
63. Retrieve The Supreme Divine Weapon, The Gate Of Dimensions, And The Technology Of Immortal Cultivation? Promoted To Silver!

Every power system has different realm divisions, and in this era of creation of the whole people, the division of the realm of cultivating immortals is often as follows:

Qi Refining, Foundation Building, Gold Core, Nascent Soul, Soul Formation, True Immortal, Golden Immortal, Supreme Primordial Golden Immortal, Great Principal Golden Immortal, and later Saint and Daozu.

Qin Ming looked at the exercises in his hand.

Can't help but have a little surprise.

"Great Principal Golden Immortal, I'm afraid I'm in the realm of true gods!"

There are many divisions in this world after Divine Level, but it is not too far away for Qin Ming.

"As expected of a ten-thousand-fold amplification system, it is easy to obtain such a high-end cultivation method."

"Even if it's a Divine Level powerhouse."

"I'm afraid I don't have such a skill in my hand.

Qin Ming immediately observed the introduction of the system.

[Name: Great Principal Golden Immortal tactic]

[Quality: True God Rank Nine]

[Introduction: To transform from a mortal to a true god, you only need to practice this technique, of course, the premise is that the talent is up to the standard.

After becoming a Great Principal Golden Immortal, one can master the power of laws to a certain extent. It is normal to destroy a planet with one blow, and countless great Divine Abilities will emerge with every gesture

Those who have reached this realm are important existences in the entire universe, and their fighting power is no less than that of the religious Divine Level. ]

"Sure enough.

"It's just a pity, even if all the spiritual energy in the firmament world is exhausted, it is estimated that only a True Immortal can be confessed."

"But it doesn't matter, most of the endless Star Domain is the origin of cultivating immortals."

Qin Ming amplified all the subsequent exercises.

"King Kong Immortal Armor" directly triggers a 3000-fold increase, and changes into "Myriad Tribulations Immortal Armor", which is specially used to resist thunder and sky calamities, and its quality has directly reached the peak of the legendary realm.

"Sword of Suppressing Evil" also triggers a 3,000-fold increase and changes to "Sword of Killing Demons", the attack power is turned upside down, and it specializes in restraining super-large targets.

At the same time there are some reference books.

For example, arrays, alchemy, and weapon refining.

Qin Ming also carried out a ten-thousand-fold increase.

However, the magnification is not high, as before, hovering around 3000 times.

Therefore, the highest is the legendary realm.

But for the current firmament world.

Definitely enough.

Qin Ming spread these reference books and the Great Principal Golden Immortal formula, making it popular among the human race.


"It's just a pity that the dinosaur race can't keep up with the pace more and more. They are not suitable for cultivation like the human race, and are more suitable for directly changing the essence of life through the pillar of creation.

To put it bluntly, dinosaurs are lizards.

Naturally, aptitude and footsteps cannot be compared with the human race, which is the best of all things.

Cultivation is layer upon layer restricted.


Directly modifying their 210 life essence is the most practical method.

"Let them hang up for a while, and then go to the endless Star Domain to find suitable gene fragments for them after they get back the dimensional gate."

The gate of dimension, regardless of distance, regardless of restrictions.

Just find the exact coordinates.

You can directly transmigrate to the past to fight raids and blitzkriegs. In this way, you can easily obtain the desired gene fragments.

After Qin Ming made his decision, he contacted the mother spirit of creation again.

"Now that everything is ready, the only thing we need is the east wind, and the human race is developing in full swing. I think it's time for us to bring back the gate of dimensionality.

"When the human race is a little stronger, the Star Domain war can be started!"

Creation Mother Qi nodded.

"Good master, there is still 1409w of the original land left, I will absorb it immediately and restore my own strength!"

Ten million original powers.

In exchange for a supreme Divine Weapon.

It's definitely worth it!

"As soon as possible."

"Okay, the process will take more than ten minutes, please wait patiently."

Qin Ming nodded.

Then came over the territory of the human race.

Directly speed up the time flow.

The system announcement also sounded.

[Since you spread the Cheats of Immortal Cultivation, the entire human race has boiled again. Even the common people are going to the road of Immortal Cultivation. In order to understand the cultivation method, they spontaneously organized adult literacy classes. In just a few months, the Qin Empire The illiteracy rate dropped to the bottom.

at the same time.

In the barracks, tens of thousands of bronze powerhouses were born one after another. At this time, they can already be called immortal soldiers and immortal generals.

Under the operation of the Great Qin Empire, they practiced and practiced systematically.

Everyone quickly opened up the Spirit Sea, became Qi Refining Realm monks, and progressed towards the Foundation Building realm. ]

[40000 bronze-level creatures were added to the sky world, and you have obtained 1.2000000 planetary points in total! ]



"Add 4w bronze level?"

Qin Ming was a little surprised at first.

Then it feels reasonable.

After all, there are 40,000 regular troops of the human race.

Coupled with the aura environment in the sky world and the systematic cultivation mode in the Qin Empire.

In just a few years, such an achievement is also non-committal.

"Each bronze level can provide 30 planetary points, I'm afraid I'm going to directly break through to silver..."

Qin Ming muttered for a while.

Then the sound of the system sounded.

[Congratulations, you have met the upgrade requirements, your realm has been upgraded from elementary bronze to intermediate bronze. ]

[Congratulations, you have met the upgrade requirements, your realm has been upgraded from intermediate bronze to advanced bronze. ](afcc)

The system message keeps improving.

It didn't stop until the junior silver.

"Let's jump directly to a big realm."

"Tut tut."

"I've just gained the Immortal Origin of the Integrated Union, and I've made such rapid progress. Those who have just awakened and have the Origin of Immortal Cultivation, how strong do they have to be?"

in this world.

There are many plutocrats.

For example, the Shanxing chaebol in Bangchui Kingdom, after the advent of the era of all people's star masters, this chaebol has gradually grown bigger and stronger with the previously accumulated capital. Up to now, there are hundreds of Divine Level star masters who have joined the alliance.

In the whole world, everyone has the right to speak.

And what these chaebols like most is to absorb potential star masters.

A generic method is a contract.

Those who sign the contract can get tens of billions of capital investment.

The price is to join the alliance.

There are also various tasks to complete.

"never mind."

"After all, my growth rate is ten thousand times faster than others."

Qin Ming glanced at the system panel.

[Planet Level: Primary Silver (4w/128w) ]

"It will take some time for the Genesis Mother Qi to retrieve the dimension gate, let's look at the development of the human race first.

Qin Ming accelerated the flow of time again.

[At this time, the cultivation of the human race is in full swing, and various systems are coming in one after another.

Guided by the various reference books you have distributed.

Formation masters, alchemists, weapon refiners, and various special professions are all booming.

The most remarkable among them is the formation mage. By mastering special immortal cultivation runes, he can guide and change the rules of the spiritual energy.

These runes can not only be used to refine weapons, but can even be connected with other runes to form formations.

This kind of rune full of scientific rules was quickly targeted by the empire's chief scientist "Lan".

She was keenly aware of it.

Traditional science and technology are nothing more than mayflies in front of cultivators. ]

"The technology level is still too low."

In the age of the star master.

With the same level of potential, the strength of the source of science and technology is no less than that of cultivation.

The latter can reverse destiny, transmigrate space, and destroy a planet with one move.

The former can also be achieved through various instruments, such as star destroyer cannons and two-way foils, which are also not to be underestimated.

"I feel that this Lan is most likely developing towards cultivation technology."

"That is to use the idea of ​​cultivating immortals to develop."

A glimmer of expectation arose in Qin Ming's heart.

Then keep watching.

[Lan decided to combine aura with technology and use the method of developing technology to develop runes. She named this subject——Xianxian Technology!

She first raised her realm to the Qi Refining Realm with the help of Prince Su.

After gaining initial control over the aura.

He began to study Reiki technology.

This is a long process.

Fortunately, everything is difficult at the beginning. After initially mastering a few hundred runes, I successfully designed the aura engine.

Used to replace the ancient steam engine.

The effect of this behavior is remarkable. Not only is the aura engine tens of thousands of times more efficient than a steam engine, it is also safer and more reliable.

At the same time, she was keenly aware of it.

Traditional artillery was unreliable, so she planned to combine the cannon with the spiritual energy engine.

Design a war machine with heavy armor, strong mobility, and powerful artillery.

This is a long study. ]

"Integrated Union runetech tank?"

"It can be regarded as a trick."


"If it can produce energy, its combat effectiveness is not weak."

Qin Ming has expectations for it.

On the war zone.

Naturally, it is the general against the general, and the small soldier against the small soldier.

"Let her develop. Anyway, her lifespan has been increased by several hundred years, so it's okay if time flows faster.

Qin Ming accelerated the flow of time again.

That is one year in the firmament world, which corresponds to one second in the real world.


The entire firmament realm flourished.

[Under the influence of the light of mutation and evolution, the transformed creatures in the Firmament Realm are becoming more and more capable of utilizing spiritual energy.

Many giant animals slowly develop towards the Beast Race and gradually awaken to spirituality.

In the ocean, this develops even more rapidly.

Many small fish and shrimps have rapidly expanded in size, and marine predators have been affected and have also expanded in size.

Among them, the whale, relying on its not low IQ, has developed an IQ equivalent to that of a ten-year-old child in just a few decades.

on land.

Beasts such as tigers also expand rapidly.

But the biggest change.

Or the human race.

High IQ coupled with a system, and the characteristics of cultivating immortal skills.

Many elite cultivators have continuously realized the mystery of the Great Principal Golden Immortal formula, and quickly raised their strength to the Foundation Building level.

A genius like Ru Wei has achieved great success in the Foundation Building realm in just a few decades, and is trying to cross the Gold Core realm. ]

"Vigorous and vigorous, everything is in full swing!"

"Give it a few hundred more years."

"The birth of a group of Gold Core realm monks is no problem at all.

"It seems that we still need some external support."

Just when Qin Ming was thinking about it.

The Creation Mother Qi brings good news.

"Master, I have absorbed the rest of the original power, plus 1% of the recovery of realm improvement, I have recovered myself to 15%"

"Have enough strength to retrieve the dimensional gate."

Qin Ming responded happily: "That's great.

"Then let's start quickly!"

The mother spirit of creation nodded, and then brought Qin Ming to the atmosphere of the sky world.

"I still have 500w of original power left in my body

Just enough to turn it into power.

Qin Ming didn't feel distressed.

Every time the mother spirit moves, it consumes the original power of Bai Huahua.

Although the expense is high, it is completely worth it.

"Just come and watch."

"Anyway, it's quite easy for us to obtain the power of origin.

Creation Mother Qi nodded.

Then I started to brew myself.

Countless original powers were consumed.

Just like when we retrieved the Pillar of Creation last time.

A space crack was opened.

While consuming her original power, her own aura is also rapidly expanding.

for a moment.

Qin Ming even felt the same breath as the ancient god and the old ruler in her.

Genesis Mother Qi raised her hands, an invisible force transmigrate the space crack.

at the same time.

Qin Ming also synchronized to the vision of the mother energy of creation.

On the other side of the space rift.

It's another plane.

in this world.

There are many blond and beautiful angels with halos on their backs and wings, and they wear plain white dresses.

The body exudes a pure and holy breath.

In the middle of this world.

There is a giant golden pyramid.

At the top of the pyramid.

It's a sleeping man.

There are several sixteen-winged seraphs beside him, and many little angels surround him, constantly blowing the sacred music.

Qin Ming recognized it instantly.


"It turned out to be the God of Light?!"


"Could this be the legendary kingdom of light?"

Qin Ming was a little surprised.

The Kingdom of Light is an extremely powerful existence.

There are many ethnic groups who believe in the Light God Sect, and trillions of believers provide the power of faith every day, constantly nourishing the Light God.

In the distance of the pyramid.

There is a simple and oppressive door!

Many angels pass in and out of it.

Some angels hold the head of the devil in their hands.

Qin Ming remembered what was written in the textbook...…

"It is said that there is a gate of judgment in the Kingdom of Light, through which countless angels can instantly teleport to any corner of the endless Star Domain.

"While checking and balancing the demons of the abyss, it also maintains the authority of the Light God Sect."

"I didn't expect that this door of judgment would be the door of dimension created by the mother spirit of creation."

Qin Ming suddenly found it funny.

in the legend.

The Gate of Judgment was created by the God of Light when the world was created in seven days.

But in fact it is the gate of dimension.

"Sure enough, all religions are hypocritical."

"Now, it can be regarded as returning to the original owner.

The Kingdom of Light is so powerful.

Can spread the sphere of influence into the endless Star Domain.

It has nothing to do with the so-called door of judgment.

Now the genesis mother gas is forcibly retrieved.

It can be regarded as breaking a leg of the Kingdom of Light.


Next to the "Gate of Judgment".

A space crack opened.

Countless angels were alarmed.

The God of Light is still sleeping.

But the sixteen-winged seraphs around him woke up instantly.

"There are foreign enemies invading!"


The invisible big hand that splits out from the mother spirit lifts up the door of judgment.

Tens of thousands of angels are facing the enemy!

"The Gate of Judgment is very dangerous, hurry up and invite the Archangel!"


Dozens of sixteen-winged seraphim descended.

They use many magical skills.

Unleash all your strength.

It is bound to stop the mother spirit.

However, all this is in vain.

The angels were surprised to find that their divine arts were unable to cause any harm to those thieves' hands.

What surprised them even more was yet to come.

Their proud eyes can't see through the cracks in space at all!

More and more angels descended.

But there is no way to stop the mother of the world from being angry.

that's all.

In the gaze of hundreds of thousands of angels.

Just like that, the door of judgment was taken away!


The space crack is closed.


The Supreme Divine Weapon———The Gate of Dimension!

Return to the embrace of the sky world!

Looking at the simple and mysterious gate in front of him, Qin Ming couldn't help sighing again and again.

"Disregarding distance, disregarding restrictions."

"In this way, I can now unlock the Star Domain barrier."

For the upcoming foreign war.

Genesis is also looking forward to it.

"Master, before that, I can also upgrade the cosmic sentry tower.

"After the upgrade, you can scan other Star Domains."

"This will be more beneficial for future battles!"


The things at home are done in the past few days, and the daily change of 20,000 will be resumed immediately.