
Different every morning

Q: What does it feel like to become a different person every morning? Mia: Thanks for the invitation. I just turned into a dragon and now I am worried about how to hide my ears and tail from my new family. Also, my throat is not feeling well due to a cold recently. I hope I won’t breath fire/worry in front of them. .jpg When the Bat family saw Mia for the first time, they noticed the difference between her and them. She was optimistic, lively, innocent and cute, just like a bouquet of flowers growing in the sun and had not been exposed to any darkness, which also made them When facing her, he unconsciously became a little more protective. Until one day, they discovered that their daughter/sister suddenly turned into a dragon and could breathe fire. Everyone:... This is not original but translated All credit goes to the author Thank you

Queen_world_1001 · Movies
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42 Chs

Chapter 33

It's hard to explain Mia's feelings about Martha and Thomas. After all, she has never met them, and all her impressions of them come from what the media said about them when she was looking for information about Bruce.

They said that if the Waynes had not died, maybe Gotham would be a better place. They also said that it is difficult for us to determine whether the deaths of the Waynes were an accident or murder, but what we can be sure of is that This death not only caused psychological trauma to their young children - Bruce Wayne has not gotten over it for nearly thirty years, but also turned nearly half of Gotham's charity projects into money launderers. tool.

Those regrets and helplessness are just like extreme sports and banquets. As long as there are reports about Bruce, they will talk about them, and they will use a condemning tone when writing, as if they themselves are Martha and Thomas, and they will talk about Bruce. Disappointed by what Baby Ruthie did.

To be honest, Mia can't understand this. In the education she received, they have no right to guide or interfere in other people's lives, whether he wants to become a playboy and squander those billions of property, or wear clothes late at night. It should be his own choice to wear a uniform to fight criminals, and they have no right to comment on it.

But thinking about her own situation, if those people could really do this, she wouldn't have to bother wearing long sleeves and a hat in the summer just to cover up things that shouldn't be on her body. So Mia just sighed helplessly.

She stood there with her eyes wide open and looked at the two old people in front of her. It was actually a bit strange to say that they were old people. After all, they looked very young. Even based on their age, they should be in their sixties or seventies, but their The appearance remains the same as the year they died.

"Good morning, good morning." She called to them hesitantly. This meeting was beyond her expectation. She only thought that she could meet her mother, but she never thought that she could also meet Bruce's parents and her grandparents.

Martha and Thomas were also stunned after hearing Mia's words. They looked around in surprise. After making sure that no one was around, they hesitantly replied with "Good morning".

Even if they knew Mia's ability - when they returned from the kingdom of the dead to the world of the living a few days ago, they happened to see the dragon lying in the garden, and Mia, with dragon horns and tail, standing next to their child Ya. Her tail swayed unconsciously, and her eyes when looking at Bruce were full of trust and dependence.

In that moment, they knew that there was another child in the Wayne family, and he was also a child related to dragons.

To be honest, they don't have any problem with this, and can even be said to be a little happy, it means that their children can have more people to accompany them.

After their death their children walled themselves off and refused to have contact with anyone. He was like a wounded hedgehog. Anyone who tried to get close to him except Alfred would be pricked by him. In fact, even Alfred would often be pushed away by him.

Faced with this situation, Martha and the others could do nothing. They could only watch their children suffer because of their deaths. This made them sad but helpless.

After that, Bruce dropped out of school and left Gotham. When he came back again, he chose to become Batman and protect Gotham in his own way.

Martha strongly disagreed with this. She would always remember Bruce's first patrol, when he hadn't even chosen to be Batman yet, he just casually put on a cowl to hide his identity and then hit the streets to fight criminals.

So of course, a good person with no experience was taught a lesson by those gangsters. The hard iron rod fell on him, and along with it were the taunts and abuses. They mocked his justice, saying that good people could not survive in a place like Gotham, and scolded him for meddling in other people's business. If he hadn't suddenly appeared, the bitch wouldn't have escaped.

After hearing that sentence, Bruce struggled to open his eyes. He looked in the direction where the woman was standing just now. There was no one there now. And this is the only thing to be happy about tonight.

He dragged his bruised body

carefully back to Wayne Manor. Even though it was his house, he didn't want to wake Alfred up, especially since he was still in such an embarrassing state.

But unfortunately, it was of no use. When he tried to find out, there was almost no change in this house compared to more than ten years ago (Alfred did not change anything, he let this house stay in the happiest period. When he found the medical kit in the mansion (which was also the most painful time), the lights were suddenly turned on. The dazzling light made Bruce squint his eyes subconsciously.

He tensed his body and turned around. Over the years of training, he had learned to be alert at all times. After all, you never know where your enemies will appear from. But after seeing that it was Alfred, Bruce relaxed again.

He slumped his shoulders and lowered his head slightly, looking like a child who had made a mistake. He could never hide it from Alfred, just like he could never hide it from his parents.

They stood next to Alfred, and when they saw Bruce covered in injuries, they were not only distressed, but even more angry.

They were angry that he dared to hurt their child like this. It was their baby. The moment he was born, they swore that they would protect him for the rest of their lives.

But now, they are standing here, they can only stand here, watching Alfred bandage Bruce's wounds, watching him find inspiration from the bat that broke the glass, watching him become Batman, watching He put their children in danger time and time again while wearing that uniform.

Seriously, Martha felt like she hated Batman because he was killing her children, over and over again.

But when she looked at the people who gathered around Bruce because of Batman, Dick, Barbara, Jason, Tim, Stephanie, Cassandra, Damian... her child was no longer alone. , he has a new family and new friends.

Maybe that night will never disappear from his dreams, but new dreams will always appear, and his children and friends will be by his side, healing his pain and loneliness.

Speaking of which, when Bruce was young, Martha always liked to call Bruce Bruce. It was like a pet name, symbolizing that he was her baby. But now, her baby is no longer just her baby, he is It's Bruce, it's Batman, it's a child, and it's a father... Over the years, her child has grown into a proud adult who can stand alone.

It was only in the next few days that they discovered that Mia seemed to be more than just a dragon. To be precise, she probably turned into a different character every day, and today, she should have turned into a character who could see ghosts. Martha thought.

She looked at the children standing in front of her with a gentle expression. She was wearing a T-shirt and shorts, which allowed her to move more easily than a skirt, and she looked at them with hesitation.

She wanted to say something to them, but she didn't know how to say it. After all, they were not the undead that had nothing to do with her. They were her grandparents, and she wanted to leave a good impression on them.

So after thinking for a long time, actually only about a minute or two, Mia finally spoke tentatively. She asked them if they wanted to have breakfast with her.

It's breakfast time now, and they can sit at the dining table together and enjoy the delicious food prepared by Alfred, as well as the indispensable milk and freshly squeezed juice in the morning, which can provide them with sufficient nutrition.

Then they can also talk about their wishes. Today she is the ghost wish granter. She will help all the undead she sees to realize their wishes, except of course those that will touch the law and her bottom line.

But after saying that sentence, Mia realized that there were two undead standing in front of her now. They could not touch anything in the living world, which naturally included the food.

Thinking of this, Mia began to regret. She regretted that she should have considered it more carefully instead of saying the invitation so casually.

Fortunately, the Waynes didn't care. They looked at her with a smile and agreed to her invitation. However, they hoped that she could hide their presence before going to the restaurant. That made Mia wonder, "Why?" she asked.

"Because it's not necessary."

Martha replied softly. She didn't say much, she just looked at Mia with an apologetic expression, as if to say, I'm sorry, I don't want to answer this question.

So Mia just shrugged nonchalantly and ran to the restaurant after looking around for a while. Damian was still sitting at the dining table today. When he saw Mia, who had not changed at all, there was a hint of disappointment in his expression, but he soon returned to his original appearance and asked Mia what she was like today.

"Ghosts..." Mia replied after hearing Damian's words, but in the middle of speaking, she suddenly remembered that she promised Martha that she would conceal their existence, and if she said that she could see the undead today, Then this matter definitely cannot be concealed.

So she swallowed the next few words almost immediately, and instead asked Damian stiffly what he was going to dress up as for Halloween this year, and she also concealed that she planned to dress up as a ghost this year.

This made Damian frown. He looked at Mia carefully with scrutinizing eyes, as if he was looking at a prisoner, but he quickly looked away and left the restaurant.

Mia was relieved after seeing Damian leave. She lay on the table tiredly. What just happened had exhausted all her energy today.

Alfred placed her breakfast in front of her. The aroma of bacon mixed with the milky aroma made Mia swallow subconsciously. She half-opened her eyes and looked at the delicious breakfast in front of her.

Normally, she would definitely start enjoying the food while shouting "I'm starting" (she learned this from the animation, in which the protagonist would say "I'm starting" before starting to eat).

But today Martha and Thomas were still next to her, and she had no choice but to enjoy the food by herself without paying attention to them.

So after hesitating for a while, Mia took advantage of Ah Fu's absence and asked them in a low voice if they wanted to prepare a breakfast for them, "I can tell Ah Fu that I'm starving today and have to eat three breakfasts to fill my stomach." Full stomach." She said to them seriously, but all she got was rejection.

They looked at her with loving eyes, as if they were looking at a cute child, "You don't have to worry about us, Mia." Martha said with a smile.

"Yes, you can focus on enjoying your breakfast instead of paying attention to us two old people who have been gone for many years." Thomas also agreed beside him.

He sat on the chair, and when he saw Mia subconsciously skipping the broccoli and beans, he told Mia in a nostalgic tone that Bruce didn't like eating broccoli and beans either. In order to make Bruce behave, Alfred Eating the broccoli for his breakfast and learning a lot about broccoli dishes.

"But it's no use, whether he's trying to make it tastier or hide it, Bruce isn't going to try it," Thomas continued ruefully.

Martha also added after hearing his words. She lowered her eyes slightly and looked at Mia. At that time, Bruce was also sitting in this position and slowly picked out the broccoli on his plate, no matter what kind of broccoli it was. form exists, he can always find it immediately, just like a detective.

Martha sighed at the thought. Her child has been a detective since he was a child, and he is still a detective now.

"That doesn't sound like Batman." Mia muttered under her breath, but this time she didn't skip the broccoli, but picked them up with a fork and put them in her mouth.

After breakfast was finished, Mia returned to the room, picked up the notebook, and looked at the Wayne couple standing in front of her with a serious face. The day of the wish-grantor had officially begun.

Unfortunately, her two clients are now unaware of their wishes.

They were stunned for a moment when they heard her words, and then it took a long time to tell her that they didn't want to do anything. They only had time to return to the world of the living now and then - in fact, they always had a lot of time.

Almost every year they receive many sacrifices from the living world, not just from Bruce, but also from many people who have been helped by Wayne.

They put their photos on the cabinet to express their gratitude, and on the day of their death they always

put a flower in front of the photo to express their sadness at their death.

And those things are enough for them to live a comfortable and wealthy life in the country of the dead. Coupled with the good deeds they did during their lifetime, they often return to the world of the living to visit their own children. People always turn a blind eye.

To be honest, Martha and the others were very satisfied with this. After all, at the moment of their deaths, they never thought that they could actually watch Bruce grow up with their own eyes.

Even though he didn't know they existed and they hadn't hugged each other in all these years, it was enough. Their child is doing well and has become an excellent adult even without their company.

"But don't you want to chat with him?" Mia asked doubtfully. Even if Bruce can't hear their voices or see Martha and Thomas, she can, she can serve as a microphone between them, allowing the two family members in different worlds to communicate well.

"Of course I want to, but there is no need." Martha sighed after hearing Mia's words. God knows how much she wanted to talk to her child, she wanted to tell him that he had never brought shame to the name Wayne, that he was the best, that he was their pride, but she couldn't do that.

In the past few days, they have learned that Mia's ability can only last for one day, and this means that when today is over, they will return to their original appearance again. No one can see them, and no one can It can be heard that they will be separated from their children, once again.

They have been away from Bruce's world for more than ten years, there is no need to suddenly appear now and then leave sadness and reluctance everywhere.

"Okay, then I can ask you, did you see a very good-looking undead with long hair, green eyes, on the way here? That's my mother." Mia said anxiously.

Normally, she would see her mother as soon as she opened her eyes, sitting by her bed, with the sun shining through the curtains, filling the whole room with warmth. But she didn't find her mother today. On the way to the restaurant, she looked around to see where her mother was. Wayne Manor is so big that it's normal for her to get lost.

But no, she didn't see anything, her mother was not here. This inevitably made Mia feel a little disappointed.

She wanted to call Aunt Chloe immediately and ask her if she had told her mother that she was in Gotham, in Wayne Manor, and her room was the third from the right on the second floor, and there was a The bunny sticker was a mark she specially made with the permission of Alfred and Bruce. As long as she came to Wayne Manor and went up to the second floor, she could see her room at a glance.

"I'm sorry we didn't see it." Martha replied apologetically. She did not see the undead soul that Mia described in Wayne Manor. In fact, there were no undead souls in the house except them.

"Well, maybe she's just on her way to Gotham." Mia comforted herself. She picked up the pen again, then looked at Martha and Thomas with a serious expression again, and said seriously, "But Dad knows about this." Things will definitely be happy, just like I will be very happy every time I see my mother."

But unfortunately this did not convince Martha and the others. They had seen their children suffer because of them too many times over the years.

Magic, pollen, fear gas, black mercy flower... and his guilt and love for them all made that night still reappear in his dreams even after so many years.

The gunshots, blood, tears, people's screams and the sirens of police cars... these all made Bruce feel sad. He curled up, even though he knew those things had passed many years ago, and he was no longer the helpless child he was before, but every time he was forced to step into that alley, everything seemed like All restored to their original state.

His vision began to decrease, and everything around him fell into darkness. In the end, all he could see were the two bodies lying in front of him, the remains of his parents, and the string of pearl necklaces scattered on the ground.

And this conversation that cannot be seen in person may be happy, pleasant, and relaxing, but it may also be sad

and painful, and will be used by the villains in the future.

Martha wasn't sure of this, so she'd rather it never happened in the first place. She didn't want or want her child to be harmed in any way.