
62. Integrated Union Is The Origin Of Immortal Cultivation, The Era Of Immortal Cultivation Has Begun, And Rapid Progress

in the previous.

Potential is really not Divine Level.

The Sky Realm just pieced things together and forcibly pulled together a group of soil teams.

The reason is because there is no planet origin.

There is no origin.

Naturally, there is no power system.

Today, the Integrated Union's origin of cultivating immortals is almost equivalent to the official conversion of the local warlords!

Live in a military dormitory and eat military rations.

The fighting power naturally soared.

"In the past, I relied on the Pillar of Creation and its ten-thousand-fold increase. I barely pulled up the combat power. With the subsequent development, I will definitely fall behind!"

"Now there is the source."

"The Sky Realm will definitely be thousands of times stronger!"

Qin Ming looked at the origin tree in front of him.

This big tree is tens of meters long, divided into trunk and leaves, and the whole body is made of marble.

at this time.

Countless sources of power emerged from him.

The light even illuminates the night!

In the center of the trunk and branches.

A "fruit" is taking shape.

It's certainly not fruit.

It is the origin of cultivating immortals that is being conceived.

This original prototype.

Being from thumb size.

Grows rapidly to the size of a watermelon.

From being dull to being radiant!

After about a few minutes.

One origin is ripe.

The source of cultivating immortals automatically fell off the tree trunk, and then slowly fell into Qin Ming's hands.

This watermelon-sized immortal cultivator origin.

There are seven kinds of light flowing through Tongsheng, corresponding to the five elements and yin and yang, and there are many obscure symbols densely covered in it.

[Name: Origin of Cultivation of Immortals]

[Quality: Divine Level]


After the source of the Integrated Union, it can emit spiritual energy in the world, and the spiritual energy is extremely gentle and will not harm any living things. In addition, it can transform not only living things, but also the entire planet, so that many natural treasures and Grotto- In the blessed land of Heaven, the power of laws exclusive to cultivating immortals will gradually emerge.

For example, the law of space and the law of strength.

This source can give birth to the highest Divine Level combat power! ]

[System introduction: This thing is differentiated by the creation mother gas, which is part of its body, and is not suitable for ten thousand times amplification! ]

Qin Ming quickly read the introduction.

"There is still the power of law?"

"While transforming creatures, you can also transform the planet, and the aura is extremely gentle, not as aggressive as the aura in the spirit realm."

"It can only be said that it is worthy of the origin of Divine Level.

Qin Ming sighed slightly.

Then throw it to Genesis Gas.

"The next thing will be left to you."

"I also want to control the Pillar of Creation."

During the search phase, Qin Ming let the Pillar of Creation automatically transform the corpses of more than 9,000 strange monks and monsters. At this time, the Great Emperor Nenghuang and gene fragments had already accumulated.

Creatures of the sky world.

Aura cannot be used directly.

Therefore, those gene fragments extracted from corpses must be Integrated Union with the creatures in the firmament world.

Make it have the ability to use aura.

The mother spirit of creation took over the source, turned around and transmigrated from the surface to the center of the earth, and started to go to the source of the Integrated Union.

Qin Ming also teleported to the side of the Pillar of Creation.

Looking at the huge double helix cylinder in front of me,

Qin Ming lamented its magnificence and mystery again.

"The Supreme Divine Weapon!"

"If only one day, I can also use this Divine Weapon to create a creature like the ancient god Sun Ruler.

Yue quickly put away her fantasies.


The system panel appears in front of you.

[Pillar of Creation (Incomplete)]

[1. Gene editing]

[2. Flesh Recycling]

[3. Life Manufacturing]

[Energy points: 2710000]

[Gene Fragments: Reiki Utilization, Cosmic Gene... ]

Qin Ming asked the Pillars of Creation to recover all the corpses by itself.

Since most of the puppets in the aura world are of the stronger bronze realm, each corpse can provide energy points ranging from 90 to 120.


So a total of 120w points were recovered.

Plus the previously saved 151w points.

So a total of 271w points.

"Sure enough, it's really a robbery. No wonder there are so many warlords in troubled times. My neighbors stock up on grain and I stock up on guns. My neighbor is my granary.

"However, the affairs of scholars cannot be called robbery."

"It should be called borrowing."

Wait until the Star Domain barrier is released later.

Qin Ming will also take the initiative to find his neighbors to "borrow" some supplies and energy points.

As for still?

I borrowed it on my own merit.

Why pay it back?

After observing these.

Qin Ming briefly checked the profile.

The so-called spiritual utilization.

It is the ability to convert aura into various energies.

It can also be used to temper muscles and bones.

Even condensed Gold Core and so on.

It is an innate ability.

It's not like Wei was trained by himself.

Whether it is a monk or a Beast Race.

Being able to embark on the road of spiritual energy cultivation is all because of the genetic fragments that are born with spiritual energy.

"A full 2.71 million points`

"Not only can people and dragons have the ability to cultivate spiritual energy, but also other species can have it."

In the sky realm.

There are 15,000 species of flora and fauna, of which more than 5,000 are animals.

"271w energy points are only enough to cover 135 kinds of animals."

Qin Ming carefully selected some species.

Most of these have combat potential. After possessing the ability to utilize aura, both combat effectiveness and life level will enter a brand new level.

As for other species.

Anyway, the aura of cultivating immortals is extremely gentle, which can be regarded as leaving room for evolution.

Opportunities are earned...

After Qin Ming confirmed that it was correct.

The Pillars of Creation are at work!

As the energy points are emptied.

The entire Firmament Realm is undergoing transformation once again.

The first is on land.

Large birds of prey are naturally in the coverage area.

in the sky.

Such as eagles, etc., are also within the scope of transformation.

Located in the middle of the ocean.

There are also kings of the sea such as dunfish and whales.

These powerful species with fighting potential are all within the scope of transformation.


The makeover is over!

Qin Ming closed the system panel, and the next thing to do was to wait quietly for the mother spirit of creation to complete the Integrated Union's origin of immortal cultivation.

While waiting.

Qin Ming felt it suddenly.

in the real world.

His physical body seemed to perceive something.

So the essence Divine Body returns to the physical body.

"It turned out that the head teacher sent me a message."

Qin Ming turned on the phone.

[Ms. Shao, head teacher: You've been very busy recently. ]

[It's ok, Tutor

[Teacher Mr. Shao:

After all, it is a double-material Divine Level potential, so how about this, you don't have to come in person for the college entrance examination registration in the afternoon, I will help you directly, and you can develop your own little planet.

Pull up the realm, and after a while it will be the college entrance examination.

You must know that tens of thousands of candidates have crossed the line of fire, and a high score can kill hundreds of thousands of people.

So you must concentrate all your energy on developing well!]

Qin Ming just didn't want to go in person either.

With such a good thing in front of him, he naturally agreed.

[Then trouble Teacher Shao!]

[Ms. Shao, head teacher: It's all trivial, I'm going to get busy first, you should go too (smile) ]

The chat between the two ended quickly.

Qin Ming also turned off his cell phone.

"In about ten days, the college entrance examination will officially open."

The intensity of the college entrance examination.

It can be said to be very large.

Tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of young star masters across the country are competing for those tens of thousands of places.

Those who participated in the college entrance examination were not only ordinary people, but also rich children from big families.


Ordinary people, basically no threat.

As for the children of rich families, it is different.

In order to support their second generation, the rich will do everything they can.

Crazy pile of resources is the most basic.

Hundreds of billions of funds were poured down just to improve a small realm.

Others were personally brought to the Endless Star Domain to hone.

There is no college entrance examination yet.

The strength becomes extremely powerful.

As the saying goes.

The Eight Immortals cross the sea, each showing their Divine Ability.

"It's a pity that no matter how powerful they are, they can't compare to my ten-thousand-fold increase and mother spirit!"

Qin Ming is confident that he can win the first place in the country and become the best among the best.

After turning off the phone.

Qin Ming ate something to fill his stomach by the way, and then returned to the sky world.

Just returned to the sky.

Genesis brings good news.

"Reporting to the master, I have successfully completed the Integrated Union, and I can breathe out the aura of heaven and earth at any time to transform the creatures and environment in the sky world.

"very good."

"You should release your spiritual energy as soon as possible. There will be many wars in the firmament world in the future, and we need to strengthen our strength as soon as possible."

Not to mention the upcoming college entrance examination.

Even the other Star Domains next to the Sky Star Domain are full of threats.

If you want to feel at ease, you must have strength.

After all, dignity exists at the edge of the sword.

"Yes, I will start now..."

The Creator Qi lowered her head, as if she was communicating something, and a few seconds later, the sky world also started to shake!

First is the ocean.

Countless bubbles burst out.

There are also major earthquakes on land!

Many high mountains were shattered, and even the territory of the human race was affected...

There are countless large cracks in the ocean, and many cracks in the land, and these go straight to the mantle.

But this is to pave the way for the future.


The aura officially began to erupt.

The first is the ocean, the aura spewed out from the seabed cracks, integrated union with the sea water at an extremely fast speed, and soon spread to every corner of the sky world ocean.

The species that were the first to be transformed by the Pillars of Creation can keenly feel that this power is beneficial to them.

Instead of avoiding, he actively contacts.

The same is true on land.

Spiritual energy penetrated into every corner of the sky world.

One flower and one tree, one stone and one grass.

All bathed in aura!

The entire sky world is constantly changing, gradually becoming extraordinary under the influence of spiritual energy.

Qin Ming also took the opportunity to travel the world.

Due to the extremely gentle aura from the origin of cultivating immortals, many species that have not been transformed can be bathed in the minister of aura.

Although there is no change at the beginning, the effect will gradually occur as time goes by.

"You can go and see the situation of the Dragon Clan first."

The previous Dragon Clan, it was difficult to generate internal force because of their physique.

Now the aura is ready-made, and there is no need to work hard at all, it only needs to be absorbed and refined.

After coming to the clan land of the dragon clan.

Qin Ming saw a new scene.

All the dragons were prostrate on the ground, slowly absorbing the aura between heaven and earth.

"The dragon race is different from the human race. Under the effect of aura, it is estimated that they will move toward the Beast Race."


"However, this route is still a bit bad. Although Tyrannosaurus rex is called a dragon, it is just a group of large lizards. It would be great if we could get the genes of the dragon family."

Qin Ming thought for a while.

"It can develop towards an endless Star Domain.

"After the combat power of the firmament reaches the gold level, you can try to plunder other Star Domains."


Always develop faster than yourself.

Many powerful star masters.

In the beginning, class leaping was accomplished by plundering.

Qin Ming naturally followed the example of the sages.

At this time, the aura has just arrived, and although the Dragon Clan is absorbing it, it has not yet blossomed and borne fruit.

Qin Ming then prepared to take a look at the human race.

Before the Integrated Union cultivated the source of immortality.

Already Youwei, a martial arts genius, ran into the spirit realm and got used to the spirit energy.


Now the aura is smooth.

The entire human race can absorb aura.

Their speed will also develop faster.

It won't be long before Qi Refining will be everywhere.


A master is not as good as a dog!


Qin Ming came to the palace.

at this time.

Zheng and his party.

All fell into joy.

Especially Wei.

Couldn't be happier.

"Such abundant aura of heaven and earth, and no need to travel hundreds of miles to replenish it, no matter the elderly or children, can absorb and utilize it, thank God for the gift!"

Zheng stroked his beard and was also very happy.

Decades have passed, and even he who has reached the realm of a master is already aging.

Just when he was still worrying about prolonging his life.

The Age of Reiki has arrived!

Not only can it adapt to the spiritual energy, but it can also absorb and utilize the spiritual energy. With a little exercise, the lifespan can be easily increased.

This equals.

Just a little exercise.

Everyone can be compared to the realm of a master.

After all, there is no need to cumbersomely practice, transform and use internal power.

Prince Su on the side was also very happy.

"In this way, martial arts can be completely given up, and all spiritual energy can be cultivated. I can feel that spiritual energy has changed me more and more..."

"All of this is thanks to the God of Creation." Lan said from the bottom of his heart.

So is the palace.

The same goes for the barracks.

Everyone is happy with their strength growth.

Everyone knows it in their hearts.

The era of all people cultivating immortals.

has come!

Qin Ming also felt the same way.

"Nature develops too slowly."

"Accelerate the flow of time.

"Anyway, I'm not afraid that this group of people will die of old age. After breaking through to the subsequent stage, their life span can easily be increased by hundreds or thousands of years."

This is the origin of cultivating immortals.

One of the most powerful sources of super martial arts!

Qin Ming speeds up the flow of time.

[With the advent of the era of spiritual energy, the era of cultivating immortals for all began. Every household is not practicing martial arts, but is practicing longevity.

Especially the army of the Qin Empire, after simple training and adaptation, everyone's combat power is comparable to that of a master, and it is still rising.

In order to speed up the cultivation of the human race (Zhao De's), Wei compiled a special exercise.

The name is "Spirit Sea"

This technique was quickly popularized in the army, and it only took a few years of practice to become a monk in the Qi Refining realm. ]

[After several years of training, most of the soldiers in the army have been promoted to the Spirit Sea Realm realm, and there are even many masters among the civilians.


As time progresses, the human race's desire for a new realm is getting bigger and bigger.

But Wei gradually felt powerless, and he couldn't make any progress in his own realm.

This time is not like before, only a little chance and hard work can solve the problem.

It can be said to be a real shackle. ]

"This exercise is still a bit too crude, only the most basic practice and competition..."

Qin Ming is well aware that this is a difficult problem.

"I found some spiritual energy cultivation techniques earlier, and now I can take them out and use them."

Although it's just a spiritual practice, it's not as good as the real Immortal Law, but it's enough for the Sky Realm to take another big step forward, from the Bronze rank to the Silver rank.

Qin Ming took out the exercises from the system.

The names of these exercises are simple.

"Gold Core Jue", "King Kong Indestructible Armor", "Sword of Suppressing Evil".

"so so."

"The highest is only Gold Core."

"The group of people in the spiritual world may not have cultivated themselves, as expected, they still have to rely on ten thousand times of amplification.

Qin Ming held the exercise in his hand, and then activated the ten-thousand-fold increase.

[Name: Gold Core tactic]

[Quality: Diamond ]

[Introduction: The Gold Core cultivation method can guide practitioners from ordinary people to the whole process of refining into a Gold Core. The cultivation method with an extremely low threshold can give birth to a diamond-level battle order at the highest. ]

"Ten thousand times increase!"

The system sound appears again.

[The item "Gold Core tactic" has been detected, and it is being multiplied randomly]

[You have randomly reached 5000 times this time and are increasing]

"Luck is getting better and better during this time of cold."

"There was another 8,000 times before, and now there is another 5,000 times!"

Qin Ming sighed slightly.

Between talking and laughing.

The system has just finished increasing.

Gold Core decision.

Changed into the Great Principal Golden Immortal tactic!.