

Orphaned at birth a young man named Cyrus always felt a need to prove that he was worth something on a subconscious level. When he is finally old enough to become a tamer he doesn't hesitate this is the path he had to take he felt it in his soul. With the support of his adopted family and his drive to be great, his name would echo throughout history.

Omezy · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

The One Who Came Before

Waking up once again to Agni Jumping onto his stomach Cyrus slowly sat up. He hoped Agni didn't try to wake him up like that when he digivolves again or he might end up dead. It wasn't all bad though Agni could finally talk so communicating was a whole lot easier.

"You have to stop jumping on me like that," he said while sitting up.

Thinking about all that happened yesterday he still didn't understand what happened. What caused him to go off course in the first place? The only time traveling to File City ever went wrong was when the portals to the digital world were just being created. Considering that it was more likely something from this side had interfered with his teleportation.

"Nothing much I can do about it though whatever could interfere with the portal is something I don't want to mess with," he thought as he ate one of the MREs he had packed.

The only thing to do now was to get stronger and the only way to do that was, by hunting Digimon. While he was eating he suddenly felt his energy go haywire, it was like it was flowing in reverse. Agni could feel the change from the connection between them he grew restless.

"It's alright I just need to get it back under control don't worry," Cyrus said to Agni as he tried to control his energy.

It took 20 minutes of almost gaining control and losing it before his energy calmed down. Just when he thought he could relax felt his body stiffen and then he fainted, Agni fainted right after.

'Uhh, what the heck is the whole world out to get me I can't ever catch a break.' Cyrus said as he woke up his soul felt like it had just got wasted at a college party. He didn't even go to parties so how he didn't know why he knew that.

"You're right the world is always out to break you and everyone else who lives in it, that's why you struggle to break away from the chains of the world," said a rough voice from behind Cyrus.

Getting up quickly he turned around and saw one of the most magnificent sites he would probably ever see in his life. Sitting down cross-legged in a place that he just now realized was made purely of soul energy was a Gallantmon. It was staring right at him with curious yet stern eyes; it was exciting and scary at the same time.

This was one of the guardians of the digital world and it was sitting right in front of him. How could he not be excited however he didn't show it on his face. He had to be careful though even if he wouldn't be able to do anything if Gallantmon decided to harm him. It didn't seem like he would either but he could at least not say anything stupid that might trigger the powerful Digimon.

"HAHAHA. Child, if I wanted to harm you I would have done so already and you can't hide your excitement from me I can feel it in your soul. Now come and sit. I have much to discuss with you," He said staring directly into Cyrus's eyes.

Not wasting any time he walked over and sat down and stared right back. As he did he saw Agni on Gallantmon's shoulder sleeping without a care in the world. He still couldn't believe what was happening but it seemed like he was about to learn so he sat attentively.

"The reason I'm within your soul is that the time has come for the Royal Knights to pass on the mantle to the next generation. King Drasil has decided we have grown weak in this time of peace. All knights he deemed so have been stripped of our data and our souls have been sent out to guide those who would serve him next," said Gallantmon as if the fact that his king had discarded him meant nothing.

"So that means that Agni will have to serve under King Drasil when he gets strong enough," Cyrus said while looking at the knight in front of him.

"Yes, that is the will of the king," He said as he started to stand up.

"Yeah, that's the will of your king Agni isn't going anywhere, heck he spends half the time sleeping anyway," Cyrus said with a straight face even though inside he was starting to get angry.

"That's not for you to decide child. Will you go against the king's decree? It will only put your life in more danger when the time comes for him to serve," Gallantmon said now at his full height he looked down at Cyrus.

"There's no way in hell I'm gonna train and grow stronger with him for someone to take him away. I will go against your king's orders; he isn't my king, plus Agni doesn't want to go either," He said as his partner had already come down off Gallantmon's shoulder and was standing beside him.

"Yeah, I don't want to leave," he said baring his little fangs.

"I see well I did my duty truthfully Agni as you call him wasn't supposed to be your partner. He was to be born in the digital world where I would train him until he became stronger than me and my soul dissipated. Your connection should not have been possible, either way since you are now responsible for making him stronger I can finally go to rest," Gallantmon said as his body started to disintegrate.

"Wait! Were you the one that caused me to go off course during my teleportation," Cyrus asked as he saw Gallantmon disappearing.

"Yes, that was me. I wanted to test you a little to see if you were worthy of serving my king. You have proven yourself in that regard but you are unwilling to serve. I should not be doing this but I see something in you and your partner. Maybe you will survive and help my king see the right path once again," As Gallantmon spoke a small red light floated towards Cyrus.

"Take it, that is the essence of my weapon Gram and my shield Aegis forge them into tools that will help you on your journey. I hope that you find what it is that you so strongly seek even if you have yet to realize it," Those were the final words of the Royal knight as he disappeared forever.

Sup people hope ya'll are doing good. Life's good over here other than this stupid ass snowstorm had me shoveling since 7 in the morning.

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