwig. He was instructed to walk with a laid-back gait.

The woman for the date was noticed from a distance, so he walked towards her with a laid-back gait.

She was a beautiful Asian woman. Her dark brown, long hair was fluttering into perfect curls. She had a slim yet healthy body. Ah yes, of course, Hertwig's mom chose this woman.

Not even a single flaw in her appearance.

Samuel reached close enough to the table and robotically waved his hand in the air.

"Hello, I am Travis Hertwig. Or, Wang Zhìqiáng. Call me Hertwig."

First impression: Hopefully disappointing.

"Ah! Mr. Hertwig." She had a strong Japanese accent to her voice. "My uh name is, uh... Yukito Tatsugawara. Nice to meet you."

"Okay Tat-sugar,..."

She stared at him with a forced smile, wondering how to react.

He looked back with a straight face, the eyeliner smudged around his eyes made his expression creepy.

"Sugar?" Yukito chuckled before awkwardly sitting down.

Samuel sat down as well, leaning back awkwardly in his chair reciting 'Please reject me.' in his mind. 

But Yukito was strange.

"Your makeup is awesome!"

"I hope not."

They ordered dinner, and the entire time Yukito kept staring at him. He awkwardly ate his meal, wondering when she'd reject him and when he'd finally go back home and get back into his dress shirt.

"So, when is our next date?" Yukito asked after finishing up first. "Your humor is uh, very nice."

Oh shit, not good.

"There is no next date," Samuel muttered.

"Ehhhh?!" She exclaimed in shock. "Why so?"

Samuel looked at her with a straight face, getting all her attention.

"I have cancer."

Lmao sorry for a clickbait title. I just had to do this lol

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